Another example of Leftist myth proven false: Roads


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2014
Central Ohio
How many hundreds and hundreds of times have you heard a leftist, after being told that a right-wing person supports smaller government, immediately says "So you are against roads? Without government, there would be no roads!".

Although historically this isn't true, that doesn't seem to matter to leftist.

Well I just stumbled upon a small story out of the BBC.

BBC News - Entrepreneur makes £150,000 toll road to avoid diversion

The summery is this.... A431 Kenton Road in England, which is between the city of Bath and Bristol, closed. The road was built on unsettled ground, and began to break up.

The detour makes an 8 minute drive, into a hour plus drive.

A private Entrepreneur, spent $250 to open his own road, with a toll both. Now people can get to between the two, in 15 minutes.

Wait.... I thought without Government, we'd never have any roads?

The reason we don't have privately built roads more, is because government is willing to pay for them. Why spend the money to build roads, when you can have poor tax payers fund it for you?

Another myth proven false.... again...
How many hundreds and hundreds of times have you heard a leftist, after being told that a right-wing person supports smaller government, immediately says "So you are against roads? Without government, there would be no roads!".

Although historically this isn't true, that doesn't seem to matter to leftist.

Well I just stumbled upon a small story out of the BBC.

BBC News - Entrepreneur makes £150,000 toll road to avoid diversion

The summery is this.... A431 Kenton Road in England, which is between the city of Bath and Bristol, closed. The road was built on unsettled ground, and began to break up.

The detour makes an 8 minute drive, into a hour plus drive.

A private Entrepreneur, spent $250 to open his own road, with a toll both. Now people can get to between the two, in 15 minutes.

Wait.... I thought without Government, we'd never have any roads?

The reason we don't have privately built roads more, is because government is willing to pay for them. Why spend the money to build roads, when you can have poor tax payers fund it for you?

Another myth proven false.... again...

America had many toll roads after the Constitution, we even had private canals. But soon it came down to land, even the railroads did not want to purchase the land so the government gave them not only the land but more land than the use and could sell later, and finally the government threw in some bucks for each mile of railroad built. There was none of that "please Uncle Sam I'd rather do it myself."
I wonder if anyone has figured out the cost of those railroads if the government had built the railroads rather than private enterprise?
THAT'S your evidence, ONE 400 meter road? :lol::lol::lol:

The theory is either true of false. 1 + 1 either equal 2 or it doesn't.

Here is an example where there was clear demand for road, and the state could not deliver.

So a private free-market Entrepreneur, provided for the demand.

So the theory that without government we wouldn't have roads, is clearly, and entirely false.

And actually this is one of many examples, as the other poster has pointed out. This is just the latest proof the theory is false. Not the only proof.
How many hundreds and hundreds of times have you heard a leftist, after being told that a right-wing person supports smaller government, immediately says "So you are against roads? Without government, there would be no roads!".

Although historically this isn't true, that doesn't seem to matter to leftist.

Well I just stumbled upon a small story out of the BBC.

BBC News - Entrepreneur makes £150,000 toll road to avoid diversion

The summery is this.... A431 Kenton Road in England, which is between the city of Bath and Bristol, closed. The road was built on unsettled ground, and began to break up.

The detour makes an 8 minute drive, into a hour plus drive.

A private Entrepreneur, spent $250 to open his own road, with a toll both. Now people can get to between the two, in 15 minutes.

Wait.... I thought without Government, we'd never have any roads?

The reason we don't have privately built roads more, is because government is willing to pay for them. Why spend the money to build roads, when you can have poor tax payers fund it for you?

Another myth proven false.... again...

America had many toll roads after the Constitution, we even had private canals. But soon it came down to land, even the railroads did not want to purchase the land so the government gave them not only the land but more land than the use and could sell later, and finally the government threw in some bucks for each mile of railroad built. There was none of that "please Uncle Sam I'd rather do it myself."
I wonder if anyone has figured out the cost of those railroads if the government had built the railroads rather than private enterprise?

Exactly. All entirely true. And of course, if I want to build my dream home... and suddenly government says they'll give me the land for free, and then says they'll pay me for each room in the house.... Would I say "please uncle Sam, I'd rather do it myself"? Of course not. If you are stupid enough to pay me to do what I would do anyway, I'll take every dollar you give me.

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