Abraham Lincoln uncensored

So you agree he was a racist tyrant. Thanks.

No... I think those things were the opposite of racist. How is ending slavery and fighting for human rights for black people racist? A racist tyrant would be Tennessee's governor for example. Jefferson Davis, the founding fathers of the Confederacy were racist tyrants. Not the guy who joined the anti-slavery party.

And while it is questionable that he had the right to do those things, his legal standing was just that... questionable..
Lol I see you never read history passed a high school history book

What are you basing that on?
Your ridiculous cliches that plagued your posts

Such as that the Confederacy was filled with racist tyrants? I'm sure you buy that line that Tennessee seceded for honorable reasons huh? lol
I don't support much of the confederacy. I am against slavery. I am against any kind of abuse of power. I am also against shutting down newspapers and arresting people. Sending your thugs out to pillage and burn. Telling your supreme court to go fuck themselves. Etc etc etc.
I do support his assassination.
I don't support your ridiculous bullshit that he freed any slaves. That he cared about black folk..
If you read what he actually said and did, you wouldn't say the bullshit you do
Hence, the high school history book reference.
Abraham Lincoln has been given a lot of credit because he signed the emancipation proclamation. But in reality he was forced to do so because blacks refused to be resettled in a colony in the Central American jungle.

"In his book The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery, historian Eric Foner writes that by 1862, Lincoln, as well as politically moderate members of Congress, saw colonization as at least a piece of the policy puzzle. "Both the law providing for abolition in the District of Columbia and the Second Confiscation Act included provisions for the colonization of those willing to emigrate. During 1862, Congress appropriated a total of $600,000 to aid in the transportation overseas of African-Americans," Foner wrote. Policy entrepreneurs of varying trustworthiness offered colonization proposals in such far-flung locales as Brazil, Colombia, and the Caribbean island of St. Croix.

But most black Americans weren’t buying. Seeking their support, Lincoln met with a black delegation at the White House on Aug. 14, 1862, and made the case for colonization. It was widely considered a failure. Lincoln offended his visitors, and others who read the after-the-fact newspaper coverage, by saying such things as, "It is better for us both, therefore, to be separated" and that for blacks to refuse to colonize elsewhere would be "extremely selfish."

Did Abraham Lincoln plan to send ex-slaves to Central America after the Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies

Here are some words from the republican Abe Lincoln:

“You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated.”

This is the Abraham Lincoln they didn’t tell you about in school.

As the free black leaders soon discovered, Lincoln’s invitation to discuss policy was a pretext for a one-sided sales pitch.

“I do not propose to discuss this, but to present it as a fact with which we have to deal,” Lincoln continued. “I cannot alter it if I would. It is a fact, about which we all think and feel alike, I and you.”

Lincoln continued to unload on the delegates, even blaming their people for the Civil War at his doorstep: “See our present condition—the country engaged in war!—our white men cutting one another’s throats, none knowing how far it will extend; and then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or the other. Nevertheless, I repeat, without the institution of Slavery and the colored race as a basis, the war could not have an existence.”

Slavery was a law made legal by whites and yet Lincoln blames blacks for the civil war.

This brought the president back to colonization, and his purpose for inviting the delegates to the White House in the first place—to get them to accept his trial balloon.

“I suppose one of the principal difficulties in the way of colonization is that the free colored man cannot see that his comfort would be advanced by it,” Lincoln reasoned. “You may believe you can live in Washington or elsewhere in the United States the remainder of your life [as easily], perhaps more so than you can in any foreign country, and hence you may come to the conclusion that you have nothing to do with the idea of going to a foreign country. This is (I speak in no unkind sense) an extremely selfish view of the case.”

Then he pivoted: “But you ought to do something to help those who are not so fortunate as yourselves.”

In Lincoln’s mind, if these free leaders stepped forward to lead the emigration of black people out of the United States, that would make it easier for white slaveholders to free the rest.

He explained: “If you could give a start to white people, you would open a wide door for many to be made free. If we deal with those who are not free at the beginning, and whose intellects are clouded by Slavery, we have very poor materials to start with. If intelligent colored men, such as are before me, would move in this matter, much might be accomplished. It is exceedingly important that we have men at the beginning capable of thinking as white men, and not those who have been systematically oppressed.”

Nothing like flattering some of the race by insulting the rest!

“There is much to encourage you,” Lincoln continued pitching. “For the sake of your race you should sacrifice something of your present comfort for the purpose of being as grand in that respect as the white people.”


This is part of republican history they don't want to tell blacks as they try to herd dumb blacks into republican slave quarters.

south or central american jungles we're already full African slaves thanks to the Spaniards
but together youve could of built wakanda

Jungle location would of been perfect


errr i hate to tell ya this but skyscrapers are cultural appropriation
racist nazis
No... I think those things were the opposite of racist. How is ending slavery and fighting for human rights for black people racist? A racist tyrant would be Tennessee's governor for example. Jefferson Davis, the founding fathers of the Confederacy were racist tyrants. Not the guy who joined the anti-slavery party.

And while it is questionable that he had the right to do those things, his legal standing was just that... questionable..
Lol I see you never read history passed a high school history book

What are you basing that on?
Your ridiculous cliches that plagued your posts

Such as that the Confederacy was filled with racist tyrants? I'm sure you buy that line that Tennessee seceded for honorable reasons huh? lol
I don't support much of the confederacy. I am against slavery. I am against any kind of abuse of power. I am also against shutting down newspapers and arresting people. Sending your thugs out to pillage and burn. Telling your supreme court to go fuck themselves. Etc etc etc.
I do support his assassination.
I don't support your ridiculous bullshit that he freed any slaves. That he cared about black folk..
If you read what he actually said and did, you wouldn't say the bullshit you do
Hence, the high school history book reference.

You must HATE Trump then, that much is sure...

So wait... so if people were trying to overthrow the government to install sharia law, you would just say "let them be" and push for anarchy?

And now you want to rewrite history.. What do you say we do with the stories of all those slaves? The thousands celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation? Just dump that crap because it doesn't fit your revised version of history? Burn their stories, destroy the evidence, then you can have your version of history with nothing to say that isn't true?

And there probably will be people like you in 100 years. Saying "look there, HW Bush said no more taxes, and that's proof he never raised taxes, and Obama said Obamacare would go perfectly and you can keep your provider so that is the truth. Don't look at the actual facts, campaign speeches are all just truths.

I'd suggest you educate yourself on this topic. It's abundantly clear that you'd rather write your own and keep your ignorance instead.
I trash Lincoln and his motives and I get accused of racism and supporting slavery.
A black racist like im2 does it and all is well and Lincoln was a POS
Our society is fucking stupid.
I don't like what either one of you say about Lincoln, but in that they're facts, what can I say?
I don't like IM's attitude at all, nor yours.
You're a confederate, TN. It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus Christ himself was CoC of the United States military at the time, you would hate him and call him names and find something to argue was wrong with what he did because YOU LOST.
Lincoln held this country together so that we could go on to be the biggest hot shots on the planet. We have a lot to thank him for.
I trash Lincoln and his motives and I get accused of racism and supporting slavery.
A black racist like im2 does it and all is well and Lincoln was a POS
Our society is fucking stupid.
I don't like what either one of you say about Lincoln, but in that they're facts, what can I say?
I don't like IM's attitude at all, nor yours.
You're a confederate, TN. It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus Christ himself was CoC of the United States military at the time, you would hate him and call him names and find something to argue was wrong with what he did because YOU LOST.
Lincoln held this country together so that we could go on to be the biggest hot shots on the planet. We have a lot to thank him for.
I'm not a Confederate. That's bullshit.
We all lost the war. We lost almost one million Americans. There is STILL division over north and south.
I am against Lincoln's trampling of the constitution and skillfully strategy of fort sumter causing the civil war to stop states from doing something the constitution never forbid.
You can kiss my ass!
I trash Lincoln and his motives and I get accused of racism and supporting slavery.
A black racist like im2 does it and all is well and Lincoln was a POS
Our society is fucking stupid.
I don't like what either one of you say about Lincoln, but in that they're facts, what can I say?
I don't like IM's attitude at all, nor yours.
You're a confederate, TN. It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus Christ himself was CoC of the United States military at the time, you would hate him and call him names and find something to argue was wrong with what he did because YOU LOST.
Lincoln held this country together so that we could go on to be the biggest hot shots on the planet. We have a lot to thank him for.
I'm not a Confederate. That's bullshit.
We all lost the war. We lost almost one million Americans. There is STILL division over north and south.
I am against Lincoln's trampling of the constitution and skillfully strategy of fort sumter causing the civil war to stop states from doing something the constitution never forbid.
You can kiss my ass!

skillful strategy of Ft Sumter? You mean protecting US federal property like he swore to do? Remember that was AFTER hundreds of US banks, forts, ports, ships, weapons caches, and other properties had been overrun and 1/4 of the US military forced to surrender.

Like what? If Bullitt county secedes, they just all get to be millionaires and keep the gold in Ft Knox? If the mayor of San Diego decides he wants to be his own nation, he gets to take over Naval Station San Diego and become the 4th largest nuclear power on the US, even if he has to bomb it for 24 straight hours to garner it's surrender and you are ok with that?

And yes the Constitution did forbid it. Texas V White confirmed that it was indeed a rebellion and any legality to that rebellion was NULL. Meaning the ONLY way to trample the Constitution would be to ignore his duty to protect the US from those rebellions.
Last edited:
Lol I see you never read history passed a high school history book

What are you basing that on?
Your ridiculous cliches that plagued your posts

Such as that the Confederacy was filled with racist tyrants? I'm sure you buy that line that Tennessee seceded for honorable reasons huh? lol
I don't support much of the confederacy. I am against slavery. I am against any kind of abuse of power. I am also against shutting down newspapers and arresting people. Sending your thugs out to pillage and burn. Telling your supreme court to go fuck themselves. Etc etc etc.
I do support his assassination.
I don't support your ridiculous bullshit that he freed any slaves. That he cared about black folk..
If you read what he actually said and did, you wouldn't say the bullshit you do
Hence, the high school history book reference.

You must HATE Trump then, that much is sure...

So wait... so if people were trying to overthrow the government to install sharia law, you would just say "let them be" and push for anarchy?

And now you want to rewrite history.. What do you say we do with the stories of all those slaves? The thousands celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation? Just dump that crap because it doesn't fit your revised version of history? Burn their stories, destroy the evidence, then you can have your version of history with nothing to say that isn't true?

And there probably will be people like you in 100 years. Saying "look there, HW Bush said no more taxes, and that's proof he never raised taxes, and Obama said Obamacare would go perfectly and you can keep your provider so that is the truth. Don't look at the actual facts, campaign speeches are all just truths.

I'd suggest you educate yourself on this topic. It's abundantly clear that you'd rather write your own and keep your ignorance instead.
Trump is no Lincoln but I do not support him. Not sure why that matters though.
What slave did the emancipation proclamation free? None is the answer. It only applies to states he had no control over.
A journalist wrote a piece in his paper to Lincoln that called on him to free all slaves in union control. He said if he could win this war without freeing one slave he would. He said that because it was about the union. He didn't care about the slaves, he was just against the concept of owning other humans. One of the few things I agree with him on.
He only did the EP because England was about to support the confederacy.
Put your high school cliches in the back of the bus.
I trash Lincoln and his motives and I get accused of racism and supporting slavery.
A black racist like im2 does it and all is well and Lincoln was a POS
Our society is fucking stupid.
I don't like what either one of you say about Lincoln, but in that they're facts, what can I say?
I don't like IM's attitude at all, nor yours.
You're a confederate, TN. It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus Christ himself was CoC of the United States military at the time, you would hate him and call him names and find something to argue was wrong with what he did because YOU LOST.
Lincoln held this country together so that we could go on to be the biggest hot shots on the planet. We have a lot to thank him for.
I'm not a Confederate. That's bullshit.
We all lost the war. We lost almost one million Americans. There is STILL division over north and south.
I am against Lincoln's trampling of the constitution and skillfully strategy of fort sumter causing the civil war to stop states from doing something the constitution never forbid.
You can kiss my ass!

skillful strategy of Ft Sumter? You mean protecting US federal property like he swore to do? Remember that was AFTER hundreds of US banks, forts, ports, ships, weapons caches, and other properties had been overrun and 1/4 of the US military forced to surrender.

And yes the Constitution did forbid it. Texas V White confirmed that it was indeed a rebellion and any legality to that rebellion was NULL. Meaning the ONLY way to trample the Constitution would be to ignore his duty to protect the US from those rebellions.
They seceded numbnuts
I trash Lincoln and his motives and I get accused of racism and supporting slavery.
A black racist like im2 does it and all is well and Lincoln was a POS
Our society is fucking stupid.
I don't like what either one of you say about Lincoln, but in that they're facts, what can I say?
I don't like IM's attitude at all, nor yours.
You're a confederate, TN. It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus Christ himself was CoC of the United States military at the time, you would hate him and call him names and find something to argue was wrong with what he did because YOU LOST.
Lincoln held this country together so that we could go on to be the biggest hot shots on the planet. We have a lot to thank him for.
I'm not a Confederate. That's bullshit.
We all lost the war. We lost almost one million Americans. There is STILL division over north and south.
I am against Lincoln's trampling of the constitution and skillfully strategy of fort sumter causing the civil war to stop states from doing something the constitution never forbid.
You can kiss my ass!

skillful strategy of Ft Sumter? You mean protecting US federal property like he swore to do? Remember that was AFTER hundreds of US banks, forts, ports, ships, weapons caches, and other properties had been overrun and 1/4 of the US military forced to surrender.

And yes the Constitution did forbid it. Texas V White confirmed that it was indeed a rebellion and any legality to that rebellion was NULL. Meaning the ONLY way to trample the Constitution would be to ignore his duty to protect the US from those rebellions.
They seceded numbnuts

Unilaterally, which, unless you want to take a shit on the Constitution and the Supreme Court, was illegal.
Texas vs white lol. Another cliche
That happened AFTER the civil war.
And people say our education system doesn't suck :lol:
I trash Lincoln and his motives and I get accused of racism and supporting slavery.
A black racist like im2 does it and all is well and Lincoln was a POS
Our society is fucking stupid.
I don't like what either one of you say about Lincoln, but in that they're facts, what can I say?
I don't like IM's attitude at all, nor yours.
You're a confederate, TN. It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus Christ himself was CoC of the United States military at the time, you would hate him and call him names and find something to argue was wrong with what he did because YOU LOST.
Lincoln held this country together so that we could go on to be the biggest hot shots on the planet. We have a lot to thank him for.
I'm not a Confederate. That's bullshit.
We all lost the war. We lost almost one million Americans. There is STILL division over north and south.
I am against Lincoln's trampling of the constitution and skillfully strategy of fort sumter causing the civil war to stop states from doing something the constitution never forbid.
You can kiss my ass!

skillful strategy of Ft Sumter? You mean protecting US federal property like he swore to do? Remember that was AFTER hundreds of US banks, forts, ports, ships, weapons caches, and other properties had been overrun and 1/4 of the US military forced to surrender.

And yes the Constitution did forbid it. Texas V White confirmed that it was indeed a rebellion and any legality to that rebellion was NULL. Meaning the ONLY way to trample the Constitution would be to ignore his duty to protect the US from those rebellions.
They seceded numbnuts

Unilaterally, which, unless you want to take a shit on the Constitution and the Supreme Court, was illegal.
So you trash the seceded states for trashing the constitution in ways that aren't even there yet but defend Lincoln?
What a big batch of disingenuous bullshit LOL.
Abraham Lincoln has been given a lot of credit because he signed the emancipation proclamation. But in reality he was forced to do so because blacks refused to be resettled in a colony in the Central American jungle.

"In his book The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery, historian Eric Foner writes that by 1862, Lincoln, as well as politically moderate members of Congress, saw colonization as at least a piece of the policy puzzle. "Both the law providing for abolition in the District of Columbia and the Second Confiscation Act included provisions for the colonization of those willing to emigrate. During 1862, Congress appropriated a total of $600,000 to aid in the transportation overseas of African-Americans," Foner wrote. Policy entrepreneurs of varying trustworthiness offered colonization proposals in such far-flung locales as Brazil, Colombia, and the Caribbean island of St. Croix.

But most black Americans weren’t buying. Seeking their support, Lincoln met with a black delegation at the White House on Aug. 14, 1862, and made the case for colonization. It was widely considered a failure. Lincoln offended his visitors, and others who read the after-the-fact newspaper coverage, by saying such things as, "It is better for us both, therefore, to be separated" and that for blacks to refuse to colonize elsewhere would be "extremely selfish."

Did Abraham Lincoln plan to send ex-slaves to Central America after the Civil War?

Abraham Lincoln 'wanted to deport slaves' to new colonies

Here are some words from the republican Abe Lincoln:

“You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word we suffer on each side. If this is admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated.”

This is the Abraham Lincoln they didn’t tell you about in school.

As the free black leaders soon discovered, Lincoln’s invitation to discuss policy was a pretext for a one-sided sales pitch.

“I do not propose to discuss this, but to present it as a fact with which we have to deal,” Lincoln continued. “I cannot alter it if I would. It is a fact, about which we all think and feel alike, I and you.”

Lincoln continued to unload on the delegates, even blaming their people for the Civil War at his doorstep: “See our present condition—the country engaged in war!—our white men cutting one another’s throats, none knowing how far it will extend; and then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or the other. Nevertheless, I repeat, without the institution of Slavery and the colored race as a basis, the war could not have an existence.”

Slavery was a law made legal by whites and yet Lincoln blames blacks for the civil war.

This brought the president back to colonization, and his purpose for inviting the delegates to the White House in the first place—to get them to accept his trial balloon.

“I suppose one of the principal difficulties in the way of colonization is that the free colored man cannot see that his comfort would be advanced by it,” Lincoln reasoned. “You may believe you can live in Washington or elsewhere in the United States the remainder of your life [as easily], perhaps more so than you can in any foreign country, and hence you may come to the conclusion that you have nothing to do with the idea of going to a foreign country. This is (I speak in no unkind sense) an extremely selfish view of the case.”

Then he pivoted: “But you ought to do something to help those who are not so fortunate as yourselves.”

In Lincoln’s mind, if these free leaders stepped forward to lead the emigration of black people out of the United States, that would make it easier for white slaveholders to free the rest.

He explained: “If you could give a start to white people, you would open a wide door for many to be made free. If we deal with those who are not free at the beginning, and whose intellects are clouded by Slavery, we have very poor materials to start with. If intelligent colored men, such as are before me, would move in this matter, much might be accomplished. It is exceedingly important that we have men at the beginning capable of thinking as white men, and not those who have been systematically oppressed.”

Nothing like flattering some of the race by insulting the rest!

“There is much to encourage you,” Lincoln continued pitching. “For the sake of your race you should sacrifice something of your present comfort for the purpose of being as grand in that respect as the white people.”


This is part of republican history they don't want to tell blacks as they try to herd dumb blacks into republican slave quarters.
Lincoln had one goal and one goal only -- save the union. Freeing slaves helped him accomplish that.
Texas vs white was a RIP OFF anyways. It used the articles of confederation as justification even though it was replaced almost 100 years earlier.
What a load of bullshit. They literally just made up excuses for ruling on their feelings.
What are you basing that on?
Your ridiculous cliches that plagued your posts

Such as that the Confederacy was filled with racist tyrants? I'm sure you buy that line that Tennessee seceded for honorable reasons huh? lol
I don't support much of the confederacy. I am against slavery. I am against any kind of abuse of power. I am also against shutting down newspapers and arresting people. Sending your thugs out to pillage and burn. Telling your supreme court to go fuck themselves. Etc etc etc.
I do support his assassination.
I don't support your ridiculous bullshit that he freed any slaves. That he cared about black folk..
If you read what he actually said and did, you wouldn't say the bullshit you do
Hence, the high school history book reference.

You must HATE Trump then, that much is sure...

So wait... so if people were trying to overthrow the government to install sharia law, you would just say "let them be" and push for anarchy?

And now you want to rewrite history.. What do you say we do with the stories of all those slaves? The thousands celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation? Just dump that crap because it doesn't fit your revised version of history? Burn their stories, destroy the evidence, then you can have your version of history with nothing to say that isn't true?

And there probably will be people like you in 100 years. Saying "look there, HW Bush said no more taxes, and that's proof he never raised taxes, and Obama said Obamacare would go perfectly and you can keep your provider so that is the truth. Don't look at the actual facts, campaign speeches are all just truths.

I'd suggest you educate yourself on this topic. It's abundantly clear that you'd rather write your own and keep your ignorance instead.
Trump is no Lincoln but I do not support him. Not sure why that matters though.
What slave did the emancipation proclamation free? None is the answer. It only applies to states he had no control over.
A journalist wrote a piece in his paper to Lincoln that called on him to free all slaves in union control. He said if he could win this war without freeing one slave he would. He said that because it was about the union. He didn't care about the slaves, he was just against the concept of owning other humans. One of the few things I agree with him on.
He only did the EP because England was about to support the confederacy.
Put your high school cliches in the back of the bus.

3.5 million slaves were in states that had been still opposing the US which were free'd by the end of the war.

What do you say we should do with those writings from places like Hilton Head where former slaves celebrated their freedom? Just destroy it?

Why should we destroy history to support your lazy debunked white supremacist lie?

And England right up until the moment of the EP DID NOT EVER ACCEPT A SINGLE MEETING WITH ANY CONFEDERATE DIPLOMAT, and ONLY considered the Confederacy a belligerent of the US. They had their own wars going on, as did France. What proof do you have they were about to join?

Or is this more of that lazy debunked white supremacist lost cause?

And of course if those were true, then the 13th Amendment, W.VA, Wash DC, etc make NO sense. But hey, lets destroy that history too huh?
Texas vs white was a RIP OFF anyways. It used the articles of confederation as justification even though it was replaced almost 100 years earlier.
What a load of bullshit. They literally just made up excuses for ruling on their feelings.

So much for "walking all over the Supreme Court" I guess it only applies when you don't like it. Fucking retarded aren't you. You literally debunked your entire complaint there
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Your ridiculous cliches that plagued your posts

Such as that the Confederacy was filled with racist tyrants? I'm sure you buy that line that Tennessee seceded for honorable reasons huh? lol
I don't support much of the confederacy. I am against slavery. I am against any kind of abuse of power. I am also against shutting down newspapers and arresting people. Sending your thugs out to pillage and burn. Telling your supreme court to go fuck themselves. Etc etc etc.
I do support his assassination.
I don't support your ridiculous bullshit that he freed any slaves. That he cared about black folk..
If you read what he actually said and did, you wouldn't say the bullshit you do
Hence, the high school history book reference.

You must HATE Trump then, that much is sure...

So wait... so if people were trying to overthrow the government to install sharia law, you would just say "let them be" and push for anarchy?

And now you want to rewrite history.. What do you say we do with the stories of all those slaves? The thousands celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation? Just dump that crap because it doesn't fit your revised version of history? Burn their stories, destroy the evidence, then you can have your version of history with nothing to say that isn't true?

And there probably will be people like you in 100 years. Saying "look there, HW Bush said no more taxes, and that's proof he never raised taxes, and Obama said Obamacare would go perfectly and you can keep your provider so that is the truth. Don't look at the actual facts, campaign speeches are all just truths.

I'd suggest you educate yourself on this topic. It's abundantly clear that you'd rather write your own and keep your ignorance instead.
Trump is no Lincoln but I do not support him. Not sure why that matters though.
What slave did the emancipation proclamation free? None is the answer. It only applies to states he had no control over.
A journalist wrote a piece in his paper to Lincoln that called on him to free all slaves in union control. He said if he could win this war without freeing one slave he would. He said that because it was about the union. He didn't care about the slaves, he was just against the concept of owning other humans. One of the few things I agree with him on.
He only did the EP because England was about to support the confederacy.
Put your high school cliches in the back of the bus.

3.5 million slaves were in states that had been still opposing the US which were free'd by the end of the war.

What do you say we should do with those writings from places like Hilton Head where former slaves celebrated their freedom? Just destroy it?

Why should we destroy history to support your lazy debunked white supremacist lie?

And England right up until the moment of the EP DID NOT EVER ACCEPT A SINGLE MEETING WITH ANY CONFEDERATE DIPLOMAT, and ONLY considered the Confederacy a belligerent of the US. They had their own wars going on, as did France. What proof do you have they were about to join?

Or is this more of that lazy debunked white supremacist lost cause?

And of course if those were true, then the 13th Amendment, W.VA, Wash DC, etc make NO sense. But hey, lets destroy that history too huh?
And the EP didn't free any of them.
Dude the US threatened war against Britain because they were going to back the confederacy.
What a load :lol:
I don't like what either one of you say about Lincoln, but in that they're facts, what can I say?
I don't like IM's attitude at all, nor yours.
You're a confederate, TN. It wouldn't have mattered if Jesus Christ himself was CoC of the United States military at the time, you would hate him and call him names and find something to argue was wrong with what he did because YOU LOST.
Lincoln held this country together so that we could go on to be the biggest hot shots on the planet. We have a lot to thank him for.
I'm not a Confederate. That's bullshit.
We all lost the war. We lost almost one million Americans. There is STILL division over north and south.
I am against Lincoln's trampling of the constitution and skillfully strategy of fort sumter causing the civil war to stop states from doing something the constitution never forbid.
You can kiss my ass!

skillful strategy of Ft Sumter? You mean protecting US federal property like he swore to do? Remember that was AFTER hundreds of US banks, forts, ports, ships, weapons caches, and other properties had been overrun and 1/4 of the US military forced to surrender.

And yes the Constitution did forbid it. Texas V White confirmed that it was indeed a rebellion and any legality to that rebellion was NULL. Meaning the ONLY way to trample the Constitution would be to ignore his duty to protect the US from those rebellions.
They seceded numbnuts

Unilaterally, which, unless you want to take a shit on the Constitution and the Supreme Court, was illegal.
So you trash the seceded states for trashing the constitution in ways that aren't even there yet but defend Lincoln?
What a big batch of disingenuous bullshit LOL.

Yes I trash the seceded states for unilaterally seceding which was deemed to be Unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. And rather than wait for a court opinion, instead in their efforts to protect and expand the institution of race based slavery overrun and attack US federal properties, starting a war that killed hundreds of thousands.

I defend Lincoln for freeing slaves, even if your lazy debunked lost cause lies want to destroy history and subject those slaves who celebrated their freedom to a history you can erase.
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Such as that the Confederacy was filled with racist tyrants? I'm sure you buy that line that Tennessee seceded for honorable reasons huh? lol
I don't support much of the confederacy. I am against slavery. I am against any kind of abuse of power. I am also against shutting down newspapers and arresting people. Sending your thugs out to pillage and burn. Telling your supreme court to go fuck themselves. Etc etc etc.
I do support his assassination.
I don't support your ridiculous bullshit that he freed any slaves. That he cared about black folk..
If you read what he actually said and did, you wouldn't say the bullshit you do
Hence, the high school history book reference.

You must HATE Trump then, that much is sure...

So wait... so if people were trying to overthrow the government to install sharia law, you would just say "let them be" and push for anarchy?

And now you want to rewrite history.. What do you say we do with the stories of all those slaves? The thousands celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation? Just dump that crap because it doesn't fit your revised version of history? Burn their stories, destroy the evidence, then you can have your version of history with nothing to say that isn't true?

And there probably will be people like you in 100 years. Saying "look there, HW Bush said no more taxes, and that's proof he never raised taxes, and Obama said Obamacare would go perfectly and you can keep your provider so that is the truth. Don't look at the actual facts, campaign speeches are all just truths.

I'd suggest you educate yourself on this topic. It's abundantly clear that you'd rather write your own and keep your ignorance instead.
Trump is no Lincoln but I do not support him. Not sure why that matters though.
What slave did the emancipation proclamation free? None is the answer. It only applies to states he had no control over.
A journalist wrote a piece in his paper to Lincoln that called on him to free all slaves in union control. He said if he could win this war without freeing one slave he would. He said that because it was about the union. He didn't care about the slaves, he was just against the concept of owning other humans. One of the few things I agree with him on.
He only did the EP because England was about to support the confederacy.
Put your high school cliches in the back of the bus.

3.5 million slaves were in states that had been still opposing the US which were free'd by the end of the war.

What do you say we should do with those writings from places like Hilton Head where former slaves celebrated their freedom? Just destroy it?

Why should we destroy history to support your lazy debunked white supremacist lie?

And England right up until the moment of the EP DID NOT EVER ACCEPT A SINGLE MEETING WITH ANY CONFEDERATE DIPLOMAT, and ONLY considered the Confederacy a belligerent of the US. They had their own wars going on, as did France. What proof do you have they were about to join?

Or is this more of that lazy debunked white supremacist lost cause?

And of course if those were true, then the 13th Amendment, W.VA, Wash DC, etc make NO sense. But hey, lets destroy that history too huh?
And the EP didn't free any of them.
Dude the US threatened war against Britain because they were going to back the confederacy.
What a load :lol:

Really what leaders were planning on helping? Who in the Confederacy were they talking to?

lol You can't even back your claim.

And of course you need a marty mcfly time machine to believe that. After Antietam the US had the Confederacy on the run the rest of the war. At that point any mediation efforts by the UK were no longer supported (or show them if you maintain they were). And it was AFTER that when Lincoln put out the EP.
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Such as that the Confederacy was filled with racist tyrants? I'm sure you buy that line that Tennessee seceded for honorable reasons huh? lol
I don't support much of the confederacy. I am against slavery. I am against any kind of abuse of power. I am also against shutting down newspapers and arresting people. Sending your thugs out to pillage and burn. Telling your supreme court to go fuck themselves. Etc etc etc.
I do support his assassination.
I don't support your ridiculous bullshit that he freed any slaves. That he cared about black folk..
If you read what he actually said and did, you wouldn't say the bullshit you do
Hence, the high school history book reference.

You must HATE Trump then, that much is sure...

So wait... so if people were trying to overthrow the government to install sharia law, you would just say "let them be" and push for anarchy?

And now you want to rewrite history.. What do you say we do with the stories of all those slaves? The thousands celebrating the Emancipation Proclamation? Just dump that crap because it doesn't fit your revised version of history? Burn their stories, destroy the evidence, then you can have your version of history with nothing to say that isn't true?

And there probably will be people like you in 100 years. Saying "look there, HW Bush said no more taxes, and that's proof he never raised taxes, and Obama said Obamacare would go perfectly and you can keep your provider so that is the truth. Don't look at the actual facts, campaign speeches are all just truths.

I'd suggest you educate yourself on this topic. It's abundantly clear that you'd rather write your own and keep your ignorance instead.
Trump is no Lincoln but I do not support him. Not sure why that matters though.
What slave did the emancipation proclamation free? None is the answer. It only applies to states he had no control over.
A journalist wrote a piece in his paper to Lincoln that called on him to free all slaves in union control. He said if he could win this war without freeing one slave he would. He said that because it was about the union. He didn't care about the slaves, he was just against the concept of owning other humans. One of the few things I agree with him on.
He only did the EP because England was about to support the confederacy.
Put your high school cliches in the back of the bus.

3.5 million slaves were in states that had been still opposing the US which were free'd by the end of the war.

What do you say we should do with those writings from places like Hilton Head where former slaves celebrated their freedom? Just destroy it?

Why should we destroy history to support your lazy debunked white supremacist lie?

And England right up until the moment of the EP DID NOT EVER ACCEPT A SINGLE MEETING WITH ANY CONFEDERATE DIPLOMAT, and ONLY considered the Confederacy a belligerent of the US. They had their own wars going on, as did France. What proof do you have they were about to join?

Or is this more of that lazy debunked white supremacist lost cause?

And of course if those were true, then the 13th Amendment, W.VA, Wash DC, etc make NO sense. But hey, lets destroy that history too huh?
And the EP didn't free any of them.
Dude the US threatened war against Britain because they were going to back the confederacy.
What a load :lol:

Why didn't it free the 3.5 million slaves that were freed as the US gained access to them?
Lincoln was racist and a tyrant. I didn't even read your bullshit passed the 2nd sentence.

I know. It makes sense you'd like to just keep your uninformed opinion rather than do something like read and educate yourself. Hell you probably think Tennessee seceded for good reasons even.
So he wasnt a racist? He didn't abuse his powers? He didn't shit all over the constitution?
Show me where I am wrong, oh great one.

Oh yes he did to suppress a rebellion... that started to protect and expand slavery. It's funny how people say the Republican party never changed... then flip out that Lincoln used the largest potential misuse of presidential powers... to free slaves. That he lied like crazy on his campaign speeches... to go back and say he was going to fight for black suffrage.. How he pulled some of the dirtiest politics for support in US history... to pass the 13th amendment.

It had those racist pro-slavery people so upset... still does even 150 years later.
So you agree he was a racist tyrant. Thanks.

No... I think those things were the opposite of racist. How is ending slavery and fighting for human rights for black people racist? A racist tyrant would be Tennessee's governor for example. Jefferson Davis, the founding fathers of the Confederacy were racist tyrants. Not the guy who joined the anti-slavery party.

And while it is questionable that he had the right to do those things, his legal standing was just that... questionable..

How about when Lincoln imprisoned Northern newspaper publishers because he didn't like what they printed?

Stop the Presses: Lincoln Suppresses Journalism

Abraham Lincoln's Forgotten Atrocities - James Bovard

The Lincoln Administration and Arbitrary Arrests: A Reconsideration
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