How Long Until Southern Europe Descends into Chaos?

How Long Until Southern Europe Descends into Chaos?

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Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
I'm no expert, but I've been keeping my ear to the ground through The Telegraph and Russia Today where economic analysts and social commentators are offering conservative estimates of three years until the Eurozone collapses completely and we see footage on the news of people fighting over food in cities across Europe. I'm inclined to agree with their estimate as Nigel Farage MEP stood scorned and alone when he predicted and explained along exactly the same lines how the Eurozone would eventually topple back in 2009.

Personally speaking, I doubt it'll be as bad north of the Alps as it will around the Mediterranean where private industry was eclipsed by state emloyers and/or nationalised industry when they all fell head over heels in love with E.U. money and promises.
Yes, I suppose even financiers have to get their hands dirty now and again. In any event, Toro, how long do you give Southern Europe before it's gripped by the kind of anarchy bailouts can't prevent, your own bottom line notwithstanding?
I have no idea. If there is a permanent transfer union from the north to the south, I don't expect much more than what you are seeing on the TV today. If not, the southern countries will leave the euro eventually, with all the chaos leaving entails. I used to think the latter was inevitable but I am less certain of that now. It appears that Germany is inching closer to some sort of capitulation.
This is a trade imbalance being treated as a fiscal problem. When the Germans finally wake up and get on board a plan to solve the imbalances by a higher inflation target for Germany, or the Eurozone splits up so that Spain and Italy can devalue, the problem will solve itself.
Hopefully this will bring several more rounds of QE/LTRO/money printing so I can make a boatload of money.

That will then Collapse in Value, while Hyper Inflation makes you need to spend most of it just to get by.


The most Dependable thing about Human History, is that it always repeats itself. We didn't learn the last time irresponsible Fiscal Polices, and Countries trying to print their way out of Debt brought down the Worlds Economy, and we are now approaching Round 2.
I have no idea. If there is a permanent transfer union from the north to the south, I don't expect much more than what you are seeing on the TV today. If not, the southern countries will leave the euro eventually, with all the chaos leaving entails. I used to think the latter was inevitable but I am less certain of that now. It appears that Germany is inching closer to some sort of capitulation.

The Problem is Germany Can not Carry the weight they would need to, to save the EU. Even if they get on Board, it will only delay the collapse and make it much more Ugly.

How Long do you think Workers in Germany are going to put up with Carrying people in Greece for Example who refuse to give up their Perks like Retiring with a full Pension at 50?

My Guess is not very long at all.
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I have no idea. If there is a permanent transfer union from the north to the south, I don't expect much more than what you are seeing on the TV today. If not, the southern countries will leave the euro eventually, with all the chaos leaving entails. I used to think the latter was inevitable but I am less certain of that now. It appears that Germany is inching closer to some sort of capitulation.

For my two cents, I'm virtually certain Germany will capitulate.

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