ADHD Drugs: Sudden Death Risk Higher?


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
, 2009 -- A new study suggests that children and teens who take stimulants like Ritalin for ADHD have an increased risk for sudden cardiac death, but the FDA says the study has major limitations and should not change the way the drugs are used.

There have long been concerns that the stimulants used to treat ADHD may increase the risk for sudden death in children with undiagnosed heart conditions.

The new research finds corroborating evidence for concern, although all agree that the risk of sudden cardiac death is very small.

ADHD Drugs: Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Higher?

more reason to stop the drugging of children in the u.s. how long will people allow the pharmacies and doctors make zombies of should be a damned hand fun...boys should be wilder than small demons...that is what kids are....little fucking ids....that for some reason instead of controlling our little ids...we prefer to drug them?

you can discuss it all you want...its lazy ass teachers and lazy ass parents in that order....or did they stop advertising to teachers? the drug companies? fucking hyprocritical morons have that "dare" program...dare to resist education...or some shit but then drug them with legal there is only a slight risk of your child dropping dead but we are sure willing to risk that before we pull a basically unneeded drug that makes millions off the market.
, 2009 -- A new study suggests that children and teens who take stimulants like Ritalin for ADHD have an increased risk for sudden cardiac death, but the FDA says the study has major limitations and should not change the way the drugs are used.

There have long been concerns that the stimulants used to treat ADHD may increase the risk for sudden death in children with undiagnosed heart conditions.

The new research finds corroborating evidence for concern, although all agree that the risk of sudden cardiac death is very small.

ADHD Drugs: Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Higher?

more reason to stop the drugging of children in the u.s. how long will people allow the pharmacies and doctors make zombies of should be a damned hand fun...boys should be wilder than small demons...that is what kids are....little fucking ids....that for some reason instead of controlling our little ids...we prefer to drug them?

you can discuss it all you want...its lazy ass teachers and lazy ass parents in that order....or did they stop advertising to teachers? the drug companies? fucking hyprocritical morons have that "dare" program...dare to resist education...or some shit but then drug them with legal there is only a slight risk of your child dropping dead but we are sure willing to risk that before we pull a basically unneeded drug that makes millions off the market.
They gotta keep them profits going.....It is sicking!

Birth control pills are a hazard to many young women health yet they keep on prescribing them without the young women being fully aware of the dangers. My daughter spent six years being treated for clots after two years of taking birth control pills.

Understanding Birth Control Medications (Contraceptives)

Journal of Clinical Investigation -- Women’s health and clinical trials
I'm with Dr. Thomas Szasz on this one....ADHD is a scam.

No, it is a legit thing , the problem is NOW every kid has it cause of drug company reps and weak willed doctors and parents and overbearing schools.

Just like so many kids now are put into IN CARE psychiatric facilities. There really are a few out there that need it. But it is so much easier if they just label all of the kids with it.

The Facility I went to during the years 1996 to 2001 went from have a geriatric unit and predominately adult treatment with maybe 4 rooms for kids in a separate wing to now having maybe 6 rooms for adults and those are mostly for treating drug rehab and the rest of the facility is ALL kids.

When I visit my therapist every Monday morning there are lots of kids there and more being tested all week long.

Psychiatric treatment needs to exist for kids, but now it is just a simple cover it all crutch for any simple or complex problem. And most of the meds are not even tested for children. Take Ritalin, in children it is supposed to relax and slow them down, in adults it is supposed to wake them up and speed them a bit. I took it for over a year cause of my need to be active with my depression. The common part is it is supposed to help you focus and concentrate but in children it is supposed to slow them, in adults it is supposed to speed them up.
more reason to stop the drugging of children in the u.s. how long will people allow the pharmacies and doctors make zombies of should be a damned hand fun...boys should be wilder than small demons...that is what kids are....little fucking ids....that for some reason instead of controlling our little ids...we prefer to drug them?

you can discuss it all you want...its lazy ass teachers and lazy ass parents in that order....or did they stop advertising to teachers? the drug companies? fucking hyprocritical morons have that "dare" program...dare to resist education...or some shit but then drug them with legal there is only a slight risk of your child dropping dead but we are sure willing to risk that before we pull a basically unneeded drug that makes millions off the market.

I disagree with the order.

It is the parents' job, pleasure and responsibility to raise their children, not the teachers'. Parents are the ones responsible for their child's health and well-being. Unfortunately, it is easier for many parents to hand that over to the school system. Which is pitiful, IMO.

And I will say that there are some good teachers out there, but they are not the ones pushing meds on kids who don't need it anyway.
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, 2009 -- A new study suggests that children and teens who take stimulants like Ritalin for ADHD have an increased risk for sudden cardiac death, but the FDA says the study has major limitations and should not change the way the drugs are used.

There have long been concerns that the stimulants used to treat ADHD may increase the risk for sudden death in children with undiagnosed heart conditions.

The new research finds corroborating evidence for concern, although all agree that the risk of sudden cardiac death is very small.

ADHD Drugs: Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Higher?

more reason to stop the drugging of children in the u.s. how long will people allow the pharmacies and doctors make zombies of should be a damned hand fun...boys should be wilder than small demons...that is what kids are....little fucking ids....that for some reason instead of controlling our little ids...we prefer to drug them?

you can discuss it all you want...its lazy ass teachers and lazy ass parents in that order....or did they stop advertising to teachers? the drug companies? fucking hyprocritical morons have that "dare" program...dare to resist education...or some shit but then drug them with legal there is only a slight risk of your child dropping dead but we are sure willing to risk that before we pull a basically unneeded drug that makes millions off the market.

My son was diagnosed ADHD. I gave him a cup of coffee every morning. Got that from a friend's pediatrician. Her son had asthma, the albuteral (sp?) made him hyper as hell (dos that to adults too) and the ped told her about the coffee. Same effect, no side effects.

There's a big push to deny the effects of mercury in our kids immunizations, but mercury is a heavy metal, toxic, and does neurological damage (up to and including autism ) that is wholly preventable by single shot doses that require no preservative. It costs a little more, and there is the problem.

My son was born with a perfect APGAR score of 10. Had three shots one day to make up for a winter of colds and flu. One dose of the MMR vaccine already has more mercury than an adult should ingest in a day via fish, but the public health nurse thought this was ok. I was young, poor, and didn't know. We're (or were) taught to trust our medical community.

The same drug companies that put profit over safety in creating these problems now want to sell a questionable "cure." They don't know what psychotropic drugs do to not yet fully developed brains, and they don't care. Why is that a surprise? They didn't care about the damage they did to begin with.
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Ritalin and the rest of those "chemical straightjackets" are fucking stupid.

Yeah, let's all get the kids toked up on amphetamines...:clap2:

Also on the list of "fucking stupid things stupid parents do to their kids"...

  • Parents who take their son in for "corrective surgery" to fix protruding ears, or some other "cosmetic defect." No, seriously, some neighbors of mine had a young son who had ears that stuck out, and he was getting teased at school by other kids. So instead of going to the school, meeting with the principal and making sure that the stupid playground bullshit stopped right then, they take him in for surgery. Which is basically saying, "Yeah, you are flawed. Gotta get that fixed..." :eek:
  • Parents who use video game consoles as babysitters. I know a guy who's in his 20's and basically grew up playing video games. Now, he weighs 250 pounds, wears a back brace, and has already had TWO HEART ATTACKS. Count 'em...TWO. At 20...
  • Parents who let their daughters dress like whores. I swear to God, the next time I stumble across a MySpace profile of a 13 year old girl in her bra and panties...........

Ritalin and the rest of those "chemical straightjackets" are fucking stupid.

Yeah, let's all get the kids toked up on amphetamines...:clap2:

Also on the list of "fucking stupid things stupid parents do to their kids"...

  • Parents who take their son in for "corrective surgery" to fix protruding ears, or some other "cosmetic defect." No, seriously, some neighbors of mine had a young son who had ears that stuck out, and he was getting teased at school by other kids. So instead of going to the school, meeting with the principal and making sure that the stupid playground bullshit stopped right then, they take him in for surgery. Which is basically saying, "Yeah, you are flawed. Gotta get that fixed..." :eek:

    my son had huge ass ears and yes i looked into having them pinned back....a friend of mine went ahead with doctor said "give the kid a chance to grow into his ears"
    he did...i mean they still are a little stickly outtie but unless my friends kid they dont look glued down...i think we all want the easy road for our kids...a few k to fix the ears biggie...he also has a depression where the sterum meets...when he was around 10 or so my hubby was assuring him it would go away..i walked by and fathers never went away..we tested for marfran (sp) and went on...

  • Parents who use video game consoles as babysitters. I know a guy who's in his 20's and basically grew up playing video games. Now, he weighs 250 pounds, wears a back brace, and has already had TWO HEART ATTACKS. Count 'em...TWO. At 20...

    kids should be tossed outside...simple as that...if you live in the city you go with them....if you are like us in the country you just toss them out...tell them not to come in till lunch unless they are bleeding or a bone is broken and it best well be protruding from the skin to bother me with it..

  • Parents who let their daughters dress like whores. I swear to God, the next time I stumble across a MySpace profile of a 13 year old girl in her bra and panties...........

i do not have a daughter but if you let them dress like hos and then post it on myspace or whatever .....dont expect them not to act like hos....we have over sexualized this society to the point where young kids have no limits


let's add one more...parents who want to be their kids friends....what is up with are not their friends and never will are their parents...and you should act like parents
, 2009 -- A new study suggests that children and teens who take stimulants like Ritalin for ADHD have an increased risk for sudden cardiac death, but the FDA says the study has major limitations and should not change the way the drugs are used.

There have long been concerns that the stimulants used to treat ADHD may increase the risk for sudden death in children with undiagnosed heart conditions.

The new research finds corroborating evidence for concern, although all agree that the risk of sudden cardiac death is very small.

ADHD Drugs: Sudden Cardiac Death Risk Higher?

more reason to stop the drugging of children in the u.s. how long will people allow the pharmacies and doctors make zombies of should be a damned hand fun...boys should be wilder than small demons...that is what kids are....little fucking ids....that for some reason instead of controlling our little ids...we prefer to drug them?

you can discuss it all you want...its lazy ass teachers and lazy ass parents in that order....or did they stop advertising to teachers? the drug companies? fucking hyprocritical morons have that "dare" program...dare to resist education...or some shit but then drug them with legal there is only a slight risk of your child dropping dead but we are sure willing to risk that before we pull a basically unneeded drug that makes millions off the market.

my son's lazy ass first grade teacher yold us she thought our son had ADD.
me and his lazyass mom took him to a pediatric neurologist, since it seemed like the easiest thing to do, not wanting to get up off our lazy asses and all.

we had him tested and retested and his lazyass neurologist confirmed the lazyass teachers opinion. we spent the next twelve years feeding him ritalin and sitting on our asses in between trips to neurologists, lazyass parent-lazyass teacher conferences, lazyass tutors and lazyass school administrators who didn't want to give him the lazyass accomodations his lazyass learning disability required. now his lazyass is in college and all we lazy ass parents have to do is get his lazyass deaf sister the help she needs.
hold up the short bus and i both know that the majority of parents do not go throught even bothering for the 2nd opinion..that the drug companies advertised heavily to teachers...that it is mostly boys on the meds....

there are exceptions to the rule..and i assure are not the you think you are the "average" parent of a child with disablities or do you think you have done all you can think of to do?
i am speaking of parents who are told by teachers that their child needs meds..and they go right to the doctor and tell the doctor what the theacher said without more testing or counseling...

what is your take on cochlear implants?
Really bones, what drug companies advertise to teachers? I have NEVER got any kind of advertisement, special gift or anything from a drug company. And I teach SPECIAL ED! Where a lot of the kids ARE on meds.............

Where are you getting your information the drug companies cater to the teachers anyway?

Now, for your next remark about parents being lazy, and not getting second opinions on their child, how do you know this? Is there some research done there too?

If you don't think a parent has the best interest of their child in mind, then I don't know what to tell you.

Oh, and by the way, not ONE of my special ed students were on meds this year. I use something called "behavior modification" on my kids, it works wonders.

Yes, some teachers do want the 'hyper' students on meds so they can fit in that "little box" and not disrupt class, but other teachers have effective ways of dealing with children that may not be able to sit still. The Montessori program is a good program, they use a lot of "hands on" activities for the students.
Death from Ritalin the Truth Behind ADHD

note: evalutated by the school...who referred the child for that evalutation?

However, despite this, when a team of researchers from the United Nationals International Narcotics Control Board examined the records of nearly 400 pediatricians who had prescribed Ritalin they found that half the children who had been diagnosed as suffering from MBD (or ADD or whatever) had not been given psychological or educational testing before being given the drug. The United Nations concluded that frustrated parents, teachers and doctors were too quick to stick a label of ADD onto children with behavioral problems (or, to be more accurate, to children whose behavioral was annoying the parents, teachers and doctors).
ADHD Drugs Outselling Antibiotics in Kids | Chiropractic News

Now in 2004... according to articles, (which was based on a business press release) Americans now spend more on drugs for ADHD and depression than they do on antibiotics, or asthma or allergy medications for children.

The figures...
• a 23 percent increase in usage for all children using ADHD drugs.
• a 49 percent increase in the use of ADHD drugs by children under the age of 5 in the last 3 years.
• a 77 percent increase in spending from 2000 - 2003 on ADHD drugs.
• a 369 percent increase in spending on ADHD drugs for children under 5.
• estimated 3-10 percent of American children now on behavioral medications
When my wife got a bun in the oven I prayed to God and Ganeash that my kid would have ADHD, I was going to wean him on caffeine and create the ultimate Batman villain.

But it was not to be.

Drugs can’t solve everything, but they can make you forget.

Just like Spok when Kirk fell in love and had his balls broken.
U.S. Kids Take More Psychotropic Drugs Than Europeans - Medications For Mental Illness And Mental Health Introduction

WEDNESDAY, Sept. 24 (HealthDay News) -- American children are three times more likely to be prescribed psychotropic medications for conditions such as ADHD and bipolar disease than European children are, a new study finds.

Differences in regulatory practices and cultural beliefs about the benefit of medication for emotional and behavioral problems may explain this dramatic difference, the U.S. researchers added.

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