America Is So Fucked...

Depends maybe on how the 2012 elections turn out. IF the GOP wins the WH and the Senate and keeps the House then maybe they'll really cut spending and the size of gov't.

Won't happen on either count. These latest antics will cost the GOP plenty at the polls.

Wrong in most likelihood. Takeover of Senate is more than likely, as is a big gain in the House. While the WH is likely, I never underestimate the possibility of the Republicans to put up an unelectable with the primaries. Obama has a 20% chance, give or take, of trashing his opponent enough to eek out a victory.

That's almost a certainty. The hard core elements will never support someone who can appeal to the entire electorate.
Depends maybe on how the 2012 elections turn out. IF the GOP wins the WH and the Senate and keeps the House then maybe they'll really cut spending and the size of gov't. A lot. I know, they didn't do so well last time, but now they got the TPers holding their feet to the fire, so maybe things will be different.

I don't think we're past the point of no return yet. It's a big hole we're in and some are still digging, but at least the issue of gov't spending is in the national conscience now. The big test will be when attempts are made to reform (cut) the big entitlement programs. Gotta happen, and I would assume some tax hikes to accompany it otherwise there'd be no end of hollering from the Dems.

The real queston for me is can we do this in the next 5 years and avoid a bad depression. If the acrimonious gridlock continues into 2013, yeah we're fucked. We don't have a lot of time left to turn the aircraft carrier around and it's not gonna happen overnight.
If you think 50 or 60 million retirees on social security and medicare and another 10 million baby boomers are going to say put it to me, I'm ready to make some sacrifices, you've not being realistic. This is 1/3 of the adult populations. Any cuts in Medicare will throw more people on to Medicaid which will probably be cut. Education, Health and Welfare is mostly 50/50 cost sharing with state and local government. So any cut at the federal level will put the pressure on local government. My guess is that the voters are going say hell no, increase taxes on those that can most afford to pay.
Depends maybe on how the 2012 elections turn out. IF the GOP wins the WH and the Senate and keeps the House then maybe they'll really cut spending and the size of gov't. A lot. I know, they didn't do so well last time, but now they got the TPers holding their feet to the fire, so maybe things will be different.

I don't think we're past the point of no return yet. It's a big hole we're in and some are still digging, but at least the issue of gov't spending is in the national conscience now. The big test will be when attempts are made to reform (cut) the big entitlement programs. Gotta happen, and I would assume some tax hikes to accompany it otherwise there'd be no end of hollering from the Dems.

The real queston for me is can we do this in the next 5 years and avoid a bad depression. If the acrimonious gridlock continues into 2013, yeah we're fucked. We don't have a lot of time left to turn the aircraft carrier around and it's not gonna happen overnight.

If you think 50 or 60 million retirees on social security and medicare and another 10 million baby boomers are going to say put it to me, I'm ready to make some sacrifices, you've not being realistic. This is 1/3 of the adult populations. Any cuts in Medicare will throw more people on to Medicaid which will probably be cut. Education, Health and Welfare is mostly 50/50 cost sharing with state and local government. So any cut at the federal level will put the pressure on local government. My guess is that the voters are going say hell no, increase taxes on those that can most afford to pay.

This is true, but they (congress) are honest-to-god not listening.
Won't happen on either count. These latest antics will cost the GOP plenty at the polls.

Wrong in most likelihood. Takeover of Senate is more than likely, as is a big gain in the House. While the WH is likely, I never underestimate the possibility of the Republicans to put up an unelectable with the primaries. Obama has a 20% chance, give or take, of trashing his opponent enough to eek out a victory.

That's almost a certainty. The hard core elements will never support someone who can appeal to the entire electorate.

Neither can your side. Don't need entire electorate, just 50+.00001
Wrong in most likelihood. Takeover of Senate is more than likely, as is a big gain in the House. While the WH is likely, I never underestimate the possibility of the Republicans to put up an unelectable with the primaries. Obama has a 20% chance, give or take, of trashing his opponent enough to eek out a victory.

That's almost a certainty. The hard core elements will never support someone who can appeal to the entire electorate.

Neither can your side. Don't need entire electorate, just 50+.00001

If by "my side" you mean the Democrats, Obama will obviously be renominated. And all he has to do is not look as bad as the alternative.
Depends maybe on how the 2012 elections turn out. IF the GOP wins the WH and the Senate and keeps the House then maybe they'll really cut spending and the size of gov't.

Won't happen on either count. These latest antics will cost the GOP plenty at the polls.

Wrong in most likelihood. Takeover of Senate is more than likely, as is a big gain in the House. While the WH is likely, I never underestimate the possibility of the Republicans to put up an unelectable with the primaries. Obama has a 20% chance, give or take, of trashing his opponent enough to eek out a victory.

I think Obama's extreme vulnerability--he is almost certainly a one-termer--will make bigger name candidates more interested in running. The early polls etc are almost always wrong. The party knows it cannot win with someone like Bachmann or Palin.
The GOP needs someone who can unite the economic conservatives, the social conservatives, and the foreign policy conservatives. This is why Ron Paul will never win.
Won't happen on either count. These latest antics will cost the GOP plenty at the polls.

Wrong in most likelihood. Takeover of Senate is more than likely, as is a big gain in the House. While the WH is likely, I never underestimate the possibility of the Republicans to put up an unelectable with the primaries. Obama has a 20% chance, give or take, of trashing his opponent enough to eek out a victory.

I think Obama's extreme vulnerability--he is almost certainly a one-termer--will make bigger name candidates more interested in running. The early polls etc are almost always wrong. The party knows it cannot win with someone like Bachmann or Palin.
The GOP needs someone who can unite the economic conservatives, the social conservatives, and the foreign policy conservatives. This is why Ron Paul will never win.

I certainly agree with your thinking, but not your certainty.
Depends maybe on how the 2012 elections turn out. IF the GOP wins the WH and the Senate and keeps the House then maybe they'll really cut spending and the size of gov't. A lot. I know, they didn't do so well last time, but now they got the TPers holding their feet to the fire, so maybe things will be different.

What? They ‘learned their lesson.’

Both the GOP and democrats are big government advocates, they merely practice big government in two different branches.

This Nation has survived Civil War and the Great Depression, we’ll survive this provided we adhere always to the rule of law. Abandoning our fundamental Constitutional principles is the only real threat this Nation faces.
This is yet another reason why our founding fathers didn't want a central body to have power...

When people have power, they screw things up and make mistakes.

Follow the constitution and all this will go away.

We are currently following the Constitution, with a few missteps we’ve followed it faithfully for the last 60 years. It makes no difference whom ‘has power,’ as long as all follow the rule of law.

Come on...

I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that 'all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.' To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, not longer susceptible of any definition.
Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, February 15, 1791.

Which is why we’re only subject to the rule of law:

McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)

The thing is, our Congress produces bills that are completely not even in the same realm of the powers given to Congress.

All laws passed by Congress are presumed Constitutional until a court says otherwise.

I understand things that are debatable go to the courts to decide, but please name a power of Congress that gives any kind of inclination that our Congress can write laws that do this:

We are so far beyond the powers of Congress, it's not even amusing anymore.

Except for the for-cause provision of Sarbanes-Oxley, which was severable, the Act was upheld as Constitutional in Free Enterprise Fund and Beckstead and Watts, LLP v. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board and United States of America (2010).
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Wrong in most likelihood. Takeover of Senate is more than likely, as is a big gain in the House. While the WH is likely, I never underestimate the possibility of the Republicans to put up an unelectable with the primaries. Obama has a 20% chance, give or take, of trashing his opponent enough to eek out a victory.

I think Obama's extreme vulnerability--he is almost certainly a one-termer--will make bigger name candidates more interested in running. The early polls etc are almost always wrong. The party knows it cannot win with someone like Bachmann or Palin.
The GOP needs someone who can unite the economic conservatives, the social conservatives, and the foreign policy conservatives. This is why Ron Paul will never win.

I certainly agree with your thinking, but not your certainty.

Look at the states Obama carried in 08. Think about Ohio, Florida, and Virginia. Is he going to carry them this time? No. PA? Iowa? Wisconsin? No, I don think so.
If Obama loses those states and carries the others he did last time, he is done. It will be an electoral landslide.
Depends maybe on how the 2012 elections turn out. IF the GOP wins the WH and the Senate and keeps the House then maybe they'll really cut spending and the size of gov't. A lot. I know, they didn't do so well last time, but now they got the TPers holding their feet to the fire, so maybe things will be different.

I don't think we're past the point of no return yet. It's a big hole we're in and some are still digging, but at least the issue of gov't spending is in the national conscience now. The big test will be when attempts are made to reform (cut) the big entitlement programs. Gotta happen, and I would assume some tax hikes to accompany it otherwise there'd be no end of hollering from the Dems.

The real queston for me is can we do this in the next 5 years and avoid a bad depression. If the acrimonious gridlock continues into 2013, yeah we're fucked. We don't have a lot of time left to turn the aircraft carrier around and it's not gonna happen overnight.

If you think 50 or 60 million retirees on social security and medicare and another 10 million baby boomers are going to say put it to me, I'm ready to make some sacrifices, you've not being realistic. This is 1/3 of the adult populations. Any cuts in Medicare will throw more people on to Medicaid which will probably be cut. Education, Health and Welfare is mostly 50/50 cost sharing with state and local government. So any cut at the federal level will put the pressure on local government. My guess is that the voters are going say hell no, increase taxes on those that can most afford to pay.

This is true, but they (congress) are honest-to-god not listening.
I think you will be amazed at how attentive they will be as Nov. 2012 rolls around.
I would add that the USA is relatively young compared to the other nations you noted. We are pubescent.

Good point. The British Empire lasted over 300 years. The Romans almost twice as long. I figure we have at least another hundred years in us as top dog.
thanks for the rightwingnut talking point.

I realize you find facts anemic. But after watching your leadership smuggle guns and drugs. Your credibility is lacking.

She has no credibility. She is a keyboard lawyer. She cannot argue a single thread. Every post that contradicts the idiocy she posts is responded to with snarky insults, or the best she can manage.

You are correct. The Dems offered no plans at all. T he only way any deal got done was cutting Obama out of the negotiations. Then at least the adults could talk. I didn't like the deal but Boehner was right: it was the best deal we were going to get.

Don't you get sick of her kicking your pathetic arse from pillar to post every time you cross her? You're a glutton for punishment, and a knob to boot.

oh, and your second paragraph? Thanks for reinforcing the OP...retard...
If you think 50 or 60 million retirees on social security and medicare and another 10 million baby boomers are going to say put it to me, I'm ready to make some sacrifices, you've not being realistic. This is 1/3 of the adult populations. Any cuts in Medicare will throw more people on to Medicaid which will probably be cut. Education, Health and Welfare is mostly 50/50 cost sharing with state and local government. So any cut at the federal level will put the pressure on local government. My guess is that the voters are going say hell no, increase taxes on those that can most afford to pay.

This is true, but they (congress) are honest-to-god not listening.
I think you will be amazed at how attentive they will be as Nov. 2012 rolls around.

You think they'll change their talking points on our behalf?
I realize you find facts anemic. But after watching your leadership smuggle guns and drugs. Your credibility is lacking.

She has no credibility. She is a keyboard lawyer. She cannot argue a single thread. Every post that contradicts the idiocy she posts is responded to with snarky insults, or the best she can manage.

You are correct. The Dems offered no plans at all. T he only way any deal got done was cutting Obama out of the negotiations. Then at least the adults could talk. I didn't like the deal but Boehner was right: it was the best deal we were going to get.

Don't you get sick of her kicking your pathetic arse from pillar to post every time you cross her? You're a glutton for punishment, and a knob to boot.

oh, and your second paragraph? Thanks for reinforcing the OP...retard...

SHe's not going to blow you for sticking up for her. Weiner's already got that privilege.
I think you will be amazed at how attentive they will be as Nov. 2012 rolls around.

You think they'll change their talking points on our behalf?

I dunno. Think Obama will give up his taxpayer funded bus tour?

Obama is not changing anything. His latest proposals are for: 1) a continuation of the payroll tax cut that has cost the treasury money and been totally ineffective at stimulating anything, and 2) an infrasutructure bank that promises to be another pig-fest of union feeding.
He doesn't get it. He has no ideas. He is out of steam and out of his depth.
I think Obama's extreme vulnerability--he is almost certainly a one-termer--will make bigger name candidates more interested in running. The early polls etc are almost always wrong. The party knows it cannot win with someone like Bachmann or Palin.
The GOP needs someone who can unite the economic conservatives, the social conservatives, and the foreign policy conservatives. This is why Ron Paul will never win.

I certainly agree with your thinking, but not your certainty.

Look at the states Obama carried in 08. Think about Ohio, Florida, and Virginia. Is he going to carry them this time? No. PA? Iowa? Wisconsin? No, I don think so.
If Obama loses those states and carries the others he did last time, he is done. It will be an electoral landslide.

Another whiny bitch isle four this time.

Hi, you have received -358 reputation points from Dr Grump.
Reputation was given for this post.
I certainly agree with your thinking, but not your certainty.

Look at the states Obama carried in 08. Think about Ohio, Florida, and Virginia. Is he going to carry them this time? No. PA? Iowa? Wisconsin? No, I don think so.
If Obama loses those states and carries the others he did last time, he is done. It will be an electoral landslide.

Another whiny bitch isle four this time.

Hi, you have received -358 reputation points from Dr Grump.
Reputation was given for this post.

Dr Grump is Jillian's secret lover. Actually I suspect it's the same person. They are both equally clueless.
Look at the states Obama carried in 08. Think about Ohio, Florida, and Virginia. Is he going to carry them this time? No. PA? Iowa? Wisconsin? No, I don think so.
If Obama loses those states and carries the others he did last time, he is done. It will be an electoral landslide.

Another whiny bitch isle four this time.

Hi, you have received -358 reputation points from Dr Grump.
Reputation was given for this post.

Dr Grump is Jillian's secret lover. Actually I suspect it's the same person. They are both equally clueless.

Apparently so. My god, it is the first of the month.
I realize you find facts anemic. But after watching your leadership smuggle guns and drugs. Your credibility is lacking.

She has no credibility. She is a keyboard lawyer. She cannot argue a single thread. Every post that contradicts the idiocy she posts is responded to with snarky insults, or the best she can manage.

You are correct. The Dems offered no plans at all. T he only way any deal got done was cutting Obama out of the negotiations. Then at least the adults could talk. I didn't like the deal but Boehner was right: it was the best deal we were going to get.

Don't you get sick of her kicking your pathetic arse from pillar to post every time you cross her? You're a glutton for punishment, and a knob to boot.

oh, and your second paragraph? Thanks for reinforcing the OP...retard...

Now that I have done the opposite of what you were expecting is it safe to assume you will not be such a whiny bitch?

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