Al Franken: Did Voter Fraud allow Obamacare to pass?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Credit to ChrisXRadio/Chris X Blayney on Facebook Live
for pointing out the REAL controversy over Al Franken's contested election:
winning by around 300 votes but over 1000 votes were registered to convicted felons!

I looked this up online, and found it summarized here:
Voter Fraud May Have Given Us Obamacare

"The election was particularly important because Franken’s victory gave Senate Democrats a 60th vote in favor of President Obama’s national health care proposal — the deciding vote to overcome a Republican filibuster. If Coleman had kept his seat, there would have been no 60th vote, and no Obamacare."

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