American Jews & Israel


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
American Jews have about had it with Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions to Palestinians so they can kill more Israeli's & continue their vow to annihilate Israel. Shame on Israel. If there is ever to be peace, Israel must first abandon this entire Zionist agenda & learn to treat the Palestinians with the same Arab country love, respect & justice the Palestinians are so well accustomed to & so well deserve. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.
And then Israel even saves lives of wounded Palestinians in Israeli hospitals so they can get well to more Israeli's. This is what Zionism has become. What ever happened to the Zionists who were a light unto all nations? The Zionists who took out Iraq's nuclear reactor? The Zionists who's purpose was to defend & protect their land & their people?
The rapid embrace of anti-Semites drives Israel and the American Jewish community apart.
April 5, 2017

Caroline Glick

The divide between Israelis and American Jews seems to be growing. Indications of the widening gap came last week with reports of a confrontation between an American Jewish activist and four members of Knesset, from across the political spectrum, at a synagogue near Boston.

As reported at The Algemeiner, at the end of a forum at Brookline’s Congregation Kehillath Israel, an audience member named Shifrah told the four Israeli lawmakers, “You are losing me and you are losing many, many people in the Jewish community... I cannot look the other way when three Israeli teenagers are brutally murdered and the response is to kill 2,300 Palestinians [in Operation Protective Edge in 2014]. I want to know what you are doing to make peace with the Palestinians. I want to know what the government is doing to make peace.”


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