All Four Prosecutors Resign In Disgust

Are you kidding? You think letting corporations bring back profits from overseas at a low tax rate was an Obama idea?
It absolutely was, and you can look it up for yourself. Except, of course, his proposed tax rate was lower. Naturally, the republican frauds opposed it.
Are you kidding? You think letting corporations bring back profits from overseas at a low tax rate was an Obama idea?
It absolutely was, and you can look it up for yourself. Except, of course, his proposed tax rate was lower. Naturally, the republican frauds opposed it.

The devil as they say is in the details! The deal that Obama proposed was a one time lower rate followed by a much higher rate but the kicker was that corporations would have to pay a tax on 100% of what they made in overseas profits...not just on profits they wanted to repatriate. It's a completely different thing!
What Obama and the Democrats did is what they do quite often...they propose legislation that they KNOW isn't something the GOP will go along with because it isn't good for the economy...and they do so for one reason and one reason alone! So they can turn around and claim that THEY were trying to bring all that money back into the US and the Republicans blocked it out of spite! The Obama plan was simply a back door way for liberals to hit American corporations with another tax.
The deal that Obama proposed was a one time lower rate followed by a much higher rate but the kicker was that corporations would have to pay a tax on 100% of what they made in overseas profits..
Yes, after the "amnesty" period.

And no it's not different at all. Better check your sources. And you were just celebrating repatriation of tax you are celebrating incentivizing them NOT to repatriate foreign profits. Man you need to get your story straight.
What Obama and the Democrats did is what they do quite often...they propose legislation that they KNOW isn't something the GOP will go along with because it isn't good for the economy.
Desperate horseshit. The deals are not different, nor is this the first corporate tax holiday in history. The unprecedented obstruction of republicans during the Obama presidency is what it is. You aren't going to rewrite history by putting words in just the right order.
What Obama and the Democrats did is what they do quite often...they propose legislation that they KNOW isn't something the GOP will go along with because it isn't good for the economy.
Desperate horseshit. The deals are not different, nor is this the first corporate tax holiday in history. The unprecedented obstruction of republicans during the Obama presidency is what it is. You aren't going to rewrite history by putting words in just the right order.

It's completely different! If I'm an American corporation that made a hundred billion in overseas profits under the Obama proposal I have to pay taxes on ALL of that...not just the amount that I want to bring back into the US to invest here! The Republicans opposed it because the deal made zero sense for the corporations. It was a way for Democrats to get their greedy little paws on money that wasn't made here in the US.
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation
“trump and the far right radical extremists…”

Actually, that’s a lie most – if not all – on the right have attempted to propagate.

Rightists overall have become radical, extreme, and dishonest.
Always appealing when you post this B.S. on the internet.

Every dishonest, radical, hardcore extremist, like you, is dishonest, radical and hardcore.
The "conservatives" love to conserve blatant criminality. How could anyone anywhere on the political spectrum accept the kind of monstrous behavior that trump has exhibited in office? Where is their patriotism?
Trump's done a fabulous job, even against the headwinds of illegal spying followed by a witch hunt.


FISC was abused Obama Administration operatives.

Hopefully federal prosecutor John Durham will expose crony government at its worst — dirty government officials, bureaucrats and agents who are politically exploiting and criminally manipulating the U.S. national security structure to harm their political opponents.

Justice Department inspector general Michael Horowitz exposed the profound damage done to a judicial institution vital to successfully defending America in a world of complex threats: the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, or FISC.

The FISC was created to protect a citizen's constitutional rights while permitting intelligence community surveillance of legitimate suspects. To protect necessary cloak-and-dagger secrets, the FISC meets in secret. A secret court in a free society requires trust in security agency professionalism and integrity, and trust in the judgment of the court judges.

The abuse of the FISC by corrupt members of U.S. security and legal agencies -- specifically within the FBI and DOJ -- squandered that trust. Corrupt actors conducted illegal surveillance.

Horowitz discovered premeditated fraud on the FISC by a DOJ attorney. The attorney "altered" email from the CIA and submitted a fraudulent application for a warrant to the court. Fooled, FISC approved the warrant.

The target: Carter Page, a Naval Academy graduate and a former Trump presidential campaign associate. Spying on Page -- an innocent man -- opened a door to spying on President Donald Trump.

FISC's then-presiding judge, Rosemary Collyer, issued a public order regarding the Page application and the FBI's lack of "candor":

"The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable. The FISC expects the government to provide complete and accurate information in every filing with the Court."
The FBI alleged a Naval Academy grad associated with a presidential campaign in an election year was a Russian asset when actually Page was a CIA asset.

The individuals who abused the court must be investigated, arrested, tried, convicted and sent to prison. They committed an array of crimes -- including criminal mishandling of classified material. The FISC is a classified court.

In the past, the public expected responsible reporters to scrutinize government operations. In the FISC saga, contemporary Fake News media served as a PR tool for crooked cops and spies. The Fake News New York Times and Washington Post touted false intelligence leaks.

These 4 crooked witch hunter persecutors serve an evil agenda
We've been hearing about "4 prosecutors" for days now. Every news, every talk show... "4 prosecutors, 4 prosecutors".

But nobody is really explaining why there were 4 prosecutors on this one case going after one guy, it's kinda overkill. Should one prosecutor be enough for a case? How much money does it cost?
The deep state is on the run!!!

Atleast 2 of these prosecutors just quit the DOJ...not only the case...They just threw their careers away! They are fleeing!

This is YUUUUGE!

Get ready to cry your liberal's coming down NOW! I thought it would wait 'till after the election but it looks like it wont.

Let the arrests begin! :banana:

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We've been hearing about "4 prosecutors" for days now. Every news, every talk show... "4 prosecutors, 4 prosecutors".

But nobody is really explaining why there were 4 prosecutors on this one case going after one guy, it's kinda overkill. Should one prosecutor be enough for a case? How much money does it cost?


The foursome resigned because they knew they screwed up.

"Roger Stone obstructed Congress's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, lied under oath, and tampered with a witness."

I believe we had a President who was impeached for two of these same things.

He didn't serve one day in jail.

I don't see any reason why would Barr want Pres.Trump to stop tweeting about what is going on with the Roger Stone investigation. If he don't stop the Dems from brainwashing the public. That later on that it will be real hard to undo what they has been instilled into the public's minds.

Attorney General William Barr said that President Donald Trump's tweeting makes it difficult to do his job, in an exclusive interview with ABC's Pierre Thomas airing Thursday.

In a clip shared in advance of the full broadcast of the interview, due to air on Wednesday's edition of World News Tonight, Thomas asked Barr about the influence of Trump on the Department of Justice in the wake of the controversy over former presidential adviser Roger Stone's sentencing recommendation.

"To have public statements and tweets made about the department... about cases pending in the department and about judges before whom we have cases, make it impossible for me to do my job, to assure the courts and the prosecutors and the department that we're doing our work with integrity," Barr said.

"The president does not like to be told what to do. He may not like what you're saying. Are you prepared for those ramifications?" Thomas asked.

Attorney General Bill Barr wants Trump to stop tweeting about DOJ criminal cases: "Makes it impossible for me to do my job"

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trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation
Criminals quit huh?
Federali prosecutors from our corrupt DoJ were going to give a man a NINE YEAR prison sentence fo what amounts to being nothing. The jury in the case was highly tainted with partisan opposition to Stone and DJT and the judge is a Democrat hack.

Only the political left would be bitching about this injustice being remedied because it means less power for them.
Remember that infamous meeting on the tarmac?

Bill, not a public official, not in any position to order Lynch to do anything, spoke - SPOKE!!! - to Lynch.

Remember how Rightardia erupted in righteous anger over the outrageous interference in the course of justice? How the Republic would be doomed if such behavior would not be met with public hangings of the perpetrators?

Now we have one Mr. Stone, ratfcker and dirty trickster extraordinaire, having his long over-due comeuppance for obstructing investigations, along with the Mob Boss ordering his rubber-spined lackey around, with the sentencing recommendation withdrawn, and Rightardia ... finds fault with the administration of justice.

If Rightardia didn't have double standards, that vast, decrepit, destitute continent would have no standards at all.
Remember that infamous meeting on the tarmac?

Bill, not a public official, not in any position to order Lynch to do anything, spoke - SPOKE!!! - to Lynch.

Remember how Rightardia erupted in righteous anger over the outrageous interference in the course of justice? How the Republic would be doomed if such behavior would not be met with public hangings of the perpetrators?

Now we have one Mr. Stone, ratfcker and dirty trickster extraordinaire, having his long over-due comeuppance for obstructing investigations, along with the Mob Boss ordering his rubber-spined lackey around, with the sentencing recommendation withdrawn, and Rightardia ... finds fault with the administration of justice.

If Rightardia didn't have double standards, that vast, decrepit, destitute continent would have no standards at all.
You have no idea what the spoke yet you pretend it was innocent. You lie like all stains.

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