Allen West To Liberals: Get the Hell Out Of The U.S.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Speaking to a Lincoln Day Dinner in West Palm Beach for the Palm Beach County GOP, Rep. Allen West (R-Fla) fired off a humdinger of a line that within minutes drew recriminations from Democrats on Twitter.

"We need to let President Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, (audience boos) and my dear friend the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, we need to let them know that Florida ain't on the table," West said. "Take your message of equality of achievement, take your message of economic dependency, take your message of enslaving the entrepreneurial will and spirit of the American people somewhere else. You can take it to Europe, you can take it to the bottom of the sea, you can take it to the North Pole, but get the hell out of the United States of America."

Following cheers, West added, "Yeah I said 'hell.'"

Moments after the quote was mentioned on Twitter, former Reid spokesman Jim Manley responded via his own Twitter feed: "Me to allen west. You first asshole."

And they say politics is getting more acrimonious.

Allen West To Liberals: Get the Hell Out Of The U.S.
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If you wankers like Euroweenie socialism so much, get the hell over there.

Put your money and actions where your big mouths are.

Why go to Europe? We have socialism right here - in many phases.
Yet it's still never enough....Never is for spoiled little brats.

I'm sure you'd be much happier in Norway...I know I'd be happier to know that malcontent little pinkos like you finally took some action for yourselves.
Lefties pay their dues and help fight the wars.

You want France's or Finland's political structures and cradle-to-grave welfare, pack up your shit and move.

Nobody is stopping you.

Who's talking about France and/or Finland? Do they have a better quality of life?
No...They're goddamn socialists, you imbecile....That's the point.

Dumber than a bag of hammers, folx. :lol::lol::lol:
If you wankers like Euroweenie socialism so much, get the hell over there.

Put your money and actions where your big mouths are.

Why go to Europe? We have socialism right here - in many phases.
Yet it's still never enough....Never is for spoiled little brats.

I'm sure you'd be much happier in Norway...I know I'd be happier to know that malcontent little pinkos like you finally took some action for yourselves.

Yeah, we'll take all our socialist friends with us: Police, firefighters, teachers, USPS, etc...

Gee, even the military is socialist.
Why go to Europe? We have socialism right here - in many phases.
Yet it's still never enough....Never is for spoiled little brats.

I'm sure you'd be much happier in Norway...I know I'd be happier to know that malcontent little pinkos like you finally took some action for yourselves.

Yeah, we'll take all our socialist friends with us: Police, firefighters, teachers, USPS, etc...

Gee, even the military is socialist.

So is corporate America = they love those tax dollar handouts and to hell with the Free Market.
Yet it's still never enough....Never is for spoiled little brats.

I'm sure you'd be much happier in Norway...I know I'd be happier to know that malcontent little pinkos like you finally took some action for yourselves.

Yeah, we'll take all our socialist friends with us: Police, firefighters, teachers, USPS, etc...

Gee, even the military is socialist.

So is corporate America = they love those tax dollar handouts and to hell with the Free Market.

Absolutely! Corporations love to privatize their profits and socialize their losses.
Ten Ways Socialism is NOT Killing the Private Sector

By Wendy Gittleson

There is no more frightening word in the American English lexicon than the word ‘socialism.’ Socialism destroys freedom. It destroys innovation by destroying the ability to profit. Under a socialist system, all color will be drained from life. Individuality will be lost and creativity will be squashed. Life will be unrecognizable. Well, at least that’s what we are told. Is that really true? Does socialism leave us a dreary world, lacking in choice and liberty? Will we all be forced to eat the same food, read the same blogs and watch the same movies?

If real life is any example, the answer is a resounding “No!” Socialism has been a part of American life for as long as America has been a country. Socialism has been surviving alongside capitalism. In recent years, capitalists have gotten very clever at competing in a socialist market. Here are just a few examples:

1.The Post Office – Argue the success of the Post Office all you want. It is socialist. Unless my letter absolutely, positively has to be there overnight, I use the Post Office. In fact, I even use it when my letter or package does absolutely, positively have to be there overnight. When corporate America sends me bills, they send them through the Post Office. It’s cheaper than the alternatives, yet, FedEx and UPS are thriving.

2.Water – The US has one of the largest water treatment system in the US. It is run primarily by the government (aka socialism). Most Americans shower in socialized water. They cook in socialized water. They make their coffee with socialized water. Yet, in 2009, Americans spent over $10 billion in private sector, bottled water.

3.Social Security – Every American is eligible for Social Security. Americans who can afford it, look to the private sector to help with their retirement. Investments in 401k’s and other private investments are worth trillions of dollars.

4.National parks – National parks are enjoyed by nearly all Americans. National parks are purely socialist. Private land sales don’t seem to be affected.

5.Schools – Public schools are socialist. No, that doesn’t mean they are teaching a public agenda. It simply means they are supported by tax dollars. The public has a say in what is taught. Private schools have always existed, they most likely always will.

6.Universities – Same as above. I don’t think Harvard is having a difficult time competing with the University of Massachusetts and vice versa.

7.School lunches – Send your kid to school with the lunch you made or give him a couple of bucks for a socialized school lunch. It’s your choice.

8.Gyms – Most cities have city rec centers. Most cities have multiple private, for profit gyms.

9.Libraries – Book stores might be suffering, but it’s not because of libraries.

10.Public health care – Seniors have socialized medicine. They can see nearly any doctor. The VA has socialized medicine. They can also pay to see any doctor they want.​

Every successful country in the world operates under a combination of socialism and capitalism. When done properly, they support each other, giving people the best choices for quality and cost efficiency.

Originally from;

Ten Ways Socialism is NOT Killing the Private Sector | Addicting Info

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