another super bowl lawsuit


VIP Member
Nov 12, 2003
I have just been watching the Abrams Report on MSNBC, where Dan Abrams interviewed a lawyer from Tennessee who is planning a lawsuit with several children as plaintiffs claiming they were harmed by the Super Bowl halftime show and seeing Janet Jackson's boob.

Abrams and the other three attorneys he had on the show all thought this suit was ludicrous. From a purely legal standpoint, he'll have to prove that a harm occurred, and that occurred because CBS/Viacom were either negligent or malicious.

I still don't understand how anyone, kids included, could be psychologically harmed by seeing a breast from a distance on TV for a period of two seconds. Haven't these people ever seen a KFC commercial? Abrams also talked about the suit discussed in another thread on the board where a woman is trying to get a class action suit on behalf of everyone who is offended by the female anatomy (I guess lots of gay men will be joining this suit ;) )

Originally posted by NightTrain
When this lawsuit is thrown out of court, I hope the judge orders that the lawyer and the plaintiff(s) are publicly horsewhipped.
id pay to see that!
Is what happened on Super Bowl Sunday really that big of a deal? Seriously, everyone is freaking out because they saw a breast, god forbid. The nipple was covered, worse things are seen on ER and mtv, and there are democrats walking the streets.
shit it just the vultures seeing another way to make money and not have to work for it. the half tiem show was jsut one outlet for it. her little snots probably look at the shit on the net. its not like you can filter it 100%
This is stupid. I thought the stunt was in poor taste, but it was for about a second and then it was over. I don't know how they could say that they were harmed by that.
you know mysteriously the kids are going to be all fucked up in the head. and jsut shortly after, <i>if they should win</i> they will be right as rain afterwards.
its not like there was a huge tit covering the whole screen when it happened
I have just been watching the Abrams Report on MSNBC, where Dan Abrams interviewed a lawyer from Tennessee who is planning a lawsuit with several children as plaintiffs claiming they were harmed by the Super Bowl halftime show and seeing Janet Jackson's boob.

Abrams and the other three attorneys he had on the show all thought this suit was ludicrous. From a purely legal standpoint, he'll have to prove that a harm occurred, and that occurred because CBS/Viacom were either negligent or malicious.

I still don't understand how anyone, kids included, could be psychologically harmed by seeing a breast from a distance on TV for a period of two seconds. Haven't these people ever seen a KFC commercial? Abrams also talked about the suit discussed in another thread on the board where a woman is trying to get a class action suit on behalf of everyone who is offended by the female anatomy (I guess lots of gay men will be joining this suit ;) )


Tennessee who is planning a lawsuit with several children as plaintiffs claiming they were harmed by the Super Bowl halftime show and seeing Janet Jackson's boob.



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