35 Key People Involved In The Russia Hoax Who Need To Be Investigated

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
As their desperate search for collusion continues, Democrats want to interview 81 people. Try this list instead.

Funny how things change. The Washington Post couldn’t say a nice thing about congressional Republican efforts to investigate the Obama administration and FBI shenanigans that occurred before and after the 2016 election. That’s if they even covered these efforts at all.

But with Democrats controlling the House, and that legislative body’s subpoena power, the establishment media’s line has changed. Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee have just sent letters to 81 people, all associated with President Trump or the Russia probe, demanding answers on Russian election interference.

This is part of Democrats’ effort to continue their hunt for proof of Russia collusion—although they are already sure that Trump is guilty—as Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation appears to be winding down. To cover these events, the Post’s Philip Bump wrote an article titled: “The 81 people and organizations just looped into the Trump probe—and why they were included.” Of course, the article is totally unquestioning of the House Democrats’ desired narrative and motivations.

Investigated, But Not for the Reasons Dems Give It isn’t worth it to go through Bump’s whole article, but even the commentary about the first name on the list—Rinat Akhmetshin—omits glaring and important facts. Bump says Akhmetshin “joined his colleague Natalia Veselnitskaya, a lawyer linked to the Kremlin, at the June 9, 2016, meeting in Trump Tower predicated on providing information that would undermine Hillary Clinton’s campaign.” But, Bump says, “the focus of the meeting instead reportedly focused on the Magnitsky Act—a law that resulted in sanctions on numerous prominent Russians.”

(Excerpt) Read more at thefederalist.com ...
Absurd, since Natalia Veselnitskaya worked for Fusion GPS who helped launder Clinton, DNC and Obama's money to Skirpal and Steele to used to purchase Propaganda from The Kremlin, and use to fund Propaganda Operations against The Trump Campaign.

Obama sent Russians to both The Trump Campaign and Jeff Sessions. The whole thing was a series of set ups. Obama arranged the phone call to General Flynn. Obama and Clinton worked with hackers to place false beacon pings on a Trump Server and a Russia Alpha Bank Server, then an Obama-Clinton Sycophant, "Hacker" told The FBI about it, and The Press, as if they came across it by accident. The Name that keeps coming up in Russian Collusion is Obama, Obama, Obama & Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.

If President Trump was able to declassify Obama and Clinton's Emails that she tried to destroy on her Secret Illegal Server, but were found on Anthony Weiner's Laptop, that would be proven out that Obama and his staff coordinated an attack on Candidate Trump, his campaign, supporters, staff and family, and they colluded with Russia to do it, just like Ted Kennedy had once done.

He did all this to help get Clinton elected, because he wanted all his criminal actions concealed, like they had been concealed by his political sycophants he placed all through our government for the 8 years we were cursed with his presidency.

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