Anthrax Suspect Kills Himself? Yea right


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
I can’t wait to hear how this guy knew to send anthrax to the exact people who were goiing to expose the WMD lie.

PS. I already noticed wiki has been altered and some facts are missing, but here we go....

Robert Stevens, the first person who died from the mailings, worked at a tabloid called Sun.

Frist, President Bush, and Vice President Cheney — frequently accused Daschle of being the "chief obstructionist" of Bush's agenda and charged him with using filibusters to block confirmation of several of Bush's nominees to the federal judiciary.

Cheney told Leahy, "Fuck yourself."

Both from Wikipedia

Ok, let’s add this all up. High level, military grade anthax sent only to liberals who were against the idea of invading Iraq. I wonder who would do that?

Now don't forget the DC Madam threatened to release her client list. ABC was going to report that Dick Chaney was on her list, but the show never aired. Then the lady mysteriously ends up committing suicide after she is convicted. If you look at the facts like, how she killed herself, how long she was going to be in prison and what her family says about her being the type of person to kill herself, it seems fishy. Ok, so now 7 years after the anthrax thing, today they announce that the suspect in that case committed suicide. If it doesn’t smell funny to you, then you have absolutely zero imagination.

Think Progress ABC’s Ross: DC Madam’s List Includes White House & Pentagon Officials, Prominent Lawyers

On Deadline - Monthly Archives -

Remember this?

A Ukrainian opposition leader and presidential candidate is recovering in hospital in Vienna after an alleged attempt to poison him.

But I guess you are right that no American could ever possibly do something like this, or let 9-11 happen so we could start a war for money/oil, which killed 4000 plus soldiers, injured 100,000 more, killed 1 million Iraqi’s, etc….. Even though the evidence suggests that we did.

"A lot of what needs to be done here will have to be done quietly, without any discussion, using sources and methods that are available to our intelligence agencies," Cheney told Americans just after 9/11. He warned the public that the government would have to operate on the "dark side."
YEAh, i gotta agree.

this thing just seems fishy.

guy kills himself...and then suddenly the FBI is claiming he was the chief suspect.
Several scientists who worked with Ivins also question whether he would have had the technical skills to create the sophisticated powder used in the anthrax attack. Creating the kind of highly lethal, easily dispersible powder used in the 2001 attacks requires unique skills not normally associated with vaccine specialists.

"He had no access to dry, powdered anthrax, according to Fort Detrick spokespersons, who said that only liquid anthrax was used at the Fort Detrick facility in animal aerosolization experiments," said Meryl Nass, a physician and bioterrorism expert. "If he had been making dry anthrax, it would have been detectable."
This belongs in the Conspiracy Forum.

Why? You're paranoid delusional, just like you said the other day, remember?

I mean, aren't you paranoid that someone may have had alterior motives here? Or is it only cops and "everyone else", NOT including anyone involved with government, that you're paranoid about?

You're a strange one sometimes.
There are stories in the major news that say he was secretly murdered to cover up a Government plot? Link please.

Several scientists who worked with Ivins also question whether he would have had the technical skills to create the sophisticated powder used in the anthrax attack. Creating the kind of highly lethal, easily dispersible powder used in the 2001 attacks requires unique skills not normally associated with vaccine specialists.

"He had no access to dry, powdered anthrax, according to Fort Detrick spokespersons, who said that only liquid anthrax was used at the Fort Detrick facility in animal aerosolization experiments," said Meryl Nass, a physician and bioterrorism expert. "If he had been making dry anthrax, it would have been detectable."
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Maybe the thought of Life in Prison was just to much for Him to bear?.
Prison is hell I hear,or maybe the FBI, finally had some convicting evidence?
"He had no access to dry, powdered anthrax, according to Fort Detrick spokespersons, who said that only liquid anthrax was used at the Fort Detrick facility in animal aerosolization experiments," said Meryl Nass, a physician and bioterrorism expert. "If he had been making dry anthrax, it would have been detectable."
It still belongs in the conspiracy forum. Conspiracy theories are reported all the time in the media. That doesn't mean they aren't conspiracy theories.
It still belongs in the conspiracy forum. Conspiracy theories are reported all the time in the media. That doesn't mean they aren't conspiracy theories.

You really are afraid of the truth aren't you?
Ok, once again. The topic fits the definition of "conspiracy theory". The THEORY being that the FBI is involved somehow and there's this whole big secret being kept.

Do you get it? Huh? Hello?

You guys are putting forth A CONSPIRACY THEORY. Therefore, the topic belongs in the CONSPIRACY THEORY forum.

Is English not your first language? Second language? Are you using a Billy Bob translating gizmo to post?
It still belongs in the conspiracy forum. Conspiracy theories are reported all the time in the media. That doesn't mean they aren't conspiracy theories.

9/11 was a conspiracy by a group of people to directly attack US interests. The official version of what happened is, ultimately, a theory by definition. Should any discussion about 9/11, to include mainstream versions, be confined to the conspiracy forum?

Should any thread where someone says there is a liberal conspiracy in the media be confined to the conspiracy forum as well? Because there's no shortage of that around here, myself to be included among it. When I said it the other day in a thread, no one came in complaining about it belonging in the conspiracy forum.

Or do we just pick and choose the FRINGE theories to sweep under the rug, and let the mainstream ones float?
Ok, so what you're saying is that because it's a NEW conspiracy theory, it belongs in current events.

However, thankfully, we have a separate place for conspiracy theories, regardless of how current they are. So I think the mods should go ahead and trot you guys back over there where you can theorize and pretend all you want without boring everyone else.
I mean, I'm all for conspiracy theories being placed in their proper forum, just like any other topic. But in the interest of fairness, let's be thorough about it and put them ALL in there, no?

Just because you might happen to believe a specific theory, does not mean it isn't still a theory.
Ok, so what you're saying is that because it's a NEW conspiracy theory, it belongs in current events.

However, thankfully, we have a separate place for conspiracy theories, regardless of how current they are. So I think the mods should go ahead and trot you guys back over there where you can theorize and pretend all you want without boring everyone else.

No, see my next post. I actually believe EVERY theory belongs in there, including the mainstream accepted ones. Otherwise, what's the point of having the subforum, other than to censor the ones that people don't like?

And you don't seem very bored by it, you've been pretty involved in this thread so far.
I believe that may qualify as a conspiracy theory in and of itself.....

And the rest of the board is dead.

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