America Is So Fucked...

Let's see...which party refuses to compromise ("Un-American"- TIME), and has a gigantic propaganda machine that makes half their party believe stuff that is provably wrong-muslim kenyan marxist, BPP, ACORN- and most of the country believe myths- global warming doesn't exist, Pubs cut spending and handle national security better, are better with the economy- that have little basis in fact...
The world is aghast...bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Lies, fear mongering, xenophobia, arrogance and stupidity are not cute...Real media is also totally cowed by the loudmouths...

Democrats, that was easy. They were such cowards they didnt even produce a plan and god forbid discussing the impending bankruptcy of the entitlements.
This is yet another reason why our founding fathers didn't want a central body to have power...

When people have power, they screw things up and make mistakes.

Follow the constitution and all this will go away.

where do you get that idea?

if they didn't want a strong centralized government, we'd still be living under the articles of confederation.

the problem is pretend constitutionalists who really don't understand a thing about constitutional construction.

Come on...

I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that 'all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.' To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, not longer susceptible of any definition.
Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, February 15, 1791

that's nice... you understand he was one politician...

hamilton had a different idea...

and most of the founders didn't agree with each other most of the time. it was left to the Court to interpret the meaning and application of the words.

what you wish the constitution does is irrelevant.

read marbury v madison so perhaps you gain some insight. see, the problem that the pretend constitutionalists have is they don't understand the relationship between the document and the caselaw.

but thanks for the quote... it has no meaning in terms of constitutional interpretation, though it's interesting.
Let's see...which party refuses to compromise ("Un-American"- TIME), and has a gigantic propaganda machine that makes half their party believe stuff that is provably wrong-muslim kenyan marxist, BPP, ACORN- and most of the country believe myths- global warming doesn't exist, Pubs cut spending and handle national security better, are better with the economy- that have little basis in fact...
The world is aghast...bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Lies, fear mongering, xenophobia, arrogance and stupidity are not cute...Real media is also totally cowed by the loudmouths...

To further illustrate the point.

Let's see...which party refuses to compromise ("Un-American"- TIME), and has a gigantic propaganda machine that makes half their party believe stuff that is provably wrong-muslim kenyan marxist, BPP, ACORN- and most of the country believe myths- global warming doesn't exist, Pubs cut spending and handle national security better, are better with the economy- that have little basis in fact...
The world is aghast...bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Lies, fear mongering, xenophobia, arrogance and stupidity are not cute...Real media is also totally cowed by the loudmouths...

Democrats, that was easy. They were such cowards they didnt even produce a plan and god forbid discussing the impending bankruptcy of the entitlements.

thanks for the rightwingnut talking point.
In 1856, house of rep Brooks entered senator Sumner's office and beat him over the head with a cane.

I'm sure that socialist New England liberal had it coming. :lol:

Brooks was a democrat who favored slavery. Sumner was a republican who had just given fiery ant-slavery speeches. Evidently, Brooks didn't like his tone and went over to his office and whacked him.

My recollection is that Brooks had had a stroke and had trouble controlling his mouth, leading him to drool a lot. Sumner made fun of this in his speech.
So yeah, Sumner probably had it coming.
Let's see...which party refuses to compromise ("Un-American"- TIME), and has a gigantic propaganda machine that makes half their party believe stuff that is provably wrong-muslim kenyan marxist, BPP, ACORN- and most of the country believe myths- global warming doesn't exist, Pubs cut spending and handle national security better, are better with the economy- that have little basis in fact...
The world is aghast...bring back the Fairness Doctrine. Lies, fear mongering, xenophobia, arrogance and stupidity are not cute...Real media is also totally cowed by the loudmouths...

Democrats, that was easy. They were such cowards they didnt even produce a plan and god forbid discussing the impending bankruptcy of the entitlements.

thanks for the rightwingnut talking point.

I realize you find facts anemic. But after watching your leadership smuggle guns and drugs. Your credibility is lacking.
Democrats, that was easy. They were such cowards they didnt even produce a plan and god forbid discussing the impending bankruptcy of the entitlements.

thanks for the rightwingnut talking point.

I realize you find facts anemic. But after watching your leadership smuggle guns and drugs. Your credibility is lacking.

She has no credibility. She is a keyboard lawyer. She cannot argue a single thread. Every post that contradicts the idiocy she posts is responded to with snarky insults, or the best she can manage.

You are correct. The Dems offered no plans at all. T he only way any deal got done was cutting Obama out of the negotiations. Then at least the adults could talk. I didn't like the deal but Boehner was right: it was the best deal we were going to get.
Democrats, that was easy. They were such cowards they didnt even produce a plan and god forbid discussing the impending bankruptcy of the entitlements.

thanks for the rightwingnut talking point.

I realize you find facts anemic. But after watching your leadership smuggle guns and drugs. Your credibility is lacking.

as soon as you post a fact, i will be the first to cheer for you.

i'm rooting for you, though.
thanks for the rightwingnut talking point.

I realize you find facts anemic. But after watching your leadership smuggle guns and drugs. Your credibility is lacking.

She has no credibility. She is a keyboard lawyer. She cannot argue a single thread. Every post that contradicts the idiocy she posts is responded to with snarky insults, or the best she can manage.

You are correct. The Dems offered no plans at all. T he only way any deal got done was cutting Obama out of the negotiations. Then at least the adults could talk. I didn't like the deal but Boehner was right: it was the best deal we were going to get.

Rabbi, I enjoy exchanging insults. First they suck at it. Second extremely slow at wit. And third facts tend to shut them up.
thanks for the rightwingnut talking point.

I realize you find facts anemic. But after watching your leadership smuggle guns and drugs. Your credibility is lacking.

She has no credibility. She is a keyboard lawyer. She cannot argue a single thread. Every post that contradicts the idiocy she posts is responded to with snarky insults, or the best she can manage.

You are correct. The Dems offered no plans at all. T he only way any deal got done was cutting Obama out of the negotiations. Then at least the adults could talk. I didn't like the deal but Boehner was right: it was the best deal we were going to get.

let me tell you what i do know, pretend rabbi... i know that you're very lucky that your lies are done from the safety and anonymity of your parent's basement, toilet saleman....
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where do you get that idea?

if they didn't want a strong centralized government, we'd still be living under the articles of confederation.

the problem is pretend constitutionalists who really don't understand a thing about constitutional construction.

Come on...

I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that 'all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.' To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, not longer susceptible of any definition.
Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, February 15, 1791

that's nice... you understand he was one politician...

hamilton had a different idea...

and most of the founders didn't agree with each other most of the time. it was left to the Court to interpret the meaning and application of the words.

what you wish the constitution does is irrelevant.

read marbury v madison so perhaps you gain some insight. see, the problem that the pretend constitutionalists have is they don't understand the relationship between the document and the caselaw.

but thanks for the quote... it has no meaning in terms of constitutional interpretation, though it's interesting.

The thing is, our Congress produces bills that are completely not even in the same realm of the powers given to Congress.

I understand things that are debatable go to the courts to decide, but please name a power of Congress that gives any kind of inclination that our Congress can write laws that do this:

An Act
To protect investors by improving the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures
made pursuant to the securities laws, and for other purposes.

(a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Sarbanes-
Oxley Act of 2002’’.

We are so far beyond the powers of Congress, it's not even amusing anymore.
This is yet another reason why our founding fathers didn't want a central body to have power...

When people have power, they screw things up and make mistakes.

Follow the constitution and all this will go away.

where do you get that idea?

if they didn't want a strong centralized government, we'd still be living under the articles of confederation.

the problem is pretend constitutionalists who really don't understand a thing about constitutional construction.

Hi, you have received -774 reputation points from jillian.

whiny bitch isle three.
This is yet another reason why our founding fathers didn't want a central body to have power...

When people have power, they screw things up and make mistakes.

Follow the constitution and all this will go away.

where do you get that idea?

if they didn't want a strong centralized government, we'd still be living under the articles of confederation.

the problem is pretend constitutionalists who really don't understand a thing about constitutional construction.

Hi, you have received -774 reputation points from jillian.

whiny bitch isle three.

i'm not the whiner... you and the toilet salesman are.

don't you wingnuts get anything right?

the toilet salesman likes derailing threads. its what he does. one of the stupider people on the board.
"Democrats, that was easy. They were such cowards they didnt even produce a plan and god forbid discussing the impending bankruptcy of the entitlements."

You believe a pile of Fox/Rush Pub crappe. The Dem plans had just as much detail as the Pub "Budgets", or for that matter the final BS law. You have been reduced to a brainwashed moron. Hoping for your recovery- and thanks for screwing up the recovery for, oh, 6 months now...or is it 2 years?
where do you get that idea?

if they didn't want a strong centralized government, we'd still be living under the articles of confederation.

the problem is pretend constitutionalists who really don't understand a thing about constitutional construction.

Hi, you have received -774 reputation points from jillian.

whiny bitch isle three.

i'm not the whiner... you and the toilet salesman are.

don't you wingnuts get anything right?

the toilet salesman likes derailing threads. its what he does. one of the stupider people on the board.

Translation: I can't refute anything he says and he beats me like a red-headed step child in every argument.
Heard from Anthony's weiner recently? Is he still running for mayor?
where do you get that idea?

if they didn't want a strong centralized government, we'd still be living under the articles of confederation.

the problem is pretend constitutionalists who really don't understand a thing about constitutional construction.

Hi, you have received -774 reputation points from jillian.

whiny bitch isle three.

i'm not the whiner... you and the toilet salesman are.

don't you wingnuts get anything right?

the toilet salesman likes derailing threads. its what he does. one of the stupider people on the board.

LOL THE OLE no Im not what are you defense.

That smells of desperation
Hi, you have received -774 reputation points from jillian.

whiny bitch isle three.

i'm not the whiner... you and the toilet salesman are.

don't you wingnuts get anything right?

the toilet salesman likes derailing threads. its what he does. one of the stupider people on the board.

LOL THE OLE no Im not what are you defense.

That smells of desperation

you tell yourself that, kiddo...

and good luck. :thup:
Depends maybe on how the 2012 elections turn out. IF the GOP wins the WH and the Senate and keeps the House then maybe they'll really cut spending and the size of gov't.

Won't happen on either count. These latest antics will cost the GOP plenty at the polls.

Wrong in most likelihood. Takeover of Senate is more than likely, as is a big gain in the House. While the WH is likely, I never underestimate the possibility of the Republicans to put up an unelectable with the primaries. Obama has a 20% chance, give or take, of trashing his opponent enough to eek out a victory.
Why? Because of the debt crisis? Because of lack of job growth? Credit rating downgrade?

Yeah, all of the above, but the main reason is because your political in fighting. You guys are so concerned about the win you don't give a shit about trying to fix this mess. Thread after thread on this board is "It's Obama's fault".."It's the right's fault"..The hatred is so deep and so bitter - and you give the loons like Bachmann and whoever her left-wing equivalent is, the time of day - that it going to sink your country.

And don't blame your politicians - reading on this board you guys are jsut as bad as them - you voted for them and you support them.

Of all the political systems I see from day-to-day - British, Aust., NZ, US - other European countries - the US is by far the worst for vitriol and partisanship. THIS is what is going to kill the American Empire in the end, NOT a credit downgrade, GFC...They are the symptoms, the partisan hackery is the cause...

I do hear you. I can't say much of anything, since I have no words of wisdom. But I hear you.

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