Abortion = Social JUSTICE?

You two have never heard of the morning-after pill? $10 a box from the local CVS.

And, according to Planned Parenthood, 1 in 3 women will have abortions by age 45. An admirable goal, no doubt...

How is the morning after pill useful when a couple of months or so later you find out the condom you depended on was defective?

I'd rather see 1 in 3 women have abortions than 1 in 3 women suffer unwanted pregnancies and give birth to unwanted children.
You two have never heard of the morning-after pill? $10 a box from the local CVS.

And, according to Planned Parenthood, 1 in 3 women will have abortions by age 45. An admirable goal, no doubt...

How is the morning after pill useful when a couple of months or so later you find out the condom you depended on was defective?

I'd rather see 1 in 3 women have abortions than 1 in 3 women suffer unwanted pregnancies and give birth to unwanted children.
How is the traditional pill effective after you discovered you forgot a day three months after you had sex? When you play with fireworks, sometimes you get burned. It's part of the business.
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PP makes tens of millions of dollars profit every year.

Tell me they're non-profit now.

They are NON-PROFIT Allie, what profit they make never goes in to the hands of any individual as their profit...the profits go back in to the association's cause...THIS IS what a non-profit stands for...

not that they do not make profits, but what profits are made never gets distributed to share holders or individuals, the profit must go in to supporting the causes of the nonprofit group.

PP is one of the biggest lobbyists in the nation.

You're so incredibly naive.
You two have never heard of the morning-after pill? $10 a box from the local CVS.

And, according to Planned Parenthood, 1 in 3 women will have abortions by age 45. An admirable goal, no doubt...

How is the morning after pill useful when a couple of months or so later you find out the condom you depended on was defective?

I'd rather see 1 in 3 women have abortions than 1 in 3 women suffer unwanted pregnancies and give birth to unwanted children.

Women who have unwanted children aren't interested in abortion.
The whole "abortion prevents unwanted children" mantra is nothing but unmitigated crap.
You two have never heard of the morning-after pill? $10 a box from the local CVS.

And, according to Planned Parenthood, 1 in 3 women will have abortions by age 45. An admirable goal, no doubt...

How is the morning after pill useful when a couple of months or so later you find out the condom you depended on was defective?

I'd rather see 1 in 3 women have abortions than 1 in 3 women suffer unwanted pregnancies and give birth to unwanted children.
How is the pill effective after you discovered you forgot a day three months after you had sex?

Birth control pills are more reliable than condoms but even they have a failure rate. What's your point?
You two have never heard of the morning-after pill? $10 a box from the local CVS.

And, according to Planned Parenthood, 1 in 3 women will have abortions by age 45. An admirable goal, no doubt...

How is the morning after pill useful when a couple of months or so later you find out the condom you depended on was defective?

I'd rather see 1 in 3 women have abortions than 1 in 3 women suffer unwanted pregnancies and give birth to unwanted children.

Women who have unwanted children aren't interested in abortion.
The whole "abortion prevents unwanted children" mantra is nothing but unmitigated crap.
More luney tunes ravings from Alli?

I still can't get over the nasty stuff you said about your mother.
I think the point is clear. Don't have sex until you're ready for a 1 in 3 chance of motherhood.
How is the morning after pill useful when a couple of months or so later you find out the condom you depended on was defective?

I'd rather see 1 in 3 women have abortions than 1 in 3 women suffer unwanted pregnancies and give birth to unwanted children.

Women who have unwanted children aren't interested in abortion.
The whole "abortion prevents unwanted children" mantra is nothing but unmitigated crap.
More luney tunes ravings from Alli?

I still can't get over the nasty stuff you said about your mother.

You think that's nasty? It's exactly what you're preaching, Anguille, you fucking twit.
How is the morning after pill useful when a couple of months or so later you find out the condom you depended on was defective?

I'd rather see 1 in 3 women have abortions than 1 in 3 women suffer unwanted pregnancies and give birth to unwanted children.
How is the pill effective after you discovered you forgot a day three months after you had sex?

Birth control pills are more reliable than condoms but even they have a failure rate. What's your point?
That Planned Parenthood's primary objective is to increase abortion rates, to nearly 33% of the female population.
PP makes tens of millions of dollars profit every year.

Tell me they're non-profit now.

They are NON-PROFIT Allie, what profit they make never goes in to the hands of any individual as their profit...the profits go back in to the association's cause...THIS IS what a non-profit stands for...

not that they do not make profits, but what profits are made never gets distributed to share holders or individuals, the profit must go in to supporting the causes of the nonprofit group.

PP is one of the biggest lobbyists in the nation.

You're so incredibly naive.

lobbying as the NRA lobbying or the catholic charities lobbying is common and done by all non profits i would venture to say... lobbying is not against the law, sadly!
How is the pill effective after you discovered you forgot a day three months after you had sex?

Birth control pills are more reliable than condoms but even they have a failure rate. What's your point?
That Planned Parenthood's primary objective is to increase abortion rates, to nearly 33% of the female population.
LOL!! You are as whacked as Alli Baba!

I hope you two never have children together. :lol:
where do they get these figures of 1 in 3?
It is a prediction. I quote...

Abortions are very common. In fact, more than 1 out of 3 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.

It is a projection based off of limited data, a projection of the long-term success of the abortion movement. This, roughly stated, is their goal; for roughly 33% of American women to have abortions.

That entire page is designed to encourage women to have abortions (It's common, everyone is doing it, it's safe, don't believe the lies about psychological trauma). You have to be blinded by ideology to not see it.
Women who have unwanted children aren't interested in abortion.
The whole "abortion prevents unwanted children" mantra is nothing but unmitigated crap.
More luney tunes ravings from Alli?

I still can't get over the nasty stuff you said about your mother.

You think that's nasty? It's exactly what you're preaching, Anguille, you fucking twit.
I would never claim my mother telling me about the birds and the bees was setting me up to be a prostitute. Shame on you, Alli!
Birth control pills are more reliable than condoms but even they have a failure rate. What's your point?
That Planned Parenthood's primary objective is to increase abortion rates, to nearly 33% of the female population.
LOL!! You are as whacked as Alli Baba!

I hope you two never have children together. :lol:
You are the one donating your hard-earned money to an organization you seem to know little about...
where do they get these figures of 1 in 3?
It is a prediction. I quote...

Abortions are very common. In fact, more than 1 out of 3 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.
It is a projection based off of limited data, a projection of the long-term success of the abortion movement. This, roughly stated, is their goal; for roughly 33% of American women to have abortions.

That entire page is designed to encourage women to have abortions (It's common, everyone is doing it, it's safe, don't believe the lies about psychological trauma). You have to be blinded by ideology to not see it.
"Roughly stated" LOL! You are so full of shit your eyes have turned brown.

One thing I don't doubt, if it ever becomes possible for men to get pregnant and you find yourself in a predicament, you'll be the first to going crying to PP for help. :lol:

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