Anybody here STILL living in a fantasy that the donkeys might go to the superbowl?lol


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
If you are then you better get off that pipe you been smoking.:lmao:

I hear a few people around here talking about how great their defense is when in reality,its actually been inconsistant all year long. Now the Seahawks,the Cardinals,and the Lions are teams that have had a great defense this year.

Those are teams i think of when i hear great defense.The donkeys though? you cant be serious.:lmao: against really weak teams such as the chargers,chiefs,and raiders yes but thats not saying much.what defense DOESNT look great against those teams?:cuckoo:

Better check back to the blowout loss to the pats earlier in the year or the dolphins games where they barely beat them in denver 38-35 or something like that and now last nights game against the BUNGLES.a. team that historically chokes in prime time games.

The Bungles also did everything in the world to try and give this game to the Donkeys with costly fumbles at the worst time with one at the goal line,idiotic drive killing penaltys such as an asinine unsportsman like taunting penalty that took them out of field goal range,oh and not to mention they were playing without their two starting wide receivers and had to make do with backups that burned that secondary that was aquired in the off season that was suppose to shore up a defense.:rofl:

that alleged great defense and great running game havebeen inconsistant all year long and just as I knew would be the case going into the season,Manning is not having the same kind of amazing year he had last year.He knew I'm sure going in he wouldnt have the same year he had last year.Brett Farve knew.Manning wouldnt be any different either I'm sure.

Manning probably had a talk with Elway no doubt on shoring up a weak defense last year that was really weak trying to get it to be more physical because he knew that.

The defense has been better no doubt but it is one year too late though.Mannings play has for sure dropped off as pretty much everyone knew it would the fact he isn't getting any younger.

I have said this all year long,that while the donkeys are tough to beat at home and a force to be reckoned with there in the mountains,they are a much different team on the road and are very vulnerable as was proven once again last night.

amazing how some people around here never listen that Manning indeed panics and gets scared in big important games.that he is a clone of Dan Marino.:rolleyes-41:

He threw FOUR intercpetions last night.three of them very costly coming in the last five minutes of the game at the worst possible time and this was agains the BUNGLES who again did their very best to try and give this game to them.:rofl:

and yet, some of you around here actually think he will fair any better against The Patriots who have Tom Brady,a future hall of famer and easily one of the top ten best quarterbacks ever in the game if not in the top five, on the ROAD no less.comedy gold.:rofl::lmao::lmao:
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I noticed the Cincy defence had help from the guys in stripes. And the weather.
the Bungles had to play in the exact same conditions the donkeys did I did not see the first half so the help from them must have come then cause i saw nothing in the second half where they helped them.

as i said,the donkeys defense has been very inconsistant all year long,when they go on the road,they are a far much different team half the time and very vulnerable as once again demonstrated.

the pats arent going to do everything to try and help the donkeys win the game either with stupid asinine penaltys and fumbles at the worst possible time to keep the game close either.Just like last time,expect another blowout and manning to go into his usual panic mode.:biggrin:
I noticed the Cincy defence had help from the guys in stripes. And the weather.
the Bungles had to play in the exact same conditions the donkeys did I did not see the first half so the help from them must have come then cause i saw nothing in the second half where they helped them.

as i said,the donkeys defense has been very inconsistant all year long,when they go on the road,they are a far much different team half the time and very vulnerable as once again demonstrated.

the pats arent going to do everything to try and help the donkeys win the game either with stupid asinine penaltys and fumbles at the worst possible time to keep the game close either.Just like last time,expect another blowout and manning to go into his usual panic mode.:biggrin:

It all depends. I think the games are rigged to help bookies.
I noticed the Cincy defence had help from the guys in stripes. And the weather.
the Bungles had to play in the exact same conditions the donkeys did I did not see the first half so the help from them must have come then cause i saw nothing in the second half where they helped them.

as i said,the donkeys defense has been very inconsistant all year long,when they go on the road,they are a far much different team half the time and very vulnerable as once again demonstrated.

the pats arent going to do everything to try and help the donkeys win the game either with stupid asinine penaltys and fumbles at the worst possible time to keep the game close either.Just like last time,expect another blowout and manning to go into his usual panic mode.:biggrin:

It all depends. I think the games are rigged to help bookies.
I understand why you would think that.I thought that myself for a long time as well and I think CERTAIN regular season games,along with playoff games and superbowls are rigged so I agree with you if you are saying that but not all of them are.there is no way in hell you could keep a secret like that with so many players involved.someone would talk.

Its different than government corruption where if they they talk and spill the beans,they end up dying in a mysterious death such as all the people clinton had killed off that knew him well and so many of them died mysteriously such as vince foster.

in sports though its different,you cant have all the players involved or everybody would talk. however i honestly believe in all my heart that the packers/chiefs game was rigged the year they lost the playoffs to the giants.

the chiefs had played like shit the whole year losing to really bad teams with bad quarterbacks so nobody in the world thought they would lose that game to the chiefs for a second.that was their one regular season loss.
I think that particular game was rigged though because if you have just one person paid off,you can easily keep it a secret. mike mccarthy has been known to make stupid asinine decisions over the years that have helped the other team win games so I believe in all my heart he was paid off to make stupid calls to make sure the chiefs won that game.its the ONLY thing that makes any sense at all how they could possibly have lost that game.

then there is the superbowl with the cowboys and steelers the steelers lost.if you watch the highlights of that game.neil o donnel threw two cstly interceptions that were run back for touchdowns and BOTH times it went to the same defender.I cant prove it but I believe in all my heart that o donnel threw that superbowl and was paid off.

the facts prove that he only played that game for the love of the money and not for the love of the game because the next year,he took an offer for the jets who were the worst team in the league the previous year only winning ONE game,why go to the worst team in the league instead of resigning with the steelers,a superbowl team with a good program? talks.

so if you watch the highlights of that game,BOTH times he threw those 2 interceptions,not a single steeler was ANYWHERE in the vicinity when he threw them and were ran back for touchdowns.

now that could happen ONCE,but not twice,get real.

then there is the superbowl of the raiders and bucs.I think calahan gave all the plays to gruden they were running because even the players remarked later the next day saying comments like-it was like they were in the huddle with us,they practically knew every play we were calling.

tim brown and jerry rice both think callahan threw the superbowl right fully this link.they dont say that in their words but its what they are obviously hinting at what they believe.

Jerry Rice agrees with Tim Brown Bill Callahan sabotaged us ProFootballTalk

the pats wont throw this game though.Belecheat wants to get back to the superbowl so everybody will talk about what a great coach this overated hack when it was tom brady that saved it from going down the toliet and him being a he wont try and lose it and you know brady wants to get back there and WIN it to badly.

those would be the only two in position to rig this particular game.dont see it happening.
The refs can control the flow of the game by calling holding or nullify a play that got a much needed first down by calling a face mask penalty on a WR.
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I noticed the Cincy defence had help from the guys in stripes. And the weather.
the Bungles had to play in the exact same conditions the donkeys did I did not see the first half so the help from them must have come then cause i saw nothing in the second half where they helped them.

as i said,the donkeys defense has been very inconsistant all year long,when they go on the road,they are a far much different team half the time and very vulnerable as once again demonstrated.

the pats arent going to do everything to try and help the donkeys win the game either with stupid asinine penaltys and fumbles at the worst possible time to keep the game close either.Just like last time,expect another blowout and manning to go into his usual panic mode.:biggrin:

And earlier this year the Seahawks played in the exact se conditions the Chargers did however then you used it as an excuse, what changed? Dumb shit.

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The refs can control the flow of the game by calling holding or nullify a player that got a much needed first down by calling a face mask penalty on a WR.

yeah true enough,its so obvious to the THINKING person,they were paid off in the raiders/pats game making easily the worst call in NFL history coming up with that bullshit tuck rule they were looking for something to come up with on so the pats would win.they were afraid of not getting out alive that it was a fumble if they had made the correct call on that so they invented that way in hell do they make that call if its in oakland.

but thats if the game is close like that one was they can be paid off to throw the game.if the game isnt close which this one wont be,they can try as much as they want with bs calls like the tuck rule and it wont do any good for the donkeys.:biggrin:
What will do the most for the Seahawks...the obvious repeat winner is to beat the New Egglanders dicks into the dirt Feb 1.

We already killed off half of the "old Gaurd" in destroying the "Peyton Mannings"...mmmm... err The Denver Broncos last season and to make the statement complete and to vindicate Russell Wilson's slight for the Pro Bowl snub....

Time to put that whiney bitch Tommy Brady's head on the block.
Considering I'm pretty sure this came about because I said the Broncos have been playing pretty good defense, I'll comment.

That San Diego team you said any defense looks good against? Beat the Seahawks. Got 31 points on them, too. The Cards? Just gave up almost 600 yards to the Seahawks, a team with an offense that hasn't looked spectacular this year, in a hugely important game.

As I said in the other thread, the Broncos defense hasn't been great. However, if they can play well in the playoffs, and if the running game can be strong as it has been the last few weeks, that's huge for the Broncos. Not having to rely on Manning, particularly when he's been playing somewhat poorly of late, gives the team a much better chance.

Now, some of you seem to have problems with the concept of predictions. I'm not making any predictions here, I'm just commenting on the possible strengths of the Broncos and why I wouldn't count them out even in Foxborough.
Considering I'm pretty sure this came about because I said the Broncos have been playing pretty good defense, I'll comment.

That San Diego team you said any defense looks good against? Beat the Seahawks. Got 31 points on them, too. The Cards? Just gave up almost 600 yards to the Seahawks, a team with an offense that hasn't looked spectacular this year, in a hugely important game.

As I said in the other thread, the Broncos defense hasn't been great. However, if they can play well in the playoffs, and if the running game can be strong as it has been the last few weeks, that's huge for the Broncos. Not having to rely on Manning, particularly when he's been playing somewhat poorly of late, gives the team a much better chance.

Now, some of you seem to have problems with the concept of predictions. I'm not making any predictions here, I'm just commenting on the possible strengths of the Broncos and why I wouldn't count them out even in Foxborough.

I'm pretty sure you are wrong.

Peyton Manning's version of the Denver Broncos was exposed in the last SB. Old News..

Seriously... bring on NE.
The ONLY other AFC team the Hawks would like to crush bsides NE in SB 49 is SD. They got lucky with the weather and managing to play keep away for the whole game the Hawks lost. 9 games outta 10 the Hawks spank SD and send em back to almost Mexico crying like little babies or schoolgirls that just had their first period.

Besides...I REALLY hate that stuck up POS QB they have.
What will do the most for the Seahawks...the obvious repeat winner is to beat the New Egglanders dicks into the dirt Feb 1.

We already killed off half of the "old Gaurd" in destroying the "Peyton Mannings"...mmmm... err The Denver Broncos last season and to make the statement complete and to vindicate Russell Wilson's slight for the Pro Bowl snub....

Time to put that whiney bitch Tommy Brady's head on the block.
What will do the most for the Seahawks...the obvious repeat winner is to beat the New Egglanders dicks into the dirt Feb 1.

We already killed off half of the "old Gaurd" in destroying the "Peyton Mannings"...mmmm... err The Denver Broncos last season and to make the statement complete and to vindicate Russell Wilson's slight for the Pro Bowl snub....

Time to put that whiney bitch Tommy Brady's head on the block.

I hope the hawks game against the cards was not just a mirage,im not convinced their offense is coming along yet.that came against a third string quarterback.when the hawks have played against top notch quarterbacks this year,they havent exactly been lights out other than the season opener against Rodgers where they fed off the crowd noice and were pumped up for the season opener at home.

while i think they will beat the pats,I dont expect a blowout this time like i did last year and that again is cause Brady unlike manning,doesnt get scared or panics in big games and they are much better on defense this year than last year as well as having a healthy Gronk which makes that offense much better.
Considering I'm pretty sure this came about because I said the Broncos have been playing pretty good defense, I'll comment.

That San Diego team you said any defense looks good against? Beat the Seahawks. Got 31 points on them, too. The Cards? Just gave up almost 600 yards to the Seahawks, a team with an offense that hasn't looked spectacular this year, in a hugely important game.

As I said in the other thread, the Broncos defense hasn't been great. However, if they can play well in the playoffs, and if the running game can be strong as it has been the last few weeks, that's huge for the Broncos. Not having to rely on Manning, particularly when he's been playing somewhat poorly of late, gives the team a much better chance.

Now, some of you seem to have problems with the concept of predictions. I'm not making any predictions here, I'm just commenting on the possible strengths of the Broncos and why I wouldn't count them out even in Foxborough.

except its absurd to think that running game will be any better against the pats defense which is much better than the bungles defense especially at home or to think their defense will fair any better against Brady who is one of the five greatest quarterbacks ever in the game when they faired so poorly against up and down inconsistant Dalton and the BUNGLES defense as i said,is a MUCH different team on the road than at home as is the entire Broncos team especially manning who is the straw the stirs the drink for them.hee hee.

that defense will be shreadded again,the running game wont be there and manning will get scared and go into panic mode again and it will be another can take that to the bank.Manning is done.:lmao: he fucked up,I always thought it was a mistake back then for him to sign with the donkeys and always thought he should have signed with the cards because of thier defense.had he done so,i Guarantee you,they would be the ones going to the superbowl this year instead of the hawks in the NFC.

The donkeys had a really bad defense last year,one that was finesse instead of a physical one like the teams in the NFC west all are.Elway realised that and improved on it this year and made it closer to what the NFC west has but its one year too late since as everyone knew including manning,he didnt have the same kind of year he had last year where he lit it up against everyone in the league excpet the hawks.
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Considering I'm pretty sure this came about because I said the Broncos have been playing pretty good defense, I'll comment.

That San Diego team you said any defense looks good against? Beat the Seahawks. Got 31 points on them, too. The Cards? Just gave up almost 600 yards to the Seahawks, a team with an offense that hasn't looked spectacular this year, in a hugely important game.

As I said in the other thread, the Broncos defense hasn't been great. However, if they can play well in the playoffs, and if the running game can be strong as it has been the last few weeks, that's huge for the Broncos. Not having to rely on Manning, particularly when he's been playing somewhat poorly of late, gives the team a much better chance.

Now, some of you seem to have problems with the concept of predictions. I'm not making any predictions here, I'm just commenting on the possible strengths of the Broncos and why I wouldn't count them out even in Foxborough.

I'm pretty sure you are wrong.

Peyton Manning's version of the Denver Broncos was exposed in the last SB. Old News..

Seriously... bring on NE.
be careful on what you wish for in the patriots.Brady unlike manning,does not get scared in big games and go into choke mode.he is a big time QB and he badly wants to win and their defense is much better this year than last year.

Unlike last year where the NFC was the real superbowl,i think all the people that wanted to see a close game in that superbowl last year are going to get their wish this year.I think the hawks will win it all,but i dont think it will be easy for them to do so this time,that they have struggle to pull it out and win it at the end.

Brady is just like a lot of players on the seahawks team.He also has a chip on his shoulder angry at beeing overlooked and passed up like he was.He feels he has something to prove.He also remains calm in the big game just like joe cool on the niners did.

Not having a break away threat in special teams like they had in the superbowl last year may cost them.I still dont understand WHY carrol uses a WHITE BOY for kickoff and punt returns.white boys cant take it to the house.:bang3::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Wait, you think Brady is still playing to prove his draft position was too low? I think 5 SB appearances and 3 wins has long since shown that. The man is in conversations as the best QB ever to play, no one thinks he should have been a 6th round pick now.
Wait, you think Brady is still playing to prove his draft position was too low? I think 5 SB appearances and 3 wins has long since shown that. The man is in conversations as the best QB ever to play, no one thinks he should have been a 6th round pick now.

well yeah,nobody thinks that now but he is STILL angry about it according to what the telecast announcers always say.they always say he feels slighted still by it and that still motivates him to go out and want to win another superbowl and drives him to keep playing because he badly wants to win one more before he retires.

I'm only going by what they say and I dont see any reason why they would make that up.Im just going by what i have heard over the years from them saying that when i have watched patriot games.Makes sense.I mean he is a lock as a future hall of famer,has all the money he could ever want so why keep playing unless of course you still have that desire and hunger and anger about it like he does according to them?

thats why warren moon kept playing long after he was washed up till his mid 40's was his desire to get to the superbowl.same with brady only he wants to win a fourth one before he retires.

thats what drives him to keep going from what they say is he still is motivated because he STILL feels slighted about and you and everybody else knows he is one of the very best ever but according to what they say at times in their telecasts,he STILL feels angry about it and still feels like he has to prove he was overlooked by by winning a fourth one.thats just what HE feels.we both know and everyone else knows that he doesnt have to still prove himself,but HE doesnt feel that way though.
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