AIPAC, administration battle over Iran nuclear deal -


Gold Member
Feb 26, 2012
AIPAC the Israeli/American political action committee is pulling all its strings for the Interests of a Foreign Power Israel against our-own...The insidious power of money political contributions by the wealthy few over the interests of our very lives.

Its sickening.
AIPAC administration battle over Iran nuclear deal -

..."From our perspective, this is one of the most significant mobilization efforts in our organization's history," said an official from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, the lobbying group leading the anti-deal charge. "It is certainly the most important issue in a generation and we are fully engaged."

AIPAC, like other opponents of the deal, is calling for lawmakers to vote against the deal when a 60-day review period ends on September 17. The Republican-controlled Congress likely has the votes to pass a resolution of disapproval, which would block the deal. But Obama has promised to veto it, and Republicans would need to attract support from several Democrats to override it.

AIPAC officials say they expect their 100,000 members to meet with every member of Congress before the vote, in home districts and recess town halls as well as in Washington.

On Wednesday several hundred AIPAC members met in Washington with more than 400 members of Congress from both sides of the aisle and on both sides of the issue.

AIPAC has also formed a tax-exempt lobbying group to rally opposition to the deal. Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran has recruited several prominent Democratic operatives, including pollster Mark Mellman and media consultant Mark Putnam, and former Democratic lawmakers including Sens. Evan Bayh, Mary Landrieu and Joseph Lieberman to sit on its advisory committee...
Love how they can form all these tax exempt lobbying groups to push their agendas, first off that should be against the law.
The group is starting to spend upward of $20 million on a 35-state ad campaign, including New York, where prominent Democrats like Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Eliot Engel, who are Jewish themselves and have large Jewish constituencies skeptical of the deal, remain undecided amid intense pressure from the White House.

I hope Obama vetos whatever comes over his desk. If Israel wants a nuke free Iran , let them become nuke free.

Getting very old these Zionist neocons and Jews pushing us into wars.
Well "getting old' but the counterpart is copying from USSR not old enough for the Muslim Brotherhood which has significant control over this muslim president.

Voting against showing weakness and whoring to Iran is not the same as declaring war. Mainly AIPAC is asking for US to look around and see that
their president BOWs TO the house of Saud (Sunna) and sucks up to
Ayatollah (Shia) while letting the government to be infiltrated with Muslim Brotherhood cells.

Get this clear- The deal takes in account A MILITARY OPTION for US, provoking it (by submission) in order to move the US army away from home, while no deal leaves US many other options.
Well "getting old' but the counterpart is copying from USSR not old enough for the Muslim Brotherhood which has significant control over this muslim president.

Voting against showing weakness and whoring to Iran is not the same as declaring war. Mainly AIPAC is asking for US to look around and see that
their president BOWs TO the house of Saud (Sunna) and sucks up to
Ayatollah (Shia) while letting the government to be infiltrated with Muslim Brotherhood cells.

Get this clear- The deal takes in account A MILITARY OPTION for US, provoking it (by submission) in order to move the US army away from home, while no deal leaves US many other options.
Insidious Intent!
"Strong, is the Jew-Hate in this one..."

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Good for You that You've learned a new word.

So let me get Your logic- a deal that mentions military strike against a nuclear nation that calls for the destruction of US, demonstrating weakness is much better than standing Your original ground?

AIPAC is clear about it's goals while the Muslim Brotherhood invades US
"Strong, is the Jew-Hate in this one..."

Sir LimpDick there is nothing hateful about keeping Americans out of another ME war for Israel, you sir would be another Pollard!
"Strong, is the Jew-Hate in this one..."

Sir LimpDick there is nothing hateful about keeping Americans out of another ME war for Israel, you sir would be another Pollard!
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, Miss Grand Canyon...

The US House of Representatives, and its Speaker, know that a Bad Deal is worse than No Deal.

They also lack the pressing and mind-clouding need to establish a Legacy for themselves.

If the Deal is a bad one, they will not approve it.

If the Deal is a good one, they will approve it.

America acts in its own best interests, first, and those of its friends and allies, second.

Just like every other nation on the face of the planet.

AIPAC and Israel and the Jews have very little to do with it, in the final analysis.

Oh, and, if you think that anybody is buying your Purity-of-Motives protestations, you're truly the Queen of Denial.
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Good for You that You've learned a new word.

So let me get Your logic- a deal that mentions military strike against a nuclear nation that calls for the destruction of US, demonstrating weakness is much better than standing Your original ground?

AIPAC is clear about it's goals while the Muslim Brotherhood invades US
Its not a new word for me, it is a beautiful phrase coined by TS Eliot in his "The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock...

Insidious Intent of lobbying Congress for the Interests of a Foreign power over our-own!
"Strong, is the Jew-Hate in this one..."

Sir LimpDick there is nothing hateful about keeping Americans out of another ME war for Israel, you sir would be another Pollard!

You're actually leaving US no other option than WAR, not the AIPAC.
Neglecting a great opportunity for US to gain trust in the Iranian citizens who want Iran back to it's civilized ways.
Otherwise it's a mere legitimizing a government built around a foreign agent, to submit this great nation even more.
Good for You that You've learned a new word.

So let me get Your logic- a deal that mentions military strike against a nuclear nation that calls for the destruction of US, demonstrating weakness is much better than standing Your original ground?

AIPAC is clear about it's goals while the Muslim Brotherhood invades US
Its not a new word for me, it is a beautiful phrase coined by TS Eliot in his "The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock...

Insidious Intent of lobbying Congress for the Interests of a Foreign power over our-own!

Yes and of course submitting to a government that calls Your people their greatest enemy- 'the Great satan' is so patriotic.
You just put an avatar of the flag and dig the conservative/ south vs north narrative.

Deal with the oil addiction and develop better technologies, but don't
submit to the ones who gonna use that addiction against You.
AIPAC the Israeli/American political action committee is pulling all its strings for the Interests of a Foreign Power Israel against our-own...The insidious power of money political contributions by the wealthy few over the interests of our very lives.

Its sickening.
AIPAC administration battle over Iran nuclear deal -

..."From our perspective, this is one of the most significant mobilization efforts in our organization's history," said an official from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, the lobbying group leading the anti-deal charge. "It is certainly the most important issue in a generation and we are fully engaged."

AIPAC, like other opponents of the deal, is calling for lawmakers to vote against the deal when a 60-day review period ends on September 17. The Republican-controlled Congress likely has the votes to pass a resolution of disapproval, which would block the deal. But Obama has promised to veto it, and Republicans would need to attract support from several Democrats to override it.

AIPAC officials say they expect their 100,000 members to meet with every member of Congress before the vote, in home districts and recess town halls as well as in Washington.

On Wednesday several hundred AIPAC members met in Washington with more than 400 members of Congress from both sides of the aisle and on both sides of the issue.

AIPAC has also formed a tax-exempt lobbying group to rally opposition to the deal. Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran has recruited several prominent Democratic operatives, including pollster Mark Mellman and media consultant Mark Putnam, and former Democratic lawmakers including Sens. Evan Bayh, Mary Landrieu and Joseph Lieberman to sit on its advisory committee...

Did you miss this point in your cut and paste then

like other opponents of the deal

I wonder who those other opponents where ?
Love how they can form all these tax exempt lobbying groups to push their agendas, first off that should be against the law.
The group is starting to spend upward of $20 million on a 35-state ad campaign, including New York, where prominent Democrats like Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Eliot Engel, who are Jewish themselves and have large Jewish constituencies skeptical of the deal, remain undecided amid intense pressure from the White House.

I hope Obama vetos whatever comes over his desk. If Israel wants a nuke free Iran , let them become nuke free.

Getting very old these Zionist neocons and Jews pushing us into wars.

Do you even understand what giving Iran free reign to develop nuclear weapons means for you personally. Imagine an Iranian passenger plane landing in the US carrying a nuclear weapon and piloted by suicide bombers. I believe that Obama is acting on instructions from his imam in this matter, and will soon be impeached for treason
Good for You that You've learned a new word.

So let me get Your logic- a deal that mentions military strike against a nuclear nation that calls for the destruction of US, demonstrating weakness is much better than standing Your original ground?

AIPAC is clear about it's goals while the Muslim Brotherhood invades US
Its not a new word for me, it is a beautiful phrase coined by TS Eliot in his "The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock...

Insidious Intent of lobbying Congress for the Interests of a Foreign power over our-own!

You mean like the muslims are doing through Saudi and Pakistani lobbies that are spending much more that AIPAC ever could to influence American politics.
"Strong, is the Jew-Hate in this one..."

Sir LimpDick there is nothing hateful about keeping Americans out of another ME war for Israel, you sir would be another Pollard!

Check the facts and see that it is Saudi pushing for the US to be involved in another war in the M.E.

I am fully aware that SA is not happy about it either, too bad. Israel and SA hate to see Iran progress, they are not afraid of the bomb of which Iran does not possess.
"Strong, is the Jew-Hate in this one..."

Sir LimpDick there is nothing hateful about keeping Americans out of another ME war for Israel, you sir would be another Pollard!

Check the facts and see that it is Saudi pushing for the US to be involved in another war in the M.E.

I am fully aware that SA is not happy about it either, too bad. Israel and SA hate to see Iran progress, they are not afraid of the bomb of which Iran does not possess.

Yet, but if Obama signs of on the agreement expect Iran to send one special delivery to Israel
"Strong, is the Jew-Hate in this one..."

Sir LimpDick there is nothing hateful about keeping Americans out of another ME war for Israel, you sir would be another Pollard!

Check the facts and see that it is Saudi pushing for the US to be involved in another war in the M.E.

I am fully aware that SA is not happy about it either, too bad. Israel and SA hate to see Iran progress, they are not afraid of the bomb of which Iran does not possess.

Yet, but if Obama signs of on the agreement expect Iran to send one special delivery to Israel

How can it send one when it doesn't have one. Also Iran has never done anything like that, even when Iraq used chemical weapons against them. Iran has said more than once they would never use WMD , unlike Israel who threatens the Sampson Option.
We really should not listen to someone who is wrong more often that right and is a whole lot
.:uhoh3: Really MR. Netanyahu, one can only cry wolf so many times.

It is worth remembering, however, that Netanyahu has said much of this before. Almost two decades ago, in 1996, Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress where he darkly warned, “If Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons, this could presage catastrophic consequences, not only for my country, and not only for the Middle East, but for all mankind,” adding that, “the deadline for attaining this goal is getting extremely close.”

Almost 20 years later that deadline has apparently still not passed, but Netanyahu is still making dire predictions about an imminent Iranian nuclear weapon. Four years before that Congressional speech, in 1992, then-parliamentarian Netanyahu advised the Israeli Knesset that Iran was “three to five years” away from reaching nuclear weapons capability, and that this threat had to be “uprooted by an international front headed by the U.S.”

Benjamin Netanyahu s Long History of Crying Wolf About Iran s Nuclear Weapons
"Strong, is the Jew-Hate in this one..."

Sir LimpDick there is nothing hateful about keeping Americans out of another ME war for Israel, you sir would be another Pollard!

Check the facts and see that it is Saudi pushing for the US to be involved in another war in the M.E.

I am fully aware that SA is not happy about it either, too bad. Israel and SA hate to see Iran progress, they are not afraid of the bomb of which Iran does not possess.

Well if Israel could fool those guys, Iran is certainly capable.
Israel had good relations with the previous regime, we want to see those flames of revolution against Ayatolah raise. Just look at Iran BEFORE the revolution- a beautiful country with beautiful people that the West would love to communicate with. Although Persians tried to annihilate the Hebrews they're a great nation when given a chance to develop into the future. I would really like to hear more from Iranians rather than their leaders.

Accepting this deal only legitimizes this regime and denies those regular citizens any chance
to raise a voice.
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