Accepting his loss, obama blows off debate prep.


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
Obama to Crash Debate Prep in Nevada as Campaigns Lower Expectations - ABC News

Team Obama is laying it on heavy that the president may be the less-prepared candidate because of the demands of his office.

To date, Obama has had only a handful of two- to three-hour prep sessions at Democratic National Committee headquarters with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who is standing in as Romney. Psaki said that Romney, by contrast, has been preparing like an “Olympic decathlete” with an unprecedented amount of practice.
He started “earlier than any candidate in modern history and running through mock debates five times in 48-hours,” she said.

One official, lowering the expectations bar even further for Obama, went so far as to note to ABC News that five out of the last six presidential challengers were judged to have won the first debate.
I don't think any amount of debate preparation will make Romney any wiser or any smarter. He will come off as a protected and arrogant rich boy no matter what.

Romney has two all-consuming motivations for running for President: (1) To outdo his dominant and judgemental father, and (2) to increase the power of the Mormon Church.
Obama to Crash Debate Prep in Nevada as Campaigns Lower Expectations - ABC News

Team Obama is laying it on heavy that the president may be the less-prepared candidate because of the demands of his office.

To date, Obama has had only a handful of two- to three-hour prep sessions at Democratic National Committee headquarters with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who is standing in as Romney. Psaki said that Romney, by contrast, has been preparing like an “Olympic decathlete” with an unprecedented amount of practice.
He started “earlier than any candidate in modern history and running through mock debates five times in 48-hours,” she said.

One official, lowering the expectations bar even further for Obama, went so far as to note to ABC News that five out of the last six presidential challengers were judged to have won the first debate.

He's too busy visting the ladies on the view and Letterman to practice.

Why should he need to practice, he's so damn brilliant!!
Obama to Crash Debate Prep in Nevada as Campaigns Lower Expectations - ABC News

Team Obama is laying it on heavy that the president may be the less-prepared candidate because of the demands of his office.

To date, Obama has had only a handful of two- to three-hour prep sessions at Democratic National Committee headquarters with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who is standing in as Romney. Psaki said that Romney, by contrast, has been preparing like an “Olympic decathlete” with an unprecedented amount of practice.
He started “earlier than any candidate in modern history and running through mock debates five times in 48-hours,” she said.

One official, lowering the expectations bar even further for Obama, went so far as to note to ABC News that five out of the last six presidential challengers were judged to have won the first debate.

He's too busy visting the ladies on the view and Letterman to practice.

Why should he need to practice, he's so damn brilliant!!

Not only is he brilliant, but he's best when he speaks extemporaneously without a teleprompter.
I don't think any amount of debate preparation will make Romney any wiser or any smarter. He will come off as a protected and arrogant rich boy no matter what.

Romney has two all-consuming motivations for running for President: (1) To outdo his dominant and judgemental father, and (2) to increase the power of the Mormon Church.

Anyone wanting to be President is an arrogant SOB. I don't mean that in a bad way, but there is much truth to that. I don't think anyone runs for President, who can actually win, who is doing it to make the US a better place. They are doing it for the power and prestige of the job, plain and simple. So long as they are not absolutely crazy, I have no problem with that.
I don't think any amount of debate preparation will make Romney any wiser or any smarter. He will come off as a protected and arrogant rich boy no matter what.

Romney has two all-consuming motivations for running for President: (1) To outdo his dominant and judgemental father, and (2) to increase the power of the Mormon Church.
And tell us Freemason9, what are the roots of the Mormon Church?
Romney did horrid during the primary debates... Why would he do any better next to Obama? If anything the best hand Obama has to play is to remember quotes of Mitt along with a date of when Mitt once supported Obama's policy...
Romney has to go for an early knockout in the debates. He needs to win the first debate and do it in the first hour

Romney will have to take chances in the hopes of flustering the President and forcing him into an embarassing sound bite

The risk is Romney coming off as unlikable....more unlikeable than he is right now
Romney did horrid during the primary debates... Why would he do any better next to Obama? If anything the best hand Obama has to play is to remember quotes of Mitt along with a date of when Mitt once supported Obama's policy...

No one that does better than Newt Gingrich does horrible. Horrible belongs to Rick Perry.

obama doesn't have a good hand to play. There might be various reasons for his lack of practice. He is so arrogant he might think that his innate brilliance by carry him, or assume the voters are so stupid nothing that happens during the debate will affect the outcome.

The one thing that is certain is no matter how well or how badly obama does, democrats will say he was superlative and won hands down.
Romney did horrid during the primary debates... Why would he do any better next to Obama? If anything the best hand Obama has to play is to remember quotes of Mitt along with a date of when Mitt once supported Obama's policy...

No one that does better than Newt Gingrich does horrible. Horrible belongs to Rick Perry.

obama doesn't have a good hand to play. There might be various reasons for his lack of practice. He is so arrogant he might think that his innate brilliance by carry him, or assume the voters are so stupid nothing that happens during the debate will affect the outcome.

The one thing that is certain is no matter how well or how badly obama does, democrats will say he was superlative and won hands down.

Romney struggled to out debate Santorum

Does not bode well against Obama
obama doesn't have a good hand to play. There might be various reasons for his lack of practice. He is so arrogant he might think that his innate brilliance by carry him, or assume the voters are so stupid nothing that happens during the debate will affect the outcome.

1. I think Obama's campaign is trying to lower expectations for Obama's debate performance which is always a wise thing to do. Most likely Obama will do OK but not spectacular. If people are expecting spectacular, OK looks like a failure ("Romney looked so weak why couldn't Obama just blow him out? What's wrong with Obama?")

2. Obama has a great advantage. For the last three and a half years, he has been getting briefings on every conceivable issue the debates might bring up. Romney has been a businessman, governor, and Republican primary candidate. This leaves him both very light on many national issues and dangerously vulnerable to confuse his general election audience with his primary debate audiences.
obama doesn't have a good hand to play. There might be various reasons for his lack of practice. He is so arrogant he might think that his innate brilliance by carry him, or assume the voters are so stupid nothing that happens during the debate will affect the outcome.

1. I think Obama's campaign is trying to lower expectations for Obama's debate performance which is always a wise thing to do. Most likely Obama will do OK but not spectacular. If people are expecting spectacular, OK looks like a failure ("Romney looked so weak why couldn't Obama just blow him out? What's wrong with Obama?")

2. Obama has a great advantage. For the last three and a half years, he has been getting briefings on every conceivable issue the debates might bring up. Romney has been a businessman, governor, and Republican primary candidate. This leaves him both very light on many national issues and dangerously vulnerable to confuse his general election audience with his primary debate audiences.

Romney is forced to swing for a knockout. Obama only has to play defense

With his 47% debacle, Romney has provided Obama with more than enough ammo to fend off anything on the economy
Romney cannot trash Obamacare without defending Romneycare
On Foreign Policy, Romney is a neophyte and cannot compete with Obama
Obama to Crash Debate Prep in Nevada as Campaigns Lower Expectations - ABC News

Team Obama is laying it on heavy that the president may be the less-prepared candidate because of the demands of his office.

To date, Obama has had only a handful of two- to three-hour prep sessions at Democratic National Committee headquarters with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who is standing in as Romney. Psaki said that Romney, by contrast, has been preparing like an “Olympic decathlete” with an unprecedented amount of practice.
He started “earlier than any candidate in modern history and running through mock debates five times in 48-hours,” she said.

One official, lowering the expectations bar even further for Obama, went so far as to note to ABC News that five out of the last six presidential challengers were judged to have won the first debate.

He's too busy visting the ladies on the view and Letterman to practice.

Why should he need to practice, he's so damn brilliant!!

Not only is he brilliant, but he's best when he speaks extemporaneously without a teleprompter.
Oooooooh YEAH.... :lol: ....

[ame=]The Obama Stutter - YouTube[/ame]
I don't think any amount of debate preparation will make Romney any wiser or any smarter. He will come off as a protected and arrogant rich boy no matter what.

Romney has two all-consuming motivations for running for President: (1) To outdo his dominant and judgemental father, and (2) to increase the power of the Mormon Church.

Well hell two can play this game obama has but one motivation for being president
That is to punish America for being the great country in the world.
Obama to Crash Debate Prep in Nevada as Campaigns Lower Expectations - ABC News

Team Obama is laying it on heavy that the president may be the less-prepared candidate because of the demands of his office.

To date, Obama has had only a handful of two- to three-hour prep sessions at Democratic National Committee headquarters with Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who is standing in as Romney. Psaki said that Romney, by contrast, has been preparing like an “Olympic decathlete” with an unprecedented amount of practice.
He started “earlier than any candidate in modern history and running through mock debates five times in 48-hours,” she said.

One official, lowering the expectations bar even further for Obama, went so far as to note to ABC News that five out of the last six presidential challengers were judged to have won the first debate.

I don't think any amount of debate preparation will make Romney any wiser or any smarter. He will come off as a protected and arrogant rich boy no matter what.

Romney has two all-consuming motivations for running for President: (1) To outdo his dominant and judgemental father, and (2) to increase the power of the Mormon Church.

i saw his town hall with brian williams. if he brings that mitt to the debate, it will be a very good debate.

never underestimate your adversary. the other guy's always got moves, too.
I don't think any amount of debate preparation will make Romney any wiser or any smarter. He will come off as a protected and arrogant rich boy no matter what.

Romney has two all-consuming motivations for running for President: (1) To outdo his dominant and judgemental father, and (2) to increase the power of the Mormon Church.

Anyone wanting to be President is an arrogant SOB. I don't mean that in a bad way, but there is much truth to that. I don't think anyone runs for President, who can actually win, who is doing it to make the US a better place. They are doing it for the power and prestige of the job, plain and simple. So long as they are not absolutely crazy, I have no problem with that.

I wouldn't say it's that cynical, but there is surely an element of that.
Romney has pooched it again. He's been running around declaring how he's going to romp by pointing out all Obama's big lies, how important this is, how hard he's been prepping. Pretty stupid of him. A wise candidate downplays the debates, and simply states what a skilled debater his/her opponent is. That's how you play the debate expectations game. It's kind of like pro sports. You don't trashtalk the other team, you say how good they are.

Romney now has to score a knockout against Obama to change the game. And that's not going to happen, since no one has ever scored a knockout against Obama in a debate. Hillary outscored him a little, and look where that got her.
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Have you seen the polls? Romney is losing... When Obama gets re-elected, what excuse will you guys use?
Have you seen the polls? Romney is losing... When Obama gets re-elected, what excuse will you guys use?

Kind of depends on which polls you look at doesn't it? The poll with the best record of calling presidential elections says you are wrong. Time will tell.

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