AIPAC, administration battle over Iran nuclear deal -

Even though Israel could or could not have nuclear weapons, it is not a member of the non proliferation treaty.

Which means Israel isn't violating any of its commitments. Plus, Israel isn't a phariah state run by radical extremists and the world biggest sponsor of Islamic terrorism like Iran is.

Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"member states have never joined the NPT: India, Israel, Pakistan and South Sudan. The treaty recognizes five states as nuclear-weapon states: the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China (also the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council)."
The only reason you wouldn't sign the NPT, is because you intend to sell nuclear weapons to terrorists.
Yeah they've been terrorist animals for a while now. Once Israel took away their ability to conduct suicide bombings they shifted to using rocket attacks and tunnels as an alternative to bombings. One would think after Israel left in 2005, and gave them the keys to a completely Jew free Gaza they would cease their terror operations. But no, they instead elected a terrorist group as their govt., and increased the use of rocket attacks as their primary method of terror. Which is why Israel put a blockade in place. Animals will be animals.
No, they started the blockade, because they were all butt-hurt Gazans wouldn't vote for Israel's bitch, the PA.
The blockade was a measure to stem the flow of arms and ammunition being acquired by the Islamo-Death Cults occupying Gaza, said arms and ammunition being purchased with infidel welfare dollars squandered by the Islamo-welfare cheats.
Plus, Israel isn't a phariah state run by radical extremists

In YOUR opinion!

No it is the opinion of all the civilised nations not ruled by neo Marxist champagne socialists.


Google is your friend
Plus, Israel isn't a phariah state run by radical extremists

In YOUR opinion!

No it is the opinion of all the civilised nations not ruled by neo Marxist champagne socialists.


Google is your friend

Wow... Phoney....

Can you not think for yourself? Can you not provide links that support your posts?


You have to copy and paste what Roodboy and others post!

What a complete joke you are!
The blockade was a measure to stem the flow of arms and ammunition being acquired by the Islamo-Death Cults occupying Gaza, said arms and ammunition being purchased with infidel welfare dollars squandered by the Islamo-welfare cheats.
Wrong, you Islamophobic whore.

Try again, maybe your luck will change?
Typically befuddled, Loinboy.

The blockade actually has been an effective tactic to prevent Islamic gee-had attacks.
Typically befuddled, Loinboy.

The blockade actually has been an effective tactic to prevent Islamic gee-had attacks.
The blockade is a war crime.

Not to be confused with your whore crime.

Blockade has been deemed legal, garbage mouth.
Here goes the dumbass with the link request when confronted with the truth. As this issue has been discussed a thousand times before, you should know that the link to the UN finding has been produced a thousand times as well. But if you'd like I can post it a thousand and one times for your sorry loser ass.
Here goes the dumbass with the link request when confronted with the truth. As this issue has been discussed a thousand times before, you should know that the link to the UN finding has been produced a thousand times as well. But if you'd like I can post it a thousand and one times for your sorry loser ass.
You can't even post it once, you foul-mouthed fake.
Typically befuddled, Loinboy.

The blockade actually has been an effective tactic to prevent Islamic gee-had attacks.
The blockade is a war crime.

Not to be confused with your whore crime.

Blockade has been deemed legal, garbage mouth.
Here goes the dumbass with the link request when confronted with the truth. As this issue has been discussed a thousand times before, you should know that the link to the UN finding has been produced a thousand times as well. But if you'd like I can post it a thousand and one times for your sorry loser ass.

A sorry loser who cannot find a single link to support his BS...

Try these...

"The terms of reference for the 'method of work' of the inquiry were given by Ban Ki Moon they are outlined in the report as follows: "The Panel is not a court. It was not asked to make determinations of the legal issues or to adjudicate on liability ... The Panel was required to obtain its information from the two nations primarily involved in its inquiry, Turkey and Israel, and other affected States ... the limitation is important. It means that the Panel cannot make definitive findings either of fact or law."

Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"In September 2011, a UN Panel of Inquiry, assigned by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, concluded in the Palmer Report that the naval blockade was legal, based on the right of self-defense during a period of war, and had to be judged isolated from the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings. Concerning the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings the Palmer report stated that they were "a significant cause" of Gaza's unsustainable and unacceptable humanitarian situation"

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes, there are references to the legality of the blockade...

But ONLY the blockade at sea and ONLY during a period or war...

And as is clearly stated the Palmer Report "cannot make definitive findings either of fact or law."
Typically befuddled, Loinboy.

The blockade actually has been an effective tactic to prevent Islamic gee-had attacks.
The blockade is a war crime.

Not to be confused with your whore crime.

Blockade has been deemed legal, garbage mouth.
Here goes the dumbass with the link request when confronted with the truth. As this issue has been discussed a thousand times before, you should know that the link to the UN finding has been produced a thousand times as well. But if you'd like I can post it a thousand and one times for your sorry loser ass.

A sorry loser who cannot find a single link to support his BS...

Try these...

"The terms of reference for the 'method of work' of the inquiry were given by Ban Ki Moon they are outlined in the report as follows: "The Panel is not a court. It was not asked to make determinations of the legal issues or to adjudicate on liability ... The Panel was required to obtain its information from the two nations primarily involved in its inquiry, Turkey and Israel, and other affected States ... the limitation is important. It means that the Panel cannot make definitive findings either of fact or law."

Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"In September 2011, a UN Panel of Inquiry, assigned by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, concluded in the Palmer Report that the naval blockade was legal, based on the right of self-defense during a period of war, and had to be judged isolated from the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings. Concerning the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings the Palmer report stated that they were "a significant cause" of Gaza's unsustainable and unacceptable humanitarian situation"

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes, there are references to the legality of the blockade...

But ONLY the blockade at sea and ONLY during a period or war...

And as is clearly stated the Palmer Report "cannot make definitive findings either of fact or law."

"But ONLY the blockade at sea and ONLY during a period or war..."

The rocket attacks aimed at Israel by your Islamo-throwback heroes are acts of war.

Confirm that with the prayer leader at your mosque.
Yeah. By the same unbiased New Zealand Palmer commission which was the entity the UN charged with coming up with a decision, you bigmouthed asswipe.
No, they were not. The UNHRC-FFM was commissioned to determine the legality of the blockade and found it not only to be illegal, but a war crime.
Typically befuddled, Loinboy.

The blockade actually has been an effective tactic to prevent Islamic gee-had attacks.
The blockade is a war crime.

Not to be confused with your whore crime.

Blockade has been deemed legal, garbage mouth.
Here goes the dumbass with the link request when confronted with the truth. As this issue has been discussed a thousand times before, you should know that the link to the UN finding has been produced a thousand times as well. But if you'd like I can post it a thousand and one times for your sorry loser ass.

A sorry loser who cannot find a single link to support his BS...

Try these...

"The terms of reference for the 'method of work' of the inquiry were given by Ban Ki Moon they are outlined in the report as follows: "The Panel is not a court. It was not asked to make determinations of the legal issues or to adjudicate on liability ... The Panel was required to obtain its information from the two nations primarily involved in its inquiry, Turkey and Israel, and other affected States ... the limitation is important. It means that the Panel cannot make definitive findings either of fact or law."

Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"In September 2011, a UN Panel of Inquiry, assigned by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, concluded in the Palmer Report that the naval blockade was legal, based on the right of self-defense during a period of war, and had to be judged isolated from the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings. Concerning the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings the Palmer report stated that they were "a significant cause" of Gaza's unsustainable and unacceptable humanitarian situation"

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes, there are references to the legality of the blockade...

But ONLY the blockade at sea and ONLY during a period or war...

And as is clearly stated the Palmer Report "cannot make definitive findings either of fact or law."

You two douchebags make me laugh.

Report Finds Naval Blockade by Israel Legal

UNITED NATIONS — A long-awaited United Nations review of Israel’s 2010 raid on a Turkish-based flotilla in which nine passengers were killed has found that Israel’s naval blockade of Gaza is both legal and appropriate.

Turkey is particularly upset by the conclusion that Israel’s naval blockade is in keeping with international law and that its forces have the right to stop Gaza-bound ships in international waters, which is what happened in the 2010 episode.

The United Nations investigation into the events on the ship, the Mavi Marmara, which was sailing under a Turkish flag and was the largest of six vessels that were commandeered by Israeli commandos on May 31, 2010, was led by Sir Geoffrey Palmer, a former prime minister of New Zealand. He was aided by Álvaro Uribe, a former president of Colombia, along with one representative from Israel and another from Turkey.

The report takes a broadly sympathetic view of Israel’s sea blockade of Gaza.

Israel faces a real threat to its security from militant groups in Gaza,” the report says in its opening paragraphs. “The naval blockade was imposed as a legitimate security measure in order to prevent weapons from entering Gaza by sea and its implementation complied with the requirements of international law.”

The report is hard on the flotilla, asserting that it “acted recklessly in attempting to breach the naval blockade.” It said that while a majority of the hundreds of people aboard the six vessels had no violent intention, that could not be said of the I.H.H. Humanitarian Relief Foundation, the Turkish aid group that primarily organized the flotilla. It said, “There exist serious questions about the conduct, true nature and objectives of the flotilla organizers, particularly I.H.H.”
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AIPAC the cancer within our political system is all over the US mass Media flexing its money at our politicians...America is seeing first hand how Israel and her American/Israeli minions subvert our government and President on the backs of the American people who die in Israeli inspired wars in the Middle East.

WASHINGTON — President Obama had a tough message for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or Aipac, the powerful pro-Israel group that is furiously campaigning against the Iran nuclear accord, when he met with two of its leaders at the White House this week. The president accused Aipac of spending millions of dollars in advertising against the deal and spreading false claims about it, people in the meeting recalled.

So Mr. Obama told the Aipac leaders that he intended to hit back hard.

The next day in a speech at American University, Mr. Obama denounced the deal’s opponents as “lobbyists” doling out millions of dollars to trumpet the same hawkish rhetoric that had led the United States into war with Iraq. The president never mentioned Aipac by name, but his target was unmistakable.

Continue reading the main story
Related Coverage
The remarks reflected an unusually sharp rupture between a sitting American president and the most potent pro-Israel lobbying group, which was founded in 1951 a few years after the birth of Israel.
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The blockade is a war crime.

Not to be confused with your whore crime.

Blockade has been deemed legal, garbage mouth.
Here goes the dumbass with the link request when confronted with the truth. As this issue has been discussed a thousand times before, you should know that the link to the UN finding has been produced a thousand times as well. But if you'd like I can post it a thousand and one times for your sorry loser ass.

A sorry loser who cannot find a single link to support his BS...

Try these...

"The terms of reference for the 'method of work' of the inquiry were given by Ban Ki Moon they are outlined in the report as follows: "The Panel is not a court. It was not asked to make determinations of the legal issues or to adjudicate on liability ... The Panel was required to obtain its information from the two nations primarily involved in its inquiry, Turkey and Israel, and other affected States ... the limitation is important. It means that the Panel cannot make definitive findings either of fact or law."

Gaza flotilla raid - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"In September 2011, a UN Panel of Inquiry, assigned by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, concluded in the Palmer Report that the naval blockade was legal, based on the right of self-defense during a period of war, and had to be judged isolated from the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings. Concerning the restrictions on goods reaching Gaza via the land crossings the Palmer report stated that they were "a significant cause" of Gaza's unsustainable and unacceptable humanitarian situation"

Blockade of the Gaza Strip - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yes, there are references to the legality of the blockade...

But ONLY the blockade at sea and ONLY during a period or war...

And as is clearly stated the Palmer Report "cannot make definitive findings either of fact or law."

"But ONLY the blockade at sea and ONLY during a period or war..."

The rocket attacks aimed at Israel by your Islamo-throwback heroes are acts of war.

Confirm that with the prayer leader at your mosque.

So then the other two blockades...

Land and Air...

They are also illegal

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