Abortion results in ptsd, and is worse for those with a history of trauma.

Pro abortionists contend that abortion PREVENTS ptsd caused by the birth of horrible killer babies who apparently are the result of rape and must be killed for the sanity of the mother.

When I heard them spout that, I of course assumed the exact opposite must be true, so I looked it up.

Amazing what a little research will show you:

Posttraumatic stress reactions were found to be associated with abortion. Consistent with previous research, the data here suggest abortion can increase stress and decrease coping abilities, particularly

for those women who have a history of adverse childhood events and prior traumata."

Go figure.


Why did you cut off your quote above just before this line?

"Study limitations preclude drawing definitive conclusions"

Because she is prepared to use any manner of deception to fuel her obsession! It's what liars and cheats do.

Another study that found that abortion results in PTSD:

"High rates of PTSD characterise women who have undergone surgical abortions (almost one fifth of the sample meet criteria for PTSD)

BMC Psychiatry | Full text | Comparison of pain, cortisol levels, and psychological distress in women undergoing surgical termination of pregnancy under local anaesthesia versus intravenous sedation

In case you missed it, they repeat it again:

"High rates of PTSD characterise women who have undergone voluntary pregnancy termination."
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Are you sure about all that, Mr. Huggy?

A lot of people worldwide feel exactly about abortion as koshergrl does, and the practice is verboten in 54 countries in the world in varying degrees from censure to capital punishment.

Most of the countries where abortion is illegal are still living in the dark ages. In the civilized world it is, thankfully, a minority who echo the bigoted views of KG.

Logical fallacy..AGAIN.

You're on a roll.

And you're in denial. No surprise there, though.
It's hard to argue with such data. I understand your frustration. It's getting harder and harder to justify traumatizing women just for the sake of killing their babies.

But I'm sure you'll continue to find a way to sell it as anethema....after all,they're just skanks and sluts (so says Del). Damaged goods, what's a little more damage? So long as we kill those babies...
Forty million abortions occur each year in the world. It must be that for many this is no more a source of guilt than the woman who allows her fertile period to discharge each month. In this area it is only the Catholic church which holds the consistent view - All forms of birth control are wrong. I have always considered pro lifers to be moral hypocrites as telling another how to live means they must adhere to your religious standards. Also protecting cells is meaningless when living children die every few seconds in the world of curable causes. When the pro life groups put their money in child care and education, I'll take them serious, till then they remain useless moralists who do nothing but preach to others.


"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result. Women who were victims of botched or unsanitary abortions came in desperation to hospital emergency wards, where some died of widespread abdominal infections. Many women who recovered from such infections found themselves sterile or chronically and painfully ill. The enormous emotional stress often lasted a long time." HISTORY OF ABORTION

"Republican legislators have introduced a wide array of laws designed to either outlaw abortion outright or to discourage it by making ridiculous and sometimes humiliating requirements of women who might consider having a pregnancy terminated. These include so-called TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) regulations."

The Consequences of Evil - Republican Legislation Since 2010

"Having ensured that children will be born through their anti-abortion legislation, House Republicans have now ensured those children will be deprived of proper nutrition once they come into the world, ensuring that 300,000 millionaires will have more money in their pockets at the expense of nearly 500,000 women and children. Republicans on the House Appropriations Committee approved the appropriations bill which reduces WIC funding from $6.73 billion this year to $5.90 billion in 2012. The bill will also cut $38 million from the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSIP), as well as $63 million from the Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAB). If the Republicans had been truly interested in slashing the federal budget they could have saved more money by ending tax cuts for the rich or slashing subsidies to the oil companies. Instead they starve the infants and elderly. Why do I say that? WIC could be fully funded at the cost of just one week of Bush’s tax cuts for millionaires. According to the Center for American Progress, “one day’s worth of millionaire tax cuts would feed needy families for a year.”"

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey
A woman has a right to make decisions about her body. Not about anyone else's, even if it happens to be housed in hers.

Her desires do not trump basic human rights.

you are a fucking retard

At this point, I think it's fairly obvious the pro-abortionists have given up any pretense of actually debating.

It's clear you don't want debate, so stop your 'precious' act and face up to the fact that unless anyone agrees with your views, you resort to name calling and rather stupid accusations. Personally, I find bigots like you hilarious. Now go spew up some useless vitriol. I'm in need of some hilarity this morning.
Yes, I do not have any doubt that having an abortion is a stressful event.

Could it cause PTSD?

Possibly but not if that is the only stressful event in the woman's life.

PTSD is generally caused by a pattern of stressful events taking place over a long period of time.

Not always, of course, it depends on the person, but that's generally the history of people with PTSD.
Thank you for your opinion ed. That's thrilling

However the studies show otherwise. Abortion does cause PTSD. And no, PTSD is not generally caused by a pattern of stressful events over a long period of time. But it's nice that you chimed in with your irrelevant quackery.
Pro abortionists contend that abortion PREVENTS ptsd caused by the birth of horrible killer babies who apparently are the result of rape and must be killed for the sanity of the mother.

When I heard them spout that, I of course assumed the exact opposite must be true, so I looked it up.

Amazing what a little research will show you:

Posttraumatic stress reactions were found to be associated with abortion. Consistent with previous research, the data here suggest abortion can increase stress and decrease coping abilities, particularly
for those women who have a history of adverse childhood events and prior traumata."

Go figure.


Why did you cut off your quote above just before this line?

"Study limitations preclude drawing definitive conclusions"

Because she's desperate to be right.
I am right, and I've provided a mountain of evidence that proves it.
Has anyone here raised a child? Children? While this is tongue in cheek, that experience is a hell of a lot more stressful than not having a child this month. Pro lifers should raise some of the cells they so ardently defend, it may give them another perspective. Oh and raise them for forty years or more as children are always your children. Get back to us every five years or so. Today I worry over grandchildren. :lol:

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Nice but completely irrelevant again, and doesn't stand against the mountain of evidence that clearly shows that abortion causes PTSD.

And the fact that raising children (I have four of my own and am currently raising another) is stressful has no bearing whatsoever on the fact that abortion causes ptsd.
Thank you for your opinion ed. That's thrilling

However the studies show otherwise. Abortion does cause PTSD. And no, PTSD is not generally caused by a pattern of stressful events over a long period of time. But it's nice that you chimed in with your irrelevant quackery.

From your link:

The weight of evidence suggests that women who freely choose to terminate a pregnancy are unlikely to experience significant mental health risks, however some studies have documented psychological distress in the form of posttraumatic stress disorder and depression in the aftermath of termination. Choice of anaesthetic has been suggested as a determinant of outcome. This study compared the effects of local anaesthesia and intravenous sedation, administered for elective surgical termination, on outcomes of pain, cortisol, and psychological distress.

I bet the weight of evidence suggests that women that give birth freely are also unlikely to experience significant mental health risks but that some also suffer from ptsd like symptoms or depression.

You're really getting disgusting with your championing of rapists.
Because your personal knowledge, colored by your bias, trumps the studies.

Got it.

Incidentally, I also know a lot of women who have gotten abortions. And what I know completely supports what I'm reading in the journals.

But don't let del know your circle of acquaintance includes women who have aborted. His opinion of them is that they are skanks and sluts, and if you hang with them you probably are substandard as well.

Which illustrates the left's opinion of these women they profess to want to "protect" and "help". They don't want to protect or help them, they think they're substandard, and they want their babies OUT of the gene pool. That's the bottom line. It's not about helping them,they find them abhorrent. It's about getting rid of their influence, and if a few are traumatized or killed in the process, so much the better...
"you bet"? Ravi?

Why don't you find some studies to back that up.
Of course I have.
Multiple ones. Read the conclusions. You're taking the "suggestions" prior to the conclusion, which addresses those suggestions.

Really, what is your education level? Do you not understand how to interpret scholarly articles?
Because your personal knowledge, colored by your bias, trumps the studies.

Got it.

Incidentally, I also know a lot of women who have gotten abortions. And what I know completely supports what I'm reading in the journals.

:lol: Nothing like using personal knowledge, coloured by your bias to support something, eh. My word, your hypocrisy knows no bounds. Carry on, though. It's great watching someone make themselves a laughing stock.
Thank you for your opinion ed. That's thrilling

However the studies show otherwise. Abortion does cause PTSD. And no, PTSD is not generally caused by a pattern of stressful events over a long period of time. But it's nice that you chimed in with your irrelevant quackery.

Explanations of PTSD focus primarily on the way that the mind is affected by traumatic experiences. Theorists speculate upon facing overwhelming trauma, the mind is unable to process information and feelings in a normal way. It is as if the thoughts and feelings at the time of the traumatic event take on a life of their own, later intruding into consciousness and causing distress.
Pre-traumatic psychological factors (for example, low self-esteem) may make this process worse (for example, low self-esteem may be reinforced by a brutal rape). Post-traumatic reactions by others (for example, a raped woman who is viewed by family as “dirty”) and by the self (for example, physical discomfort caused by memories of the rape) may also play a role in influencing whether such symptoms persist. It is hypothesized that only after successful reprocessing of the traumatic event(s) do PTSD symptoms decrease.

Its ALL theory, sweetie.
Actually, what you are saying has no basis in fact.

We don't really know at what stage most abortions take place because there is no true oversight of the industry, and many states don't even have to report. When they DO report, they fudge the facts.

The FACT is that ptsd is often caused by abortion, and for those suffering from trauma (rape, incest, abuse) the degree is magnified.

Which flies flat in the face of the contention by the pro-abortion losers that abortion prevents PTSD that they claim is caused by birth. I don't find any studies that confirm giving birth after rape results in ptsd. But there are all sorts of studies for abortion/ptsd, and if you talk to women who were raped and got abortions, they will back up the stats with personal stories.

I have yet to see a story from a woman who is bemoaning the fact that she was forced to have a baby she didn't want, or traumatized by birth after rape.

I am mostly pro life myself. All I'm doing is trying to give you certain facts that are used to portray the pro life faction as as untruthful. By far and away, FAR and away, most abortions are elective and not the result of rape or incest. In the vast majority, a super majority if you will, of abortions the primary feeling is one of relief not ptsd. When a woman is in distress after a birth, it isn't ptsd, it is likely post-partum depression. Look at the statistics on that one if you want a clearer picture of post-birth mental disorders. If you are looking for stories of women bemoaning the fact that they are forced to have a baby she didn't want, then you are looking in the wrong place. How many girls murder their babies immediately after they were born, or wrap them in plastic and throw them in the nearest dumpster. How many cities have Safe Haven laws and why were they necessary?

It stands to reason that if most women suffer adverse effects from having an abortion there would be a whole lot fewer abortions. Women DO talk you know. When a woman facing the decision to have an abortion knows ten women or more who have gone through the process and suffered no ill effects whatsoever, that young woman is going to have an abortion and go to work or school as if nothing had happened. That's how abortion grew to be the problem that it is. It certainly didn't get to be tens of thousands a year because women suffered so much. Women are NOT going to trust an article in a pro life journal over what her friends and relatives are telling her and what she has seen herself.

In a way it would be better if women that had abortions DID have some sort of ptsd. That would reduce abortions.

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