Ammon Bundy got it right again. Sheriff Ward is to blame for the Hammond travesty.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
When our sheriffs refuse to protect their communities, they are failing in their duties.

In nearby Grant county, the BLM has been told by our sheriff, on more than one occasion, that they don't get to ride roughshod over our residents. The leftist loons portray the Grant county sheriff as *dangerous* because he will *fail to uphold the law*. Thing is, he's the one who does uphold the law..that's why they set up the ambushes to prevent LaVoy and the rest from getting to Grant County. Their entire little army would have stopped right at the border..because they know they have no authority EXCEPT THAT IT'S GRANTED BY THE LOCAL SHERIFF.

Arsonists for trump!
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Political law thugs are the worst. Notice how every lib shill here is for corruption and crime.
Good thing Bundy was pardoned. Yet one more piece of Obama's legacy has disappeared.
Good thing Bundy was pardoned. Yet one more piece of Obama's legacy has disappeared.
Not pardoned..dismissed with prejudice. She called the agents and the prosecutors liars and shills, and castigated them. And when the lying piece of shit prosecutors appealed to the court for a retrial, she sent them away again and told them to suck wind. And she was initially on their side!
The reason Lavoy was killed...

There is a cabal of commissioners, judges, and other government hangers-on who work together to destroy ranchers and steal their land. They then make these sweet deals amongst themselves, dividing the spoils, more or less.

The Bundys left the refuge. They were never arrested, a warrant was never procured. They didn't have a *stand off* at the refuge while they were there..while they were there, people came and went at will, including law enforcement, children, locals. When they felt the point was made, they packed up and moved out...

At this time, one of the commissioners from Grant County, a low life scumbag, sent a hysterical email out to Brown's possee. The letter detailed how terrified he was that once the Bundy group crossed the county line, the residents of Grant county would be in DANGER because Grant county has a sheriff who *won't uphold the law*. I.e., the Grant county sheriff would not allow federal jurisdiction in his county when that jurisdiction is only being established to harass and intimidate people.

The sheriff of Grant county is Glenn Palmer. He's a mellow, calm, genuinely nice guy who is beloved by the community ..not least because he has a history of calmly negating BLM overreach.
The truth is that there was to be a singalong and public meeting, which the Bundy group had been invited to when the jackass Grasty in Harney county denied them the use of the fairgrounds there.

Using the email as *evidence* or *reason* or whatever, the hysterical federales and state puke rushed to move in on the refuge before everybody just walked away..there were only 4 people left and the feds worked hard to kill them. Thank goodness Gavin Seim and David Frey had the foresight to fix a live feed..that live feed is the only reason the *agents* backed up and didn't kill everyone. And they were spitting mad about it, it was hilarious to behold when they realized every stupid thing they did was being captured and broadcast live.

Meanwhile, as the Bundy group traveled to Grant County, snipers were set up, federal and state, at two sights. Feds shoot at the cars upon approach and without advising the staters that they are firing. The intent, and the outcome, is to trigger either an armed response from the people in the car, which would trigger the staters...or it would cause the staters to think that there were shots coming from inside the car..and again, trigger the staters.

And that's exactly what happened.

They fired on the car upon approach at the first ambush, Finicum said "follow me to Grant count" because he knew they were going to kill him if he stopped.

At the second ambush, the bullets were going inside the car so he exited the car to draw the fire away from the women inside.

He stepped out, they shot him, his hands went to the bullet wounds, and they said it was because he was drawing his weapons that they shot him. But it's a lie.

They wanted to kill them all.

They also shot Ryan Bundy...during the time he was unconstitutionally kept in prison, waiting for trial...the US Marshalls would show up every now and then and demand he leave with them. Once they came and said they were escorting him to a remove the bullet in his shoulder. He refused because he knew, as we all knew, that they would either kill him, or dope him, take out the bullet, and then deny its existence.

Because that's how these unconstitutional agencies work.

Ryan Bundy for Nevada Governor
Arsonists for trump!

Lobster Creek Fire was started by a bunch of liberal enviroarsonists who used kids to start it. That's going on right now in my neck of the woods. The press is racing to hide the information but so far the sheriff seems pretty committed to pursue the investigation.

You could be one of the counselors...'m sure there were at least a couple of militant bull dykes there, which makes it creepy on a whole different level in addition to the creepy terrorism angle ...

Meanwhile..this is what's going on in the Harney County community...these are the people that scumbags like Bode ridicule and encourage violence against:

Bode calls these people terrorists.
It's a lie, it has always been.


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