And you want $15 an hour?

Being able to write-off the moving expenses.
Having your business in China and India saves on wages, health care, pensions and vacation time.
The fact is that the US is an ever shrinking HUB of MNCs that will quickly go broke and the rest of the world will drown along with us.

You haven't answered the question because you can't.

Let's stop being silly, shall we? Corp tax is higher here than pretty much anywhere on the planet but as we all know it doesn't end there. State and local taxes as well as real estate taxes when combined with gov't regulation and arcane union rules and demands have forced whole industries to abandon not just cities (see: Detroit) and states but entire regions (see: auto industry) and even this country. Investment capital is fungible and rightly goes where it will most benefit the investor. It's not your money and it's not your decision regardless of how much socialists want to believe otherwise. :D

Corporate taxes were much higher in the 60's and our corporations weren't leaving us in droves.

There weren't as many options as there are today. We are not in the 60s and the rest of the world has made great strides in building biz-friendly environments while we have tightened the noose on biz. Today, as already stated, our corp tax is about the highest on the planet and biz is taking their football and leaving. What should we do about it? Make the biz climate less desirable?
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Changes in corporate law in the 70's is what caused our factories to go overseas. It's a really bad mistake too, when WWII happen our factories were quickly retooled. Today, there aren't enough factories here and we are so dependent on imports that we will be destroyed with WWIII

You may be on to something. What changes to corp law do you believe caused investment in American factories to go overseas?

It's been so long, I've forgotten a lot of the details. You do realize that was 40 years ago, right? But check your history, it was in the 70's that our corporations started to leave and the 80's they started leaving even faster because our government gave them tax subsidies, supposedly to built up economies in 3rd world nations, but they went around that and got guarantees from the countries government that there would be no unions and the wages would be guaranteed to be really low (I think it was 17 cent an hour back then). Cardboard cities sprouted up in Mexico along the border. Mostly women were hired as women are less likely to form a union and anyone that mentioned it turned up dead. Al Gore said when Clinton was elected, they'd stop those incentives but they never did.

Zenith was the last TV manufacturer to leave the states. They said they couldn't compete with the others.

Exactly. America has become unfriendly toward manufacturing and predictably they are leaving (see: Detroit). Maybe we should raise wages ... that'll make 'em stay. :lol:
BTW, I don't recall any US gov't subsidies being paid to companies to move overseas and I've been in biz since the early 1970s. Please support your claims.
Being able to write-off the moving expenses.
Having your business in China and India saves on wages, health care, pensions and vacation time.
The fact is that the US is an ever shrinking HUB of MNCs that will quickly go broke and the rest of the world will drown along with us.

You haven't answered the question because you can't.

Let's stop being silly, shall we? Corp tax is higher here than pretty much anywhere on the planet but as we all know it doesn't end there. State and local taxes as well as real estate taxes when combined with gov't regulation and arcane union rules and demands have forced whole industries to abandon not just cities (see: Detroit) and states but entire regions (see: auto industry) and even this country. Investment capital is fungible and rightly goes where it will most benefit the investor. It's not your money and it's not your decision regardless of how much socialists want to believe otherwise. :D

Name 3 regulations that hamper your particular industry and explain why.
I do this all the time and I can't get a straight answer from anybody regardless of party.

As a commercial real estate developer I could name 50. Local building and zoning code changes have added serious time and costs to every project, particularly in the past 10 years. Those changes translate into increased costs which are passed along to the buyers or tenants of the props which result in higher product costs to their customers. Thanks to aging building stock and recent fires, building collapses and loss of firefighters, it is not worth rehabbing or converting anything over 70 years old. They are increasingly abandoned and left to rot, burn or collapse.
1. Increased structural load bearing requirements.
2. Increased fire-suppression, exits and signage and lighting.
3. Increased elevator safety standards
4. Constantly changing and arbitrary application of electrical and plumbing standards.
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Why would you want to pay crap for the people that make you all of your money?

Not that I want to bust your fantasy, but min wage earners are hardly the rainmakers in any company and are generally easily replaceable. Wanna make more? Develop some SKILLS.

Employees, no matter income, make all the money for the company.

No they don't but how 'bout you put your money where your big mouth is? Build or buy a biz and then you can give all the profit away to your employees. That's why we call it private prop ... your biz, your decision. :D
Because are no other jobs available in my city.
Lol bullshit.

Do you mean no other jobs for someone who has no ambition or determination to improve their marketability? I think so.

Actually, my city was rated the hardest city in the entire country to get a job, with an average of 33 applicants for each and every position.

Just the other day I applied for a job at a new Cafe - 87 people also applied, and the job was only advertised on a Facebook page. 87 people handed in resumes in just 24 hours.

I repeat, there are no jobs in my city.
Can I ask why you are working there?


Because are no other jobs available in my city. And it helps to pay my bills.

If the job paid more could you see making a job working the counter a career?


I provide a service. I don't get government benefits, so I am hardly a drain on the taxpayer. My job is a job. I work, I get paid, I pay taxes.

Nothing wrong with that.

Will the OP be returning to that restaurant in the future?

I doubt it. He only came on here to bitch and complain, instead of calling the store, which is what he should have done.

Wow! Typical fast food employee response. I rarely go to McDonald's, it is amusing they don't have a small, only a medium and a large. Of course a racist like yourself tends to be ignorant.

You mean its a typical response from someone who works there and knows what they are talking about?
Just the other day I applied for a job at a new Cafe - 87 people also applied, and the job was only advertised on a Facebook page. 87 people handed in resumes in just 24 hours.
You are a low skill low wage worker, you didn't say there are no jobs for low skill low wage workers you said there are no jobs in your city, which is false.

You can't have it both ways. You don't want to go into management, you don't want to further your education, you sit in here bragging about making $15/hour working fast food then start complaining there are no jobs for you. Have some fucking ambition and improve your marketability you might find that isn't the case, until then sleep in the bed you make.

I repeat, there are no jobs in my city.
I repeat, you are full of shit.
In fast food joints there is a magic phrase that helps keep 'em focused. It works like this:

One burger - One; No Cheese.

One mall Fries - Just ONE; NO cheese.

One Small Diet Coke - Small; just one; NO CHEESE.

One Chocolate Chip Cookie - Only ONE - NO Friggin' CHEESE.

Guaranteed you've got her/his/its attention.

Thing is, you gotta also watch their hands on the magic order entry machine to make sure they don't also press the "SPIT IN IT" button.

yea, and in their head; "Give this muther fukker extra muther fukken cheese and the 'special sauce" on everymuthafukken thing!"
Being able to write-off the moving expenses.
Having your business in China and India saves on wages, health care, pensions and vacation time.
The fact is that the US is an ever shrinking HUB of MNCs that will quickly go broke and the rest of the world will drown along with us.

You haven't answered the question because you can't.

Let's stop being silly, shall we? Corp tax is higher here than pretty much anywhere on the planet but as we all know it doesn't end there. State and local taxes as well as real estate taxes when combined with gov't regulation and arcane union rules and demands have forced whole industries to abandon not just cities (see: Detroit) and states but entire regions (see: auto industry) and even this country. Investment capital is fungible and rightly goes where it will most benefit the investor. It's not your money and it's not your decision regardless of how much socialists want to believe otherwise. :D

Corporate taxes were much higher in the 60's and our corporations weren't leaving us in droves.

There wasn't anywhere to go, Reagan hadn't put us in the global economy yet.
Let's stop being silly, shall we? Corp tax is higher here than pretty much anywhere on the planet but as we all know it doesn't end there. State and local taxes as well as real estate taxes when combined with gov't regulation and arcane union rules and demands have forced whole industries to abandon not just cities (see: Detroit) and states but entire regions (see: auto industry) and even this country. Investment capital is fungible and rightly goes where it will most benefit the investor. It's not your money and it's not your decision regardless of how much socialists want to believe otherwise. :D

Corporate taxes were much higher in the 60's and our corporations weren't leaving us in droves.

We are not in the 60s and the rest of the world has made great strides in building biz-friendly environments just as we have tightened the noose on biz. Today, as already stated, our corp tax is about the highest on the planet and biz is taking their football and leaving. What should we do about it?

Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010

GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6% - Jul. 1, 2013

Apples to apples with the middle class, WalMart paid 1.7% effective.
Not that I want to bust your fantasy, but min wage earners are hardly the rainmakers in any company and are generally easily replaceable. Wanna make more? Develop some SKILLS.

Employees, no matter income, make all the money for the company.

No they don't but how 'bout you put your money where your big mouth is? Build or buy a biz and then you can give all the profit away to your employees. That's why we call it private prop ... your biz, your decision. :D

Is that it? Pretty wimpy!
Isn't the CEO of McDonalds responsible for this service failure at one of the thousands of restaurants that he is in charge of?

Derp. Since almost all of them are franchises no. The people who own them are. Sheesh business 101.

Yup, agreed 100%

Should they make less or more than a general manager or the at the same restaurant? If more, how much more?

Is the manager running a Mcdonalds in the middle of a war zone? If not...
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Just the other day I applied for a job at a new Cafe - 87 people also applied, and the job was only advertised on a Facebook page. 87 people handed in resumes in just 24 hours.
You are a low skill low wage worker, you didn't say there are no jobs for low skill low wage workers you said there are no jobs in your city, which is false.

You can't have it both ways. You don't want to go into management, you don't want to further your education, you sit in here bragging about making $15/hour working fast food then start complaining there are no jobs for you. Have some fucking ambition and improve your marketability you might find that isn't the case, until then sleep in the bed you make.

I repeat, there are no jobs in my city.
I repeat, you are full of shit.

I told you that there are 33 applicants for EVERY job in this city, no matter what your qualifications are. I live here, I know the situation, so shut the fuck up.
But there are a ton of work from home jobs online. People on here tell us that all the time. They won't actually tell us where any of them are. But they swear they are there.
Let's stop being silly, shall we? Corp tax is higher here than pretty much anywhere on the planet but as we all know it doesn't end there. State and local taxes as well as real estate taxes when combined with gov't regulation and arcane union rules and demands have forced whole industries to abandon not just cities (see: Detroit) and states but entire regions (see: auto industry) and even this country. Investment capital is fungible and rightly goes where it will most benefit the investor. It's not your money and it's not your decision regardless of how much socialists want to believe otherwise. :D

Name 3 regulations that hamper your particular industry and explain why.
I do this all the time and I can't get a straight answer from anybody regardless of party.

As a commercial real estate developer I could name 50. Local building and zoning code changes have added serious time and costs to every project, particularly in the past 10 years. Thanks to aging building stock and recent fires, building collapses and loss of firefighters, it is not worth rehabbing or converting anything over 70 years old. They are increasingly abandoned and left to rot, burn or collapse.
1. Increased structural load bearing requirements.
2. Increased fire-suppression, exits and signage and lighting.
3. Increased elevator safety standards
4. Constantly changing and arbitrary application of electrical and plumbing standards.

You will certainly claim that you were not speaking of federal regulations all it is clearly your nature to be dishonest. So, we will just have to look at you with pity as we explain that all of those "regulations" have gone through the legislative process thousands of times on a local level......and that all of our major competitors worldwide have building codes that are at least as stringent.

Isn't the CEO of McDonalds responsible for this service failure at one of the thousands of restaurants that he is in charge of?

Derp. Since almost all of them are franchises no. The people who own them are. Sheesh business 101.

Yup, agreed 100%

Should they make less or more than a general manager or the at the same restaurant? If more, how much more?

Is the manager running a Mcdonalds in the middle of a war zone? If not...

Oh look! One bit! Patience always pays off.

How far up the chain dies the responsibility for shitty service at McDobalds go, then? Franchise owner? Does the buck stop there?
It falls on the manager and owners. They control their stores. But that is not the issue as you know.
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It falls on the manager and owners. They control heir stores. But that is not the issue as you know.

You and I agree. The question then is.....should the managers all be fired for failing to provide excellent service? Or....will disciplining the employee at the counter and instituting more stringent quality controls at the store level be a more prudent way to deal with the matter?

Or.....should we lower the minimum wage as a way to deal with it?
Because are no other jobs available in my city. And it helps to pay my bills.

If the job paid more could you see making a job working the counter a career?


I provide a service. I don't get government benefits, so I am hardly a drain on the taxpayer. My job is a job. I work, I get paid, I pay taxes.

Nothing wrong with that.

Will the OP be returning to that restaurant in the future?

I doubt it. He only came on here to bitch and complain, instead of calling the store, which is what he should have done.

Wow! Typical fast food employee response. I rarely go to McDonald's, it is amusing they don't have a small, only a medium and a large. Of course a racist like yourself tends to be ignorant.

You mean its a typical response from someone who works there and knows what they are talking about?

No, you do not know what you are talking about. You are an employee, you know nothing about running a shift, let alone a business.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Employees, no matter income, make all the money for the company.

No they don't but how 'bout you put your money where your big mouth is? Build or buy a biz and then you can give all the profit away to your employees. That's why we call it private prop ... your biz, your decision. :D

Is that it? Pretty wimpy!

Give 90% of your wealth to the government, that should fix everything. They could use the extra $100.

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