All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked
Two months after the New York Post published its series of exposés on Hunter Biden, new information has revealed a lot of people with a lot to be embarrassed about.​
People Who Should Be Embarrassed About Hunter Biden, Ranked (
18 Dec 2020 ~~ By Tristan Justice
A lot of powerful people have a lot to be embarrassed about.
Last week, President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team released a statement acknowledging the existence of an investigation under the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office probing Hunter Biden’s tax affairs. The investigation joins a broader probe examining Hunter’s finances underway by the securities fraud unit in the Southern District of New York, reported by Politico, and another targeting James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, in Pennsylvania related to a series of hospital deals.
The existence of ongoing federal investigations targeting Hunter Biden was first reported in October, days before the November election. Content surfaced on an abandoned Delaware laptop implicating Joe Biden in his son’s potentially criminal overseas business dealings.
Democrats dismissed the revelations as pure Russian disinformation, offering their allies in the corporate media an excuse to ignore the news they’re responsible for reporting when not delegitimizing the idea of Biden family corruption altogether.
The irony of the Hunter Biden saga is rich, considering the same media perpetuated a four-year conspiracy with no end indicting President Donald Trump in the press as a Kremlin agent, laying the roots for a baseless narrative to attack any reporting they simply don’t like, including the blockbuster revelations on Hunter Biden.
Now that Hunter Biden has acknowledged an ongoing investigation probing his finances from the Department of Justice, legacy outlets finally offering coverage after forgoing any attention to a story that became even more important following the election. But don’t hold your breath for coverage to be fair.
If it wasn’t clear before — and it was given statements from the FBI, the Department of Justice, the director of national intelligence, and the Department of State — it’s undeniably clear now that stories unearthing incriminating details on Hunter Biden did not stem from some Russian plot to interfere in the November election. Public knowledge of not one, but three federal investigations targeting the Biden family with an on-the-record whistleblower and a laptop hard drive authenticated with forensic analysis also obtained by federal authorities help make that clear.
Joe Biden
Above all, former Vice President Biden remains at the heart of the controversy, caught in a web of lies covering for his son’s overseas business ventures that emails show sought to enrich the entire family, including the president-elect himself.
The first bombshell to drop in the New York Post’s series of October exposés caught Joe Biden lying throughout the entire campaign when repeatedly denying ever discussing business with his son, “or with anyone else.” Indeed, 2015 emails show Joe Biden personally met with a senior advisor for Burisma, the Ukrainian energy firm showering the vice president’s son with upwards of $50,000 a month in excess compensation while Joe Biden served as the “public face” of Obama administration policy on Ukraine.
Emails published by the New York Post dated a month later show the same Chinese business partners offering Hunter Biden a $10 million a year contract for “introductions alone,” explicitly setting aside a sizable portion for Joe Biden funneled through Hunter.
During the presidential debate in October, however, Biden accused Trump of peddling Russian disinformation for pointing out this story.
MSNBC’s Ben Rhodes
MSNBC contributor and former deputy national security advisor in the Obama White House Ben Rhodes is no exception to the long line of those billing the Hunter Biden scandal as Russian disinformation.
When one reporter asked Biden on the tarmac about the scandals involving family business deals, Rhodes condemned the journalist as “acting as the far end of a Russian disinformation operation.”
Rhodes’s arrogance earned him a spot on this list.

Undoubtedly, if China Joey Xi is confirmed by Jan 20th 2021 this will go away unless a Special Counsel is designated to investigate beyond the power of the presidency and propagandist media.
We have seen how the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftt and their Quisling media have continued to bury this malfeasance and corruption even when Obama was president.
Time to air this dirty laundry in sunlight so the people of American can see the truth.
All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked
Two months after the New York Post published its series of exposés on Hunter Biden, new information has revealed a lot of people with a lot to be embarrassed about.​
People Who Should Be Embarrassed About Hunter Biden, Ranked (
18 Dec 2020 ~~ By Tristan Justice
A lot of powerful people have a lot to be embarrassed about.
Last week, President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team released a statement acknowledging the existence of an investigation under the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office probing Hunter Biden’s tax affairs. The investigation joins a broader probe examining Hunter’s finances underway by the securities fraud unit in the Southern District of New York, reported by Politico, and another targeting James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, in Pennsylvania related to a series of hospital deals.
The existence of ongoing federal investigations targeting Hunter Biden was first reported in October, days before the November election. Content surfaced on an abandoned Delaware laptop implicating Joe Biden in his son’s potentially criminal overseas business dealings.
Democrats dismissed the revelations as pure Russian disinformation, offering their allies in the corporate media an excuse to ignore the news they’re responsible for reporting when not delegitimizing the idea of Biden family corruption altogether.
The irony of the Hunter Biden saga is rich, considering the same media perpetuated a four-year conspiracy with no end indicting President Donald Trump in the press as a Kremlin agent, laying the roots for a baseless narrative to attack any reporting they simply don’t like, including the blockbuster revelations on Hunter Biden.
Now that Hunter Biden has acknowledged an ongoing investigation probing his finances from the Department of Justice, legacy outlets finally offering coverage after forgoing any attention to a story that became even more important following the election. But don’t hold your breath for coverage to be fair.
If it wasn’t clear before — and it was given statements from the FBI, the Department of Justice, the director of national intelligence, and the Department of State — it’s undeniably clear now that stories unearthing incriminating details on Hunter Biden did not stem from some Russian plot to interfere in the November election. Public knowledge of not one, but three federal investigations targeting the Biden family with an on-the-record whistleblower and a laptop hard drive authenticated with forensic analysis also obtained by federal authorities help make that clear.
Joe Biden
Above all, former Vice President Biden remains at the heart of the controversy, caught in a web of lies covering for his son’s overseas business ventures that emails show sought to enrich the entire family, including the president-elect himself.
The first bombshell to drop in the New York Post’s series of October exposés caught Joe Biden lying throughout the entire campaign when repeatedly denying ever discussing business with his son, “or with anyone else.” Indeed, 2015 emails show Joe Biden personally met with a senior advisor for Burisma, the Ukrainian energy firm showering the vice president’s son with upwards of $50,000 a month in excess compensation while Joe Biden served as the “public face” of Obama administration policy on Ukraine.
Emails published by the New York Post dated a month later show the same Chinese business partners offering Hunter Biden a $10 million a year contract for “introductions alone,” explicitly setting aside a sizable portion for Joe Biden funneled through Hunter.
During the presidential debate in October, however, Biden accused Trump of peddling Russian disinformation for pointing out this story.
MSNBC’s Ben Rhodes
MSNBC contributor and former deputy national security advisor in the Obama White House Ben Rhodes is no exception to the long line of those billing the Hunter Biden scandal as Russian disinformation.
When one reporter asked Biden on the tarmac about the scandals involving family business deals, Rhodes condemned the journalist as “acting as the far end of a Russian disinformation operation.”
Rhodes’s arrogance earned him a spot on this list.

Undoubtedly, if China Joey Xi is confirmed by Jan 20th 2021 this will go away unless a Special Counsel is designated to investigate beyond the power of the presidency and propagandist media.
We have seen how the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftt and their Quisling media have continued to bury this malfeasance and corruption even when Obama was president.
Time to air this dirty laundry in sunlight so the people of American can see the truth.
What you are basically saying is the whole family never miss an opportunity to rip someone off or have sex with a child. Crusty Joe for what heI has done he should be behind bars I know I won't be the only one going to DC to bum rush the White House and drag him to the closest tree.
all speculations with the right wing media...

What's there to be embarrassed about...? :dunno:

Right now, we know he's being investigated for his taxes....out of a Delaware office....

Any leaks from the FBI on exactly what for...? (not from some biased speculation source) Why has the investigation, which allegedly has gone on for over two years by the FBI, not brought any charges in that time?
All The People Who Should Be Embarrassed About The Latest Hunter Biden News, Ranked
Two months after the New York Post published its series of exposés on Hunter Biden, new information has revealed a lot of people with a lot to be embarrassed about.​
People Who Should Be Embarrassed About Hunter Biden, Ranked (
18 Dec 2020 ~~ By Tristan Justice
A lot of powerful people have a lot to be embarrassed about.
Last week, President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team released a statement acknowledging the existence of an investigation under the Delaware U.S. attorney’s office probing Hunter Biden’s tax affairs. The investigation joins a broader probe examining Hunter’s finances underway by the securities fraud unit in the Southern District of New York, reported by Politico, and another targeting James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, in Pennsylvania related to a series of hospital deals.
The existence of ongoing federal investigations targeting Hunter Biden was first reported in October, days before the November election. Content surfaced on an abandoned Delaware laptop implicating Joe Biden in his son’s potentially criminal overseas business dealings.
Democrats dismissed the revelations as pure Russian disinformation, offering their allies in the corporate media an excuse to ignore the news they’re responsible for reporting when not delegitimizing the idea of Biden family corruption altogether.
The irony of the Hunter Biden saga is rich, considering the same media perpetuated a four-year conspiracy with no end indicting President Donald Trump in the press as a Kremlin agent, laying the roots for a baseless narrative to attack any reporting they simply don’t like, including the blockbuster revelations on Hunter Biden.
Now that Hunter Biden has acknowledged an ongoing investigation probing his finances from the Department of Justice, legacy outlets finally offering coverage after forgoing any attention to a story that became even more important following the election. But don’t hold your breath for coverage to be fair.
If it wasn’t clear before — and it was given statements from the FBI, the Department of Justice, the director of national intelligence, and the Department of State — it’s undeniably clear now that stories unearthing incriminating details on Hunter Biden did not stem from some Russian plot to interfere in the November election. Public knowledge of not one, but three federal investigations targeting the Biden family with an on-the-record whistleblower and a laptop hard drive authenticated with forensic analysis also obtained by federal authorities help make that clear.
Joe Biden
Above all, former Vice President Biden remains at the heart of the controversy, caught in a web of lies covering for his son’s overseas business ventures that emails show sought to enrich the entire family, including the president-elect himself.
The first bombshell to drop in the New York Post’s series of October exposés caught Joe Biden lying throughout the entire campaign when repeatedly denying ever discussing business with his son, “or with anyone else.” Indeed, 2015 emails show Joe Biden personally met with a senior advisor for Burisma, the Ukrainian energy firm showering the vice president’s son with upwards of $50,000 a month in excess compensation while Joe Biden served as the “public face” of Obama administration policy on Ukraine.
Emails published by the New York Post dated a month later show the same Chinese business partners offering Hunter Biden a $10 million a year contract for “introductions alone,” explicitly setting aside a sizable portion for Joe Biden funneled through Hunter.
During the presidential debate in October, however, Biden accused Trump of peddling Russian disinformation for pointing out this story.
MSNBC’s Ben Rhodes
MSNBC contributor and former deputy national security advisor in the Obama White House Ben Rhodes is no exception to the long line of those billing the Hunter Biden scandal as Russian disinformation.
When one reporter asked Biden on the tarmac about the scandals involving family business deals, Rhodes condemned the journalist as “acting as the far end of a Russian disinformation operation.”
Rhodes’s arrogance earned him a spot on this list.

Undoubtedly, if China Joey Xi is confirmed by Jan 20th 2021 this will go away unless a Special Counsel is designated to investigate beyond the power of the presidency and propagandist media.
We have seen how the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftt and their Quisling media have continued to bury this malfeasance and corruption even when Obama was president.
Time to air this dirty laundry in sunlight so the people of American can see the truth.
Hunter is the smartest guy Sleepy Joe knows.

With the Biden family's proud Naval Tradition, Hunter Biden is looking at a gig as Secretary of the Navy. So needless to say, Sleepy Joe has asked his friends in the media not to put the kibosh on this by publicizing any allegations which have not been proven in the Court of Law, beyond a shadow of a doubt.
all speculations with the right wing media...

What's there to be embarrassed about...? :dunno:

Right now, we know he's being investigated for his taxes....out of a Delaware office....

Any leaks from the FBI on exactly what for...? (not from some biased speculation source) Why has the investigation, which allegedly has gone on for over two years by the FBI, not brought any charges in that time?

You're beyond hope. Maybe there's some experimental drug that can eventually drag you back to reality - one day
Still waiting for that Durham report too. You sheep are funnier than a Seinfeld rerun. Hunters tax questions which are smaller than Trumps is interesting eh? Why aren’t you disturbed about the crime of pardoning 4 mass murderers of brown skinned people? Oh. I answered my own question.
another targeting James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, in Pennsylvania related to a series of hospital deals.
It's those damned psychiatic wards, mental hospitals, and insane asylums run by the psychologists, psychiatrists, pharmacists, social workers, therapists, and counselors of the Democratic Party. They're damned for what they do. God will punish them for revoking the rights of their patients, God will torture them out of their wicked medical practices, and God will disabuse them of any notion that they are mentally healthier than their patients.

For all that they've drugged their patients against their will, let them be drugged with double the dose and sent on a bad trip to horrifying hallucinations and terrors by night. For all that they've placed their patients in restraints, let them be shackled and hancuffed, chained to their beds day and night. For all the beatings they have administered to their patients, let them be beaten and bludgeoned in prison till they day they die and their souls are delivered to Satan for that final destruction and eternal perdition which they have merited by their treatment of their patients under the guise of practicing medicine.

As for the elective surgeries and unnecessary amputations performed in other wards of the those hospitals, let those surgeons and butchers, too, be punished under the law of Moses, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, life for life, and skin for skin, even if they have to be skinned alive and roasted over the pits of hell for what they have done to their patients.
another targeting James Biden, Joe Biden’s brother, in Pennsylvania related to a series of hospital deals.
It's those damned psychiatic wards, mental hospitals, and insane asylums run by the psychologists, psychiatrists, pharmacists, social workers, therapists, and counselors of the Democratic Party. They're damned for what they do. God will punish them for revoking the rights of their patients, God will torture them out of their wicked medical practices, and God will disabuse them of any notion that they are mentally healthier than their patients.

For all that they've drugged their patients against their will, let them be drugged with double the dose and sent on a bad trip to horrifying hallucinations and terrors by night. For all that they've placed their patients in restraints, let them be shackled and hancuffed, chained to their beds day and night. For all the beatings they have administered to their patients, let them be beaten and bludgeoned in prison till they day they die and their souls are delivered to Satan for that final destruction and eternal perdition which they have merited by their treatment of their patients under the guise of practicing medicine.

As for the elective surgeries and unnecessary amputations performed in other wards of the those hospitals, let those surgeons and butchers, too, be punished under the law of Moses, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, life for life, and skin for skin, even if they have to be skinned alive and roasted over the pits of hell for what they have done to their patients.

Yeah, the 21st Century version of Bedlam
all speculations with the right wing media...

What's there to be embarrassed about...? :dunno:

Right now, we know he's being investigated for his taxes....out of a Delaware office....

Any leaks from the FBI on exactly what for...? (not from some biased speculation source) Why has the investigation, which allegedly has gone on for over two years by the FBI, not brought any charges in that time?

Left wing media never speculates. We know. They only deal in facts verfied by multiple independent sources.
There is no shame.

The game is to grab all you can, so they see nothing wrong with any of it through the lens through which they actually see the world.
I'm embarrassed for all the Recent Rabid Righties who use to be normal republicans......
How many threads you gonna start on a piece of disinformation about a laptop that doesn't look like it belongs to a guy that ISN'T going to be President?
Gtfo of my way!! Im hopping on that Truth Grenade! You will never hurt the Biden Crime Family as long as I draw a breath!!

What a loon!!

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