Another example of why MSM must go, its time to Boycott and end it NOW


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Media Helps Boost Donald Trump’s False Claim That ‘Millions’ Voted Illegally
Too often, news organizations amplify Trump’s assertions in headlines with some variation of “Trump tweets” or Trump claims” or “Trump says” ― whether or not those assertions are true. This seems to be the default in many newsrooms heading into Trump’s presidency, even after he proved to be a historically dishonest candidate known for frequently spouting falsehoods and pushing conspiracy theories.

Its bad enough they gave Trump a zillion dollars worth of free campaign advertising. Bad enough they print every word that comes out his mouth, but now they're not even making sure its true or not, just printing shit or saying shit just to get ratings....folks this shit has got to stop....boycott, boycott MSM, lets put em out of business or force them to do their jobs properly!!
Here is the best usage for MSM 'medias'.
Only completely dumb folks can still believe them today.


MSM has called Trump out on his lies.

Stein is calling on the recount in three states to show that, in fact, Donald is lying. All the time.
MSM gave trumpery a pass on almost everything while repeating the same lies about Hillary, over and over and over and over ...........

Anyone who wants to know how this started, how we lost our true news coverage really should watch the documentary Orwell Rolls In His Grave. Once you do, it all falls into place.

Hint: guess who owns msm. Obviously, it ain't the libs.

Email the Electoral College
MSM gave trumpery a pass on almost everything while repeating the same lies about Hillary, over and over and over and over ...........

Anyone who wants to know how this started, how we lost our true news coverage really should watch the documentary Orwell Rolls In His Grave. Once you do, it all falls into place.

Hint: guess who owns msm. Obviously, it ain't the libs.

Email the Electoral College
You are a completely uninformed idiot.
MSM gave trumpery a pass on almost everything while repeating the same lies about Hillary, over and over and over and over ...........

Anyone who wants to know how this started, how we lost our true news coverage really should watch the documentary Orwell Rolls In His Grave. Once you do, it all falls into place.

Hint: guess who owns msm. Obviously, it ain't the libs.

Email the Electoral College
You are a completely uninformed idiot.

You must have a permanent nosebleed from your knee hitting you in the face.


This from one who has not seen the documentary and cheerfully sold his soul to Pooting.

The documentary is available on You Tube but I wouldn't recommend you watch it cuz its full of facts.
Media Helps Boost Donald Trump’s False Claim That ‘Millions’ Voted Illegally
Too often, news organizations amplify Trump’s assertions in headlines with some variation of “Trump tweets” or Trump claims” or “Trump says” ― whether or not those assertions are true. This seems to be the default in many newsrooms heading into Trump’s presidency, even after he proved to be a historically dishonest candidate known for frequently spouting falsehoods and pushing conspiracy theories.

Its bad enough they gave Trump a zillion dollars worth of free campaign advertising. Bad enough they print every word that comes out his mouth, but now they're not even making sure its true or not, just printing shit or saying shit just to get ratings....folks this shit has got to stop....boycott, boycott MSM, lets put em out of business or force them to do their jobs properly!!

Tig, I suggest you go off the grid for the next four years to help soothe your soul.:thup:
MSM gave trumpery a pass on almost everything while repeating the same lies about Hillary, over and over and over and over ...........

Anyone who wants to know how this started, how we lost our true news coverage really should watch the documentary Orwell Rolls In His Grave. Once you do, it all falls into place.

Hint: guess who owns msm. Obviously, it ain't the libs.

Email the Electoral College
You are a completely uninformed idiot.

You must have a permanent nosebleed from your knee hitting you in the face.


This from one who has not seen the documentary and cheerfully sold his soul to Pooting.

The documentary is available on You Tube but I wouldn't recommend you watch it cuz its full of facts.
From your very own liberal left NY Times.
Liberal News Media Bias Has a Serious Effect -
"The left sorted everyone into identity groups and then told the people in the poorly-educated-white-male identity group that that’s the only bad one. It mocked the members of this group mercilessly. It punished them for not being woke enough. It called them racists. It said their video games were sexist. It deployed Lena Dunham to tell them how horrible they were."

"If you are out of line with LGBT ideology, you are a bigot. If you have reservations about abortion, you are a misogynist. If you don’t want to import a third-world underclass in ever-greater numbers, you are a racist. Nobody can get a word in edgewise and come out unscathed. That’s power. But it’s not despite these facts that Trump won, it’s because of them. Adherents of the ruling ideology called half of Americans retarded yokels and the retarded yokels heard them. Every Slate and Bustle article attacking Trump for being a supposed racist and woman hater was as good as money in his campaign coffers. Lena Dunham might as well have been an RNC operative by marrying her psychotic identity politics to her support of Hillary Clinton. The left overplayed its hand, and what was once power is becoming a liability."

“The arrogance of thinking that somehow we could ignore most of the country and still hold a claim on the nation’s highest office is breathtaking. Demographics are not destiny. Candidates do matter. And it is still the economy, stupid.”

"The idea that all of Donald Trump’s supporters are racist is absurd on so many levels, in part because millions of the people who voted for Trump also supported Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. "

"Trump won among voters who ticked the box for Obama in 2008 and 2012, he won decisively among white women, he picked up a far bigger share of ethnic minority voters than anyone would have reasonably expected, he won because the standard formula of American liberalism – eternal war abroad coupled with rationally administered dispossession at home and an ethics centred on where people should be allowed to piss and shit – is a toxic and unlovable ideology, and his candidacy turned it from an invisible consensus to one option among others."

"It makes sense, then, that Narrative A [Trump voters are racist] is so popular among my liberal friends. It also makes sense that they’re so heartbroken at this election; they’ve spent so much time mocking, deriding, belittling… that when they lost… well, how would you feel? How would you feel losing so soundly, on every level of American government, to the people you’d been making fun of for so long? "

"...a big part of the distress, and a big part of the reason people want this to be about racists, is because of how horrifying it would be to confront the truth that making fun of people you dislike makes you an asshole. / Easier to feel like you’ve been wronged, like you’ve been hurt, and kind of gloss over the people that you’ve been laughing at and mocking for so long who just thrashed you in an election.:

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"There exists a HUGE population in America who are desperately struggling to feed their families. They feel their needs are not authentically represented within this huge government. They feel their concerns are not being voiced by any major news outlet. They are tired of being called ‘dumb,’ ‘bigoted’ and ‘racist.’ And, based on the shocked expressions of every anchor last night that all their polling data was off, apparently they aren’t even really counted."

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"There exists a HUGE population in America who are desperately struggling to feed their families. They feel their needs are not authentically represented within this huge government. They feel their concerns are not being voiced by any major news outlet. They are tired of being called ‘dumb,’ ‘bigoted’ and ‘racist.’ And, based on the shocked expressions of every anchor last night that all their polling data was off, apparently they aren’t even really counted."

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They will not get the help they need from Trump.

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