Another One: Passengers Smash into the Ceiling After Boeing 787 Plane Nosedives Mid-Flight Due to “Technical Problem”- 50 Injured, 12 Hospitalized

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
There's only one solution for this. Boycott Boeing until they rid their plane facilities of all minority hires. It's the only way that safety can be maintained.

There's only one solution for this. Boycott Boeing until they rid their plane facilities of all minority hires. It's the only way that safety can be maintained.

Keep your seat belt on.
WTF Boing. Get it together. You're making assholes of yourselves. Could it be poor philosophy, poor management, poor engineering, too many lazy Democrats, poor quality control, no pride? Or maybe you're more worried about political bullshit than your job. Shape up because the road you're on now is a dead end. You're an embarrassment to your country. Back to MAGA
I'm not sure how white CEOs cutting costs by rushing projects and out sourcing production to third parties, all so they can do stock buy backs is a problem of DEI but frail whites will never stop tossing CEO salad long enough to explain it.


There's only one solution for this. Boycott Boeing until they rid their plane facilities of all minority hires. It's the only way that safety can be maintained.

The news story I saw indicated that it was believed to be caused by clear air turbulence (CAT), which is one of the reasons why the flight crew advises everyone to keep their seatbelts on during the flight:

Clear Air Turbulence (CAT) is defined as sudden severe turbulence occurring in cloudless regions that causes violent buffeting of aircraft. This term is commonly applied to higher altitude turbulence associated with wind shear. The most comprehensive definition is high-altitude turbulence encountered outside of convective clouds.​


In meteorology, clear-air turbulence (CAT) is the turbulent movement of air masses in the absence of any visual clues, such as clouds, and is caused when bodies of air moving at widely different speeds meet.[2]
In aviation, CAT is defined as "the detection by aircraft of high-altitude inflight bumps in patchy regions devoid of significant cloudiness or nearby thunderstorm activity".[3] It was first noted in the 1940s.[4]


Clear-air turbulence is usually impossible to detect with the naked eye and very difficult to detect with a conventional radar,[5] with the result that it is difficult for aircraft pilots to detect and avoid it. However, it can be remotely detected with instruments that can measure turbulence with optical techniques, such as scintillometers, Doppler LIDARs, or N-slit interferometers.[6]
I'm not sure how white CEOs cutting costs by rushing projects and out sourcing production to third parties, all so they can do stock buy backs is a problem of DEI but frail whites will never stop tossing CEO salad long enough to explain it.

John Oliver is a reason we are in decline. Men and women who are the real movers and shakers of foundations have whittled down Western civilization due to DEI. Propagandists on TV, Media and Movies are removing the garden of Eden in a massively imperfect world. They are snakes. And we will see things so much worse due to them. And they will still live good.
John Oliver is a reason we are in decline. Men and women who are the real movers and shakers of foundations have whittled down Western civilization due to DEI. Propagandists on TV, Media and Movies are removing the garden of Eden in a massively imperfect world. They are snakes. And we will see things so much worse due to them. And they will still live good.

Not a reason, a symptom.

He's all snark, no substance. It's like the Daily Show on progressive/DEI steroids.
John Oliver is a reason we are in decline. Men and women who are the real movers and shakers of foundations have whittled down Western civilization due to DEI. Propagandists on TV, Media and Movies are removing the garden of Eden in a massively imperfect world. They are snakes. And we will see things so much worse due to them. And they will still live good.
I'll take his reporting over your inane ramblings every fucking day. :laugh:
He’s got more substance than the vast majority of conservative media.

He's a swishy brit douchebag, who uses the old "clown nose on, clown nose off" to attack things and people while deflecting any retorts by pretending it's "comedy"
It’s comforting to know that we’re flying in machines that were made as cheaply as they possibly could.

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