American Weapons Arming Conflicts Around The World, Intentionally & Not


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The United States has become one of the world's leading arms suppliers, from Africa to Kashmir to Ukraine.

Weapons supplied to.Ukrsine have reportedly ended up in the hands of terrorists in Africa.

As a result of President Biden's hasty retreat from the Taliban In Afghanistan previously during his administration, a US arsenal of weapons and equipment was left behind.

"Weapons left behind by U.S. forces during the withdrawal from Afghanistan are surfacing in another conflict, further arming militants in the disputed South Asian region of Kashmir in what experts say could be just the start of the weapons’ global journey.

Authorities in Indian-controlled Kashmir tell NBC News that militants trying to annex the region for Pakistan are carrying M4s, M16s and other U.S.-made arms and ammunition that have rarely been seen in the 30-year conflict. A major reason, they say, is a regional flood of U.S.-funded weapons that fell into the hands of the Taliban when U.S.-led NATO forces withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021.

Most of the weapons recovered so far, officials say, are from Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) or Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), both Pakistan-based militant groups that the U.S. designates as terrorist organizations.


We leave arms all over the world since probably WWI or maybe II. I went into the Marine Corps in 1980. One of the Staff NCO's in my unit and I used to run and work out together all the time and occasionally had a few brewskis out in town, even though I was just a Corporal. Anyway, he was telling me when the US pulled out of Viet Nam, we stacked up firearms and ammo and phos grenades and generally fun stuff to blow up, and burn it all. Or just bend the barrels of rifles or burn them to warp the barrels. It costs more to get them home than to destroy them. And the Military Industrial complex needed the money. And some upper ranks probably make a few bucks leaving an armory half full of M16A1s. I think pulling out of Afghanistan was the right thing to do, but no way was it going to be smooth and easy. It probably went about as well as it could have, and we are out of Afghanistan. All the arms that was talked we just left there on our way out I wonder if that is not why the Afghan army didn't fight, we disabled the arms we left behind.
How would you have done it?
That's a significantly long discussion.
Long story short, the US should not have allowed the Taliban to dictate terms. A strong President should have stood fast. Bisen let tbe Taliban run us out of Afghanistan, an undisciplined, frantic retreat. And every vehicle, every weapon should have been destroyed ... or as many as possible.

More importantly, Anerica failed to.learn from history - Afghanistan has never been conquered. This was ignored - it was thought we could do what none other could, but still we ignoref the lessons of history.
The United States has become one of the world's leading arms suppliers, from Africa to Kashmir to Ukraine.

Weapons supplied to.Ukrsine have reportedly ended up in the hands of terrorists in Africa.

As a result of President Biden's hasty retreat from the Taliban In Afghanistan previously during his administration, a US arsenal of weapons and equipment was left behind.

"Weapons left behind by U.S. forces during the withdrawal from Afghanistan are surfacing in another conflict, further arming militants in the disputed South Asian region of Kashmir in what experts say could be just the start of the weapons’ global journey.

Authorities in Indian-controlled Kashmir tell NBC News that militants trying to annex the region for Pakistan are carrying M4s, M16s and other U.S.-made arms and ammunition that have rarely been seen in the 30-year conflict. A major reason, they say, is a regional flood of U.S.-funded weapons that fell into the hands of the Taliban when U.S.-led NATO forces withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021.

Most of the weapons recovered so far, officials say, are from Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) or Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), both Pakistan-based militant groups that the U.S. designates as terrorist organizations.


It’s intentional especially with this Satanic Regime. Remember how Obama armed Iran, Alqueda in Libya, The Muslim Brotherhood and Mexican Drug Cartels?

His motto may as well have been “Death to America!”

Joe Biden is just more of the same!
I think pulling out of Afghanistan was the right thing to do, but no way was it going to be smooth and easy. It probably went about as well as it could have, and we are out of Afghanistan. All the arms that was talked we just left there on our way out I wonder if that is not why the Afghan army didn't fight, we disabled the arms we left behind.
Speechless .
Such obvious rubbish .

As if it sounds plausible even on planet Zog .
Look at these British handiworkers! They obviously pose a threat of nuclear catastrophe. I think Britain should be deprived of the right to possess nuclear of any kind.
Look at these British handiworkers! They obviously pose a threat of nuclear catastrophe. I think Britain should be deprived of the right to possess nuclear of any kind.

One word: Chernobyl. :laughing0301:
According to western media
We leave arms all over the world since probably WWI or maybe II.

It goes back long before that.

Even during the Revolution, it was practice to "spike" the barrels of cannons before retreating. And during the Civil War, both sides would build huge fires if forced to retreat to destroy any equipment they could not take with them. And even doing so to train tracks so the other side could not repair them easily.

And in an even older variation, the French threatened to cut off the middle finger of any English bowmen captured in the Hundred Years War. That is because without that finger they could not draw their bows.

But in Vietnam, it was very different because we turned over that equipment to the Government of South Vietnam.
Much US jealousy because the inventive and ultra creative British found a brilliant cost cutting route which leaves the bolts even more tight than the original specs called for .

Expect the US will quickly and very quietly adopt this superb advance .

How long ago was it that all four US so called Aircraft Carriers were laid up at the same time ?
Two by Chinese DEW which Admiral Brownpants vehemently denied .

The U.S. Army Special Operations Command (SOCOM) has launched an investigation following a reported leak of data from an email server. This was reported by CNN, citing a statement from SOCOM spokesman Ken McGraw.
The only information the command can confirm now, he said, is that there was no sign of a breach in the U.S. Special Operations Forces information system. As previously reported, the data leak was discovered by American information security specialist Anurag Sen. It turned out that one of the Pentagon's mail servers was not protected from access by search engines and unregistered users and was leaking "terabytes of US military internal emails" into the network.

There was not even a password to access the server, and any Internet user could access it using their IP address. At the same time, the mail stored on the server belonged to the management and soldiers of the U.S. Special Operations Command.


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