Admitted Classified Data Leaker Adam Schiff Continues To Prove Bias / Mission Against Trump


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
D-Adam Schiff has admittedly leaked classified information regarding the on-going investigation against the President of the United States.

It has also been exposed that he spent extensive time talking to GPS Fusion CEO pal, who is at the heart of the bogus Russian-authored Dossier illegally used by Trump Agency Directors against the President and associates.

Now it is being reported that Schiff met with Cohen for over 10 hours before House Oversight Committee hearing 'prepping him' for the hearing.

'One by one, during the dramatic hearing, Cohen fielded questions on precisely the same topics he discussed with Schiff’s staff during the sit-downs in New York.'

"Schiff was asked about the frequency of his contacts with Cohen on CBS News' "Face the Nation" this weekend, and gave the number "seven" -- but Schiff did not distinguish between the number of his own contacts with Cohen and the committee staff's interactions with him.

Schiff asserted, "The extent of my contact was just inviting him to testify and also trying to allay his concerns about the president's threats against him and his family ... but our staff certainly sat down to interview him, and that's what you do in any credible investigation."

So, Trump-Haters feed admitted Felony Perjurers who are going to prison for lying to Congress the questions he will face before going before Congress a 2nd time, coaching him up on his answers - that's what 'you' do in a 'credible' investigation?


Apparently meeting with a criminal who has admittedly to leaking classified information, allowing him and his staff 'prep' him for his 2nd appearance before Congress under oath, was not a good idea, as Cohen has been recommended for 6 more Felony charges of Perjury resulting from his 2nd time testifying before Congress.


Schiff should be the next criminal to face indictment / criminal charges...

Cohen met with Schiff staff for over 10 hours before House Oversight Committee hearing, sources say

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