Additional three dollar gas tax takes effect Jan. 1st 2015

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Did anyone else hear about this? Obama signed a three dollar gas tax on gasoline that will raise our gasoline cost at the pump to over $6.00 per gallon. In this news report they say this was quietly done in order to make America more in line with the global price of gasoline. What do you think about this? If trucks have to pay over twice the cost for gasoline wouldn't that double the cost of the products they deliver? That would mean the price of food, clothing, everything would go up on Jan. 1st, 2015 to compensate for such a dramatic increase. Right?

Additional Three Dollar Gas Tax To Take Effect Jan 1st 2015 National Report

An environmental bill long championed by the Obama administration and environmental groups was quietly signed into law this week. The bill, initially expected to fail, was bolstered by last-minute support from a group of moderate Republicans seeking reelection in predominantly Democratic leaning states. The bill strengthens environmental pollution penalties, emission standards and creates a surprising new three dollar a gallon tax increase on gasoline. Many House members who voted for the bill say they are shocked by the significant tax increase on gasoline included in it, and claim that they were unaware of its inclusion. At over one thousand pages long many of the subsections of the bill likely remained unread by congressional appointees or their aides. The tax authorization was buried in a supplemental section dealing with otherwise minor changes to infrastructure standards. The three dollar tax appears to be earmarked to a newly created environmental fund that will be used to modernize transportation infrastructure, making it more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly.
Are you saying that those who signed the environmental bill are lying about the additional $3.00 tax increase they found buried in a supplemental section dealing with otherwise minor changes to infrastructure standards?

Can you give me a source or a link to that information so that I can agree with you?

As it stands I have a news report telling me that the $3.00 additional gas tax goes into effect on Jan. 1st, 2015 and a phone call from a man with a son high level military - who is telling my husband the tax will go into effect on Jan. 1st, 2015.

Give me your source, Synthaholic or admit that this is the first you are hearing of it and you do not know anything about it. Thank you.
So when gasoline cost rises to $6.00 - $8.00 per gallon the USA on January 1st, 2015, the families who are right now unable to keep up with their bills will have to deal with the reality that the cost of living will increase substantially along with their having to cut out necessary items they currently buy in order to pay for gasoline to get to a job which does not pay them a penny more come January 1st, 2015. And Synthaholics response was a personal attack meant to dismiss this report followed by silence once asked to provide the source for her dismissal of news report. Duly noted. Would anyone else like to comment on the news that gasoline prices in America will rise and additional three dollars bringing cost of gasoline to $6.00 - $8.00 per gallon depending upon where you live? Anyone?
I hear talk about additional buck a gallon tax increase on tv yesterday . Report was from California . Just heard but no detail !!
I hear talk about additional buck a gallon tax increase on tv yesterday . Report was from California . Just heard but no detail !!

A dollar tax on increase on gasoline is very bad news. Three dollar increase would be devastating, Pismoe. Thanks. I'm relieved to learn the three dollar increase isn't true. I figured you guys would know. Thanks to Disir we know the facts now! Thank you, Disir!
Disir! Thank you very much! I did not know that National report was a satire news source. I will tell my friend as their are people who have honestly believed this report! Thank you!
If you are a partisan and are fed a story that makes you hard, it is probably bullshit. Confirmation bias and the desire to believe are two of the most destructive forces in politics.

At least you have the integrity and gentleman's decency to thank someone for pointing out your error instead of crying, "I wouldn't put it past 'em!" like other people do.
yep , it'd be bad news Jerimiah but some peoples goal is to get USA gas prices way up there with Euro peons !!
Disir! Thank you very much! I did not know that National report was a satire news source. I will tell my friend as their are people who have honestly believed this report! Thank you!
If you are a partisan and are fed a story that makes you hard, it is probably bullshit. Confirmation bias and the desire to believe are two of the most destructive forces in politics.

At least you have the integrity and gentleman's decency to thank someone for pointing out your error instead of crying, "I wouldn't put it past 'em!" like other people do.

G5000, I want to know the truth. Always. I am a woman. Not a man. This is what happened to me. A soldier going to Afganistan for his second tour is selling me his Land Cruiser. My husband's friend who has a son in the military high up - he calls my husband and says big mistake! Obama signed a gas tax that will raise gasoline $3.00! The Land Cruiser gets about 16 mpg on the highway and 13 in the city.

I cannot drive the thing right now because I had accident and cannot walk or take the risk of trying to drive. I could not do it anyhow.. But I will walk after physical therapy is complete. So when this soldier wanted to sell me his vehicle I was all happy thinking about the day I would drive down the road praying for him in it! ( God has his warriors too you know, prayer warriors! ) So my husband came in and told me this news and I thought it looks like this was not the willl of God and I missed it - as I was gettting a great deal on the thing. It's older. My soldier buddy was flying in today and we were meeting later on after he rests up. So now I find out this report was a hoax! I have to tell you I told my husband I do not believe your friend is right. I do not believe this report. He said it is true! Look it up! So I did and there was this news report. Still I didn't feel it was right, I felt something was wrong about it but I wanted someone to tell me.

I am always open to being corrected. Synthaholic is just flat out rude - may the LORD deal with her - that was not necessary. But Disir gave me the facts and I am very grateful! Very! I told my husband this was supposed to be a happy day for me but because of a false report - I feel like I've been robbed of the joy I had about it before. That is what slander and false stories do. They plant doubt in the mind of the listener and it is a wicked thing to do. I am asking the LORD to restore my joy about my truck and help me get past this trick the devil tried to play on me. I'm still going to go get my truck today and a neighbor is going with us to drive my truck home for me but had my husband just believed me instead of his friend I would not have doubted my own spirit within me that told me at first he was wrong. Now I am praying the LORD deals with the person responsible for that false report. Because there are consequences for this nonsense. Thanks for your kind words G5000. - Jeri
yep , it'd be bad news Jerimiah but some peoples goal is to get USA gas prices way up there with Euro peons !!

I am not going to believe that report either, Pismoe. The HLS and goverment uses big trucks and SUV's to get around, I do not believe they will add a dollar gas tax. I am going to enjoy my truck and I'm not listening to another bad report today. That is what I am going to do. I have made up my mind - when God gives you a blessing - He doesn't add any trouble to it. Amen.
concerning 4 wheeled transportation . Gas is going to go up from its close to 4 dollar a gallon price where it now sits , imo . Me , I'm trying to figure out how to deal with it these last few years and my solution was to keep my OLD kinda cherry 89 pickup truck [bought new] with about 150,000 miles on it and in excellent shape and to only drive my 2011 high MPG compact car as regular transportation . If I gotta use the truck , I use it !! In the future I plan to buy USED late model high MPG compact cars . I will buy whatever model car I can based on MPG , reliability and lack of new electronic safety gadgets , features like TPMS and similar . No one asked but that's what my plan is !!
I do not like riding a little tin can down the road. I want a big truck that has four wheel drive and can climb a mountain! I like late models too. I just don't like little cars. Not at all. My truck will get 500,000 miles and still keep going. That is why most of them get shipped overseas I hear. Australia, continent of Africa. Where a truck is a truck and you can depend on that thing take you anywhere you want to go! I don't need luxury. I can do without a radio and I can roll my own windows up too. I just want a solid vehicle.
average .40cents per gallon fed tax on gasoline..add in state taxes on top of that.

This nation could become 100% energy independent if the politicians wanted it to.
average .40cents per gallon fed tax on gasoline..add in state taxes on top of that.

This nation could become 100% energy independent if the politicians wanted it to.

It is better than three dollar fed tax on gas and I am counting my blessings today, Rotagilla. The sky is blue, the trees are lovely outside my window, I woke up this morning and I am riding today to pick up my truck! It will be good to open a window and feel the wind on my face. Amen!
Disir! Thank you very much! I did not know that National report was a satire news source. I will tell my friend as their are people who have honestly believed this report! Thank you!
If you are a partisan and are fed a story that makes you hard, it is probably bullshit. Confirmation bias and the desire to believe are two of the most destructive forces in politics.

At least you have the integrity and gentleman's decency to thank someone for pointing out your error instead of crying, "I wouldn't put it past 'em!" like other people do.

piss drinking today? damn gumpy even towards the op and you have no room to accuse others of being partisan.
average .40cents per gallon fed tax on gasoline..add in state taxes on top of that.

This nation could become 100% energy independent if the politicians wanted it to.

It is better than three dollar fed tax on gas and I am counting my blessings today, Rotagilla. The sky is blue, the trees are lovely outside my window, I woke up this morning and I am riding today to pick up my truck! It will be good to open a window and feel the wind on my face. Amen!

Pictures or it didn't happen! a pic of your truck when you get it.
I decided there was a reason for you guys writing what you were writing about today. So I decided not to buy the truck. I reckon I should thank ya'll. I have a peace about it. So thank you. I appreciate you. ( all of you )

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