America is about to discover who Joe Biden really is....


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2021
The first term we saw some of it, the Murderous Fraud Vax mandates, the "gifts" to Ukraine etc...

But who is Biden really, and what is he about to do....

Joe Biden is a Zionist. Who says so? He did, in Israel.

Who did Biden admire??

LBJ and W

What did those two do?

LBJ had Gulf of Tonkin leading to Vietnam War and then conspired with Israel to hate hoax the murder of the USS Liberty

W staged the murder of 4000 Americans as a prelude to invade two other countries for no reason and nothing in US national interest, but Zionists really loved it. Biden supported every bit of W's warmongering including Gitmo.

Were we warned?

We sure were, by the Atlanta Jewish Times

So, the Zionist Fascists believe Biden is one of them, and will use any excuse to invade Iran...

What is going on now???

Standard bullshit hate hoaxing by the usual suspects...

Netanyahu is back, and so is Zionist Fascism in control of Israel....

The drums are beating. Fox News wants a US war with Iraq. So does the rest of Zionist Fascism.

Are we about to get hit with another USS Liberty/911 style hate hoax to sell out or troops again???

Anyone who still believes Joe Biden is a Catholic is an absolute invalid...
But but what about teh Joooos and the USS Liberty ?

Good question.

teh Joos and Joo Fscit LBJ plotted and executed an attack by the IDF for the purpose of hate hoaxing it on Egypt and then nuking Cairo.

Always with the Zionist Fascist it is a HATE HOAX aimed at starting a US war with Israel's enemies.

USS Liberty = Egypt
Marines in Lebanon 1983 = attempt by Israel to hate hoax a US war with Hezbo
911 - "radical Islam"

How will Joe and da JOOS hate hoax a new war with IRAN???
Biden and his total failure has a way of bringing out the Extra-Stupid in Lefties.

As dumb as the left wingers are who call others fascist while supporting everything fascist themselves, the SUB never fails to fuck up the definition of "conservative."

To a SUB, W was a "conservative," and invading Iraq over lies was "conservative," and socializing senior drugs was "conservative," because a SUB is THE DUMBEST LIFE FORM ON EARTH TO SELF ID AS HUMAN
We like seeing these weepy BDS threads, because whenever we see one, it tells us that Biden has just curbstomped the fascist bitch bois again.
We like seeing these weepy BDS threads, because whenever we see one, it tells us that Biden has just curbstomped the fascist bitch bois again.

And in an amazing coincidence, our resident left wing mossad "expert" on parroting falsehoods about Co2 and 911 is totally in love with Joe Biden.

The Mossad loves Joe Biden.

Maybe that explains how Joe "won" the election...

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