America is a different place than it was 75 years ago - it was relatively safe

Unions and workers rights were strong in 1942. One parent could buy a house, car and raise a large family on a basic income.
Corporations paid their taxes
Corporations gave a damn about this country and didn't stab it in the back
We had the best education and industry on earth

FDR new deal made us great!
Considering STD's, drug addiction, broken families, etc., it's no surprise that people have felt unsafe to hitchhike for a couple of generations already.
WTF does that mean?

When's the last time you saw a hitchhiker?

What does that have to do with STDs?
Social demise.
Nobody picks up hitchhikers because of STDs?
You think they did not have VD in the 40s?
75 years ago, many of us were not born yet. We remember Happy Days, the 1950's, etc. No clue what was really going on because we were in our poodle skirts and wearing our ducktail haircuts and mom and dad paid all the bills.
George Clooney wants to show the world how bad the 50s were.

50s were pretty nasty if you weren't white, male and Christian
Seventy five years ago people in America walked the streets at night in major cities with few concerns...and left doors open all night.

Shoplifting was a minor problem and violence against Law Enforcement was nearly unheard of.

It was a friendlier time when you were more likely to be helped by your fellow American than hurt by them.

Today...we live in a totally different place. Danger is lurking everywhere. Theft and crime run rampant. Police are shot and killed for fun. The elderly are victimized as quickly as anyone else.....
Brazen Thief Steals Purse From Woman, 82, on Scooter at California Supermarket

Young people text and drive killing thousands each year......People cheat the system rampantly....

The ONE caveat, and an important one, is that Civil Rights are more equally spread among all Americans.
But at what cost? Did we trade a safe society for one that has everyone closer to equal?
Surely VERY few people actually would still support slavery and the majority are pleased with equality for all.
But again, at what price?

So, what exactly has changed?
Easy. The government stepped in to become the "baby-daddy".
75 years ago, many of us were not born yet. We remember Happy Days, the 1950's, etc. No clue what was really going on because we were in our poodle skirts and wearing our ducktail haircuts and mom and dad paid all the bills.
George Clooney wants to show the world how bad the 50s were.

50s were pretty nasty if you weren't white, male and Christian
Does the thought of strong black families so disgust you?
75 years ago, we were free, safe, and (relative the the world) prosperous. Then the dark ages came with the "Civil Rights movement". Crime skyrocketed. The government started coercing people to discriminate (and calling it freedom) while being engaged in a slander campaign against white people. Our freedoms, safety, and middle-class started evaporating.

Absolute bullshit. The murder rate was higher. Law enforcement ignored violence against anyone who wasn't white.

Oh, and the middle class reached its peak in the 1950s and 1960s. That would be 20 years after your so-called "safe" years.
You do know these ingrates have their own alternative facts, yes?
75 years ago, many of us were not born yet. We remember Happy Days, the 1950's, etc. No clue what was really going on because we were in our poodle skirts and wearing our ducktail haircuts and mom and dad paid all the bills.
George Clooney wants to show the world how bad the 50s were.

50s were pretty nasty if you weren't white, male and Christian
Does the thought of strong black families so disgust you?

Good point...

You know what happened to strong black families in 1942?
They were lynched

Something about being uppity
You know what happened to strong black families in 1942?
They were lynched

Something about being uppity

You're a racist liar. Blacks who were lynched were usually suspected of serious crimes, not of being uppity or for having an intact family. And, blacks kill more people in a busy month than all the blacks who were lunched by whites in history.
75 years ago whites were getting jobs over more qualified Blacks. I know you miss those days. By now you would be CEO instead of head fry cook.

I don't believe that. Most whites will hire the person who'll make them the most money, regardless of race. Including 75 years ago. But, now, the government forces companies to hire blacks over more qualified whites.

If libtards lie about racism today, why should I believe what they say about racism 75 years ago?

That is absolute bullshit. Hiring blacks meant losing customers in many instances. And if they did hire blacks, they paid them far less. Making it more about low wages than about any altruistic ideals.
Once again, white people are responsible for this and yet they blame the victims of their hatred for not being able to keep up with their racist tactics. They find the few that do make it, enough to quantify 200 plus years of exclusion and racism. Blacks are still being paid less, blacks are still last on the list of really good paying jobs and black people and high unemployment is still a issue in this country
I think 'generally' speaking it was safer 75 years ago for most. There has always been murder, rape, theft, and graffiti. But the lock and key were invented at least 4,000 years ago and maybe before that for a reason. The pyramids were nothing but gigantic tombs with elaborate traps and devices to keep thieves from stealing all the stuff inside.

Certainly right now the US is still recovering from the Bush Great Recession and valuables and money are still highly sought after commodities. People steal copper wiring from street light bases or agriculture sights. Anything that can be sold for money is up for grabs. And the population is double what it was 75 years ago.

Many causes.
You know what happened to strong black families in 1942?
They were lynched

Something about being uppity

You're a racist liar. Blacks who were lynched were usually suspected of serious crimes, not of being uppity or for having an intact family. And, blacks kill more people in a busy month than all the blacks who were lunched by whites in history.

You think you are better than me boy?

Words directed at any negro who dared to be successful. The outcome could be a beating, arson or lynching
Were you safer in 1942?

You were likely to get drafted and sent to war
Cars and roads were not safer
There was no such thing as OSHA or job safety standards
Domestic abuse and child abuse were tolerated
Blacks were being terrorized in a Jim Crow south
If you were injured, hospitals and ambulances were few and far between and medical care was at best primitive
You were not safe from polio, influenza and dozens of other infectious diseases
Food, water and the air was not safe

I will take today
Once again, white people are responsible for this and yet they blame the victims of their hatred for not being able to keep up with their racist tactics. They find the few that do make it, enough to quantify 200 plus years of exclusion and racism. Blacks are still being paid less, blacks are still last on the list of really good paying jobs and black people and high unemployment is still a issue in this country

Compared to their SAT scores, blacks are over-paid.
America is a different place than it was 75 years ago - it was relatively safe

Not if you were black and living in the south. Then? Not so much.
You know what happened to strong black families in 1942?
They were lynched

Something about being uppity

You're a racist liar. Blacks who were lynched were usually suspected of serious crimes, not of being uppity or for having an intact family. And, blacks kill more people in a busy month than all the blacks who were lunched by whites in history.

Don't be daft. There were blacks lynched for being accused of whistling at white women.
You know what happened to strong black families in 1942?
They were lynched

Something about being uppity

You're a racist liar. Blacks who were lynched were usually suspected of serious crimes, not of being uppity or for having an intact family. And, blacks kill more people in a busy month than all the blacks who were lunched by whites in history.

Lynching is about as serious a crime as you can get.
Seventy five years ago people in America walked the streets at night in major cities with few concerns...and left doors open all night.

Shoplifting was a minor problem and violence against Law Enforcement was nearly unheard of.

It was a friendlier time when you were more likely to be helped by your fellow American than hurt by them.

Today...we live in a totally different place. Danger is lurking everywhere. Theft and crime run rampant. Police are shot and killed for fun. The elderly are victimized as quickly as anyone else.....
Brazen Thief Steals Purse From Woman, 82, on Scooter at California Supermarket

Young people text and drive killing thousands each year......People cheat the system rampantly....

The ONE caveat, and an important one, is that Civil Rights are more equally spread among all Americans.
But at what cost? Did we trade a safe society for one that has everyone closer to equal?
Surely VERY few people actually would still support slavery and the majority are pleased with equality for all.
But again, at what price?

So, what exactly has changed?
Easy. The government stepped in to become the "baby-daddy".
Anyone Born With aa Silver Spoon in His Mouth Will Always Speak With a Forked Tongue

The sons of Right Wing plutocrats pretended to be Liberals in order to give democracy a bad name.

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