About That Talk of Sending Bush Back to the Ranch......

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Why So Glum?
R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., American Spectator
September 22, 2005

WASHINGTON -- This is a very glum time for President George W. Bush. Cock your ear toward Washington and what do you hear? Democrats, even the sensible ones such as John Francois Kerry and Senator Joe Biden, the admirer of British political oratory, adjudge him hopeless. Now even conservatives are weighing in. My own colleague at The American Spectator, The Prowler, writes that "at this stage of the game...this Administration is [probably] done for." Alas, time to amble back to the ranch, George. Or is it?

for full article: http://www.spectator.org/dsp_ret.asp
Yes, it is too early to determine how the rest of Bush's presidency will go. I believe it took approximately a year and a half into Nixon's 2nd term for him to be impeached and leave office.

I am not saying that Bush will be impeached--just pointing out that you never know what the future holds for bozo the clown (i.e., Bush).
I think I know how the second term can go if the President gets conservative policies in action to help the poor which he has momentum to do since Katrina occured.

However, it is true. Lots of things can change overnight. 9/11 sure showed that. One day is all it takes to wake alot of people up to the world we live in.

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