According to Barry Hussein Soetoro I'm a terrorist. Are you a terrorst?

R.C. Christian

Gold Member
Jun 30, 2010
72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered ?Potential Terrorists? In Official Government Documents

72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents

Are you a conservative, a libertarian, a Christian or a gun owner? Are you opposed to abortion, globalism, Communism, illegal immigration, the United Nations or the New World Order? Do you believe in conspiracy theories, do you believe that we are living in the “end times” or do you ever visit alternative news websites (such as this one)? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are a “potential terrorist” according to official U.S. government documents. At one time, the term “terrorist” was used very narrowly. The government applied that label to people like Osama bin Laden and other Islamic jihadists. But now the Obama administration is removing all references to Islam from terror training materials, and instead the term “terrorist” is being applied to large groups of American citizens. And if you are a “terrorist”, that means that you have no rights and the government can treat you just like it treats the terrorists that are being held at Guantanamo Bay. So if you belong to a group of people that is now being referred to as “potential terrorists”, please don’t take it as a joke. The first step to persecuting any group of people is to demonize them. And right now large groups of peaceful, law-abiding citizens are being ruthlessly demonized.

Below is a list of 72 types of Americans that are considered to be “extremists” and “potential terrorists” in official U.S. government documents. To see the original source document for each point, just click on the link. As you can see, this list covers most of the country…

1. Those that talk about “individual liberties” Check

2. Those that advocate for states’ rights Check

3. Those that want “to make the world a better place” Check

4. “The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule” Check

5. Those that are interested in “defeating the Communists” Check

6. Those that believe “that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations” Check

7. Anyone that holds a “political ideology that considers the state to be unnecessary, harmful,or undesirable” Check

8. Anyone that possesses an “intolerance toward other religions”

9. Those that “take action to fight against the exploitation of the environment and/or animals”

10. “Anti-Gay” CHECK

11. “Anti-Immigrant” Check

12. “Anti-Muslim”

13. “The Patriot Movement” Check

14. “Opposition to equal rights for gays and lesbians” Check, Check, Check, CHECK

15. Members of the Family Research Council Check

16. Members of the American Family Association Check

17. Those that believe that Mexico, Canada and the United States “are secretly planning to merge into a European Union-like entity that will be known as the ‘North American Union’”

18. Members of the American Border Patrol/American Patrol

19. Members of the Federation for American Immigration Reform

20. Members of the Tennessee Freedom Coalition

21. Members of the Christian Action Network

22. Anyone that is “opposed to the New World Order” Check

23. Anyone that is engaged in “conspiracy theorizing”

24. Anyone that is opposed to Agenda 21 Check

25. Anyone that is concerned about FEMA camps Check

26. Anyone that “fears impending gun control or weapons confiscations” Check

27. The militia movement Check

28. The sovereign citizen movement

29. Those that “don’t think they should have to pay taxes”

30. Anyone that “complains about bias” Check

31. Anyone that “believes in government conspiracies to the point of paranoia”

32. Anyone that “is frustrated with mainstream ideologies” Check

33. Anyone that “visits extremist websites/blogs”

34. Anyone that “establishes website/blog to display extremist views”

35. Anyone that “attends rallies for extremist causes”

36. Anyone that “exhibits extreme religious intolerance”

37. Anyone that “is personally connected with a grievance” Check

38. Anyone that “suddenly acquires weapons” Check

39. Anyone that “organizes protests inspired by extremist ideology”

40. “Militia or unorganized militia” Check

41. “General right-wing extremist” Check

42. Citizens that have “bumper stickers” that are patriotic or anti-U.N. Check

43. Those that refer to an “Army of God”

44. Those that are “fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)” Check

45. Those that are “anti-global” Check

46. Those that are “suspicious of centralized federal authority” Check

47. Those that are “reverent of individual liberty” Check

48. Those that “believe in conspiracy theories”

49. Those that have “a belief that one’s personal and/or national ‘way of life’ is under attack” Check

50. Those that possess “a belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in paramilitary preparations and training or survivalism” Check, Check

51. Those that would “impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”

52. Those that would “insert religion into the political sphere” Check

53. Anyone that would “seek to politicize religion”

54. Those that have “supported political movements for autonomy”

55. Anyone that is “anti-abortion” Check

56. Anyone that is “anti-Catholic”

57. Anyone that is “anti-nuclear” Check

58. “Rightwing extremists”

59. “Returning veterans”

60. Those concerned about “illegal immigration” Check

61. Those that “believe in the right to bear arms” Check

62. Anyone that is engaged in “ammunition stockpiling” Check

63. Anyone that exhibits “fear of Communist regimes” Check

64. “Anti-abortion activists” Check

65. Those that are against illegal immigration Check

66. Those that talk about “the New World Order” in a “derogatory” manner Check

67. Those that have a negative view of the United Nations Check

68. Those that are opposed “to the collection of federal income taxes” Check

69. Those that supported former presidential candidates Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin and Bob Barr Check

70. Those that display the Gadsden Flag (“Don’t Tread On Me”) Check

71. Those that believe in “end times” prophecies

72. Evangelical Christians
How interesting. You didn't mind the documents when they were applied to a while group of innocent Muslims, but suddenly you have a problem when the group has become YOU. lol

Anytime you take away someone else's rights, you have just limited your own.
How interesting. You didn't mind the documents when they were applied to a while group of innocent Muslims, but suddenly you have a problem when the group has become YOU. lol

Anytime you take away someone else's rights, you have just limited your own.

You're thinking too hard about it, but yes I minded it.
How interesting. You didn't mind the documents when they were applied to a while group of innocent Muslims, but suddenly you have a problem when the group has become YOU. lol

Anytime you take away someone else's rights, you have just limited your own.

You're thinking too hard about it, but yes I minded it.

That wasn't thinking-----it was a reactionary comment. Just ask Jake.:lol:
First they came for those who drank Steel Reserve and I said nothing. Next they came for those who drank High Gravity and I said nothing. And then I was just sitting there one day drinking Coors lite and they came for me!
First they came for those who drank Steel Reserve and I said nothing. Next they came for those who drank High Gravity and I said nothing. And then I was just sitting there one day drinking Coors lite and they came for me!

Next it will be the folks drinking Martinis and wine spritzers.:(
:eek: Whaaaaaaa?!

I'm the last one! Number 72!

Here's my response to the sons of Hell who came up with this list, RC.

Come and get me! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

Most Sincerely,

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Seems that it's not just "returning veterans":

IRS targeting the American Legion with new set of guidelines | The Daily Caller

IRS is targeting the American Legion with new set of guidelines
6:09 PM 08/23/2013

The Internal Revenue Service is targeting the veterans’ organization the American Legion, and a U.S. senator believes that Lois Lerner — a key figure in the IRS scandal – is to blame.

“The IRS now requires American Legion posts to maintain dates of service and character of service records for all members… The penalty for not having the required proof of eligibility is, apparently, $1,000 per day,” the American Legion stated.

The American Legion was referring to a 13-part section of Part 4, Chapter 76 of the Internal Revenue Manual pertaining to “veterans’ organizations.”

The section falls under “Exempt Organizations Examination Guidelines,” which is the jurisdiction of Exempt Organizations head Lois Lerner, who apologized for improperly targeting tea party groups and tried to plead the Fifth Amendment in a congressional hearing.

“The American Legion has recently learned of the so-called IRS ‘audit manual’ and is concerned that portions of it attempt to amend statutes passed by Congress and approved by the president,” American Legion legal counsel Philip Onderdonk, Jr. told The Daily Caller.

“Resolutions recommending action by the Legion’s legislative division on two of the most egregious sections of the IRS document are being presented for a vote by members at The American Legion’s annual national convention in Houston [this] week. If the resolutions are adopted, the Legion will be empowered as a body to urge correction of the veterans service organization-related portion(s) of the IRS manual and suggest congressional review of the entire 38 section IRS document,” Onderdonk said.

“On the heels of Americans’ anger over revelations that the IRS intentionally targeted certain groups, it has been brought to my attention that the IRS is now turning their sights toward our nation’s veterans,” Kansas Sen. Jerry Moran said. “The IRS seems to be auditing veteran service organizations by requiring private member military service forms.”

“If a post is unable or not willing to turn over this personal information, it’s possible they could face a fine of $1,000 per day,” Moran continued.
It's time to STOMP!

[ame=]Kirk Franklin - Stomp - YouTube[/ame]

GP! Are ya with me?! Oh yeah! We're about 2 billion strong and growing bigger every day. Luke 10:19 It's Ours. The devil is a liar! - Jeri
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Hell, I am surprised that they didn't list the following..

1 - Membership in the Oath Keepers. (I am)

2 - Membership in the Black Shamrock. (I am)

3 - Former Scout leaders.. Pre-gay membership. (I am)

Well, guess I'd better change my screen moniker to "Randall Hussein Flagg".

Looks like I fit into about 95% of those categories..........:redface:

Guess I can expect a visit from Homeland Security most anytime now, right?

I now know how Randy Weaver must have felt.

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