Anti-White Racists Attack Sensible School Principal


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
At that is my theory on this news story published in the Tampa Bay Times. In an elementary school in St. Petersburg, Florida, a principal has apologized (or at least she pretended to), for appears to be a perfectly sound and appropriate action on her part.

It looks like she might have been pressured to apologize by spineless administrators, too cowardly to stand up to oversensitive black parents, charging the principal with racism involving the school’s kids. This has become a repititious fiasco in our society. Black citizens with a hair trigger to fire the ubiquitous “R” word, with anything related to race.

The principal, Christine Hoffman, sent a memo to the teachers in a predominantly black school (90%), to rearrange the classes by race – the idea being that no class would have only one white student, among all blacks. Sounds reasonable. But predictably, black parents, constantly lectured by do-gooder liberals (AKA race hustlers) who see any adjustment by race (affirmative action the glaring exception) as something bad, raised cain over the memo.

Making matters worse, was a biased news report on Fox News, which seemed to be subjectively supporting the black parents, and joining the condemnation of the principal. So, Ms. Hoffman, only looking to protect the lone white students in a class, is typically vilified by a combo of oversensitive black parents and worthless, weak administrators, terrified at just the thought of being called a racist (no matter how silly and invalid).

The Fox News reporter, appearing to be sympathetic to the black (oh so offended) parents, could have asked those parents how they would feel if the situation was the opposite. What if it had been a classroom of about 35 white kids, and their child was the only black kid in that class ? Likewise not one mention was made of the white kids parents, and what they think. It was like they didn’t even exist .

Ho hum. Yet another example of liberals pandering to black, irrational victimism. Yes, we should all see each other (in classrooms) as just another student in the class. That’s the ideal, of course.

But along with that we have reality. In this case, some black students who will not see that one white kid as just another student, but rater asan outnumbered sitting duck, waiting to be harassed, bullied, and verbally abused.

Principal knows what she’s doing. And was doing it quite well, before the mindless, political correctness freaks grabbed a hold of the situation, and ran wild with it.

EARTH TO ADMINISTRATORS: The principal was just trying to minimize conflict, and protect her kids (ALL of them – that includes whites). I see no reason to think she would not do the same if it was one black kid in a classroom of whites.

It was also mentioned in the Tampa Bay Times article, that according to civil rights law, schools are prohibited from segregating students on the basis of race, color, or national origin, in making classroom assignments. I don’t know how true that is or if it’s just someone’s interpretation, but not meaning to be overly impetuous to Colleen Wright, who wrote the article, I would mention that adding more whites to a class having only one, is INTEGRATING that class, not segregating it.

White students at Campbell Park Elementary 'should be in the same class,' principal emails staff
Putting one white student in a class room of all blacks is SUPPOSED to get that white student beaten and preferably killed.

No wonder so many people are against that principal.
Putting one white student in a class room of all blacks is SUPPOSED to get that white student beaten and preferably killed.

No wonder so many people are against that principal.
Reading comprehension impaired, are you ? The principal was trying to PROTECT the lone white kid, by adding more white kids to the class. Got it now ?
Here in PG County, MD, once the demographics flipped from mostly white to to 75% black, our desegregation busing zones got to the extremist point where kids were being bused across the county so that a school that was 82% black could reach the 80% black threshhold.
Same thing as in this story except the white principal in this instance is trying to do what the NAACP was demanding in PG County.
More left wing democrat racist hypocrisy.
I'm wondering now that the black parents, protestors, and NAACP are all getting what they demand (as usual), what's going to happen now, to that little lone white kid in a class with all black kids ? IS anybody even talking about him ? What is he in all of this ? Chopped liver ?

This is an elementary school. The lone white kid could be as young as 5 years old (practically a baby) and just starting school for the first time. School honchos have no common sense.
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I'm wondering now that the black parents, protestors, and NAACP are all getting what they demand (as usual), what's going to happen now, to that little lone white kid in a class with all black kids ?

I dont know, but he is either going to the Big House before he becomes an adult, or he'll be a punk or he will be one tough son of a beeswax when he graduates.
Here in PG County, MD, once the demographics flipped from mostly white to to 75% black, our desegregation busing zones got to the extremist point where kids were being bused across the county so that a school that was 82% black could reach the 80% black threshhold.
Same thing as in this story except the white principal in this instance is trying to do what the NAACP was demanding in PG County.
More left wing democrat racist hypocrisy.
The Only Real Americans Were Born in the White Working Class. Anti-Populists Must Be Regime-Changed.

Send all the Black kids to the rich suburban schools. The born-rich despise their own race and turned these savages loose on us. Put the crime-infested housing projects out there, too. This civil rights for the uncivilized has always been class warfare run by the 1% who make the laws. Anyone who believes there is a split between Liberals and Conservative hereditary plutocrats is a sucker and a traitor to his class.
Putting one white student in a class room of all blacks is SUPPOSED to get that white student beaten and preferably killed.

No wonder so many people are against that principal.
Reading comprehension impaired, are you ? The principal was trying to PROTECT the lone white kid, by adding more white kids to the class. Got it now ?
What she did WRONG was try to protect that lone white kid. The purpose of putting that lone white kid in a class of all blacks was supposed to get that lone white child beaten or preferably killed.

Got it now.
What she did WRONG was try to protect that lone white kid. The purpose of putting that lone white kid in a class of all blacks was supposed to get that lone white child beaten or preferably killed.

Got it now.
The whole system needs a big overhaul.

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