Abortion results in ptsd, and is worse for those with a history of trauma.

You are possibly one if not the most <insulting reference omitted> woman posters on this message board.

Coming of age in the sixties(born in 49) when abortion was illegal I was witness to several girls that got pregnant by date rape and by accident. Birth control didn't work...etc...

I know girls whose lives were RUINED by having the baby..some gave the baby up for (sic)adotion...some got married to guys they would have never chosen if it were not the (sic)preasure of society to "do the right thing".

Seeing the <Freudian stage 1 reference omitted> you <childish physiological response omitted> out here on the internet is an insult to the women AND MEN that suffered shattered lives before abortion was made legal.

You do not have a <Freudian stage 2 reference omitted> clue what you are talking about. It is <calumnious reference omitted> such as yours that adds to and even causes much of the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy.

Thanks for sharing NOTHING you <disparaging attack omitted> <reference to female genitalia omitted>!
Are you sure about all that, Mr. Huggy?

A lot of people worldwide feel exactly about abortion as koshergrl does, and the practice is verboten in 54 countries in the world in varying degrees from censure to capital punishment.

Yes...very sure.

America is the shining beacon of liberty for the world not the darkness.
To an individual experiencing the trauma and pain (clinical studies prove that fetuses most certainly feel pain) of having its skull crushed, dismemberment and suffocation issues associated with sundry extinguishing procedures as his entire experience of life on this planet, what kind of shining beacon of liberty would that be?
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Right. Next people will be whinning about their traumatic wart removal. PTSD is too serious a problem to be trivialized.
Are you sure about all that, Mr. Huggy?

A lot of people worldwide feel exactly about abortion as koshergrl does, and the practice is verboten in 54 countries in the world in varying degrees from censure to capital punishment.

Yes...very sure.

America is the shining beacon of liberty for the world not the darkness.
To an individual experiencing the trauma and pain (clinical studies prove that fetuses most certainly feel pain) of having its skull crushed, dismemberment and suffocation issues associated with sundry extinguishing procedures as his entire experience of life on this planet, what kind of shining beacon of liberty would that be?

Truth and justice. The American way. Reality. Life brings hard choices and hard lessons. America does not STAND for abortion. It allows it because a woman has a right to what happens to her body. No one believes abortion is a good thing. No one is allowed to make that decision for a woman citizen but her.
Yes...very sure.

America is the shining beacon of liberty for the world not the darkness.
To an individual experiencing the trauma and pain (clinical studies prove that fetuses most certainly feel pain) of having its skull crushed, dismemberment and suffocation issues associated with sundry extinguishing procedures as his entire experience of life on this planet, what kind of shining beacon of liberty would that be?

Truth and justice. The American way. Reality. Life brings hard choices and hard lessons. America does not STAND for abortion. It allows it because a woman has a right to what happens to her body. No one believes abortion is a good thing. No one is allowed to make that decision for a woman citizen but her.

A woman has a right to make decisions about her body. Not about anyone else's, even if it happens to be housed in hers.

Her desires do not trump basic human rights.
To an individual experiencing the trauma and pain (clinical studies prove that fetuses most certainly feel pain) of having its skull crushed, dismemberment and suffocation issues associated with sundry extinguishing procedures as his entire experience of life on this planet, what kind of shining beacon of liberty would that be?

Truth and justice. The American way. Reality. Life brings hard choices and hard lessons. America does not STAND for abortion. It allows it because a woman has a right to what happens to her body. No one believes abortion is a good thing. No one is allowed to make that decision for a woman citizen but her.

A woman has a right to make decisions about her body. Not about anyone else's, even if it happens to be housed in hers.

Her desires do not trump basic human rights.

You are wrong. Your definition of when someone becomes someone is in error. That "when" has been decided already. Deal with it.
Being forced to give birth to a baby that was conceived by rape is a tough call. How often it happens is a subject for debate. The fact of the matter however is that millions of women undergo abortions every year and it stands to reason that many women suffer lasting physical and mental effects. You won't see much discussion about it simply because the liberal media supports abortion.
To an individual experiencing the trauma and pain (clinical studies prove that fetuses most certainly feel pain) of having its skull crushed, dismemberment and suffocation issues associated with sundry extinguishing procedures as his entire experience of life on this planet, what kind of shining beacon of liberty would that be?

Truth and justice. The American way. Reality. Life brings hard choices and hard lessons. America does not STAND for abortion. It allows it because a woman has a right to what happens to her body. No one believes abortion is a good thing. No one is allowed to make that decision for a woman citizen but her.

A woman has a right to make decisions about her body. Not about anyone else's, even if it happens to be housed in hers.

Her desires do not trump basic human rights.

Squatting is against the law. If you don't own the property you don't get to live there if the owner wants you out.
I could never do it. I would think about it for the rest of my life, about that little human being, what he or she might have grown up to become.
Maybe a great singer or musician
A great scientist
A great President
Or even maybe another great inventor of something.
And the right to privacy restricts the state from interfering with that important, personal decision.

A woman has a right to make decisions about her body. Not about anyone else's, even if it happens to be housed in hers.

Her desires do not trump basic human rights.

The right to privacy is among the most fundamental of human rights:

The Fourth and Fifth Amendments were described in Boyd v. United States, 116 U.S. 616, 630, as protection against all governmental invasions "of the sanctity of a man's home and the privacies of life." [*] We recently referred [p485] in Mapp v. Ohio, 367 U.S. 643, 656, to the Fourth Amendment as creating a "right to privacy, no less important than any other right carefully an particularly reserved to the people." See Beaney, The Constitutional Right to Privacy, 1962 Sup.Ct.Rev. 212; Griswold, The Right to be Let Alone, 55 Nw.U.L.Rev. 216 (1960).

Griswold v. Connecticut

If the right of privacy means anything, it is the right of the individual, married or single, to be free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting a person as the decision whether to bear or beget a child."

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)
Pro abortionists contend that abortion PREVENTS ptsd caused by the birth of horrible killer babies who apparently are the result of rape and must be killed for the sanity of the mother.

When I heard them spout that, I of course assumed the exact opposite must be true, so I looked it up.

Amazing what a little research will show you:

Posttraumatic stress reactions were found to be associated with abortion. Consistent with previous research, the data here suggest abortion can increase stress and decrease coping abilities, particularly
for those women who have a history of adverse childhood events and prior traumata."

Go figure.


I noticed you downsized the type for the words "post traumatic stress reactions". Notice what that isn't-it doesn't say PTSD, because according to the current diagnostic criteria (as specified in DSM-IV) those "reactions" are NOT PTSD (a subject I'm certain you know nothing about, you vapid twit!). I get just a bit tired of people trivializing PTSD (the real kind)and/or trying to promote a more elastic definition of it, especially in the name of promoting an unrelated political/religious agenda. Many rape victims DO in fact suffer from PTSD, the kind that DOES meet the established diagnostic criteria; to legally FORCE such a victim to carry to term a pregnancy resulting from the act that caused her PTSD in the first place is both ignorant and inhumane, but YOUR brand of "Christian compassion" puts no value on that, and all the value on what is nothing more than a blob of tissue. As a combat vet who has PTSD, and also knows that civilians exposed to really traumatic events can get it too, your shameless manipulation and trivialization of the subject (not to mention your intellectual dishonesty) makes me want to puke!

I really think you WOULD wish PTSD (much less some phony version of it) on a woman just for having an abortion; you are that callous, that intolerant, that bigoted, and yes, that damn mean. Anything for your holy cause. Well, I would not wish it on anyone, even YOU, much less an innocent victim of rape. You really are beneath contempt!
Pro abortionists contend that abortion PREVENTS ptsd caused by the birth of horrible killer babies who apparently are the result of rape and must be killed for the sanity of the mother.

When I heard them spout that, I of course assumed the exact opposite must be true, so I looked it up.

Amazing what a little research will show you:

Posttraumatic stress reactions were found to be associated with abortion. Consistent with previous research, the data here suggest abortion can increase stress and decrease coping abilities, particularly
for those women who have a history of adverse childhood events and prior traumata."

Go figure.


Why did you cut off your quote above just before this line?

"Study limitations preclude drawing definitive conclusions"

Because she is prepared to use any manner of deception to fuel her obsession! It's what liars and cheats do.
Actually, what you are saying has no basis in fact.

We don't really know at what stage most abortions take place because there is no true oversight of the industry, and many states don't even have to report. When they DO report, they fudge the facts.

The FACT is that ptsd is often caused by abortion, and for those suffering from trauma (rape, incest, abuse) the degree is magnified.

Which flies flat in the face of the contention by the pro-abortion losers that abortion prevents PTSD that they claim is caused by birth. I don't find any studies that confirm giving birth after rape results in ptsd. But there are all sorts of studies for abortion/ptsd, and if you talk to women who were raped and got abortions, they will back up the stats with personal stories.

I have yet to see a story from a woman who is bemoaning the fact that she was forced to have a baby she didn't want, or traumatized by birth after rape.

You are possibly one if not the most <insulting reference omitted> woman posters on this message board.

Coming of age in the sixties(born in 49) when abortion was illegal I was witness to several girls that got pregnant by date rape and by accident. Birth control didn't work...etc...

I know girls whose lives were RUINED by having the baby..some gave the baby up for (sic)adotion...some got married to guys they would have never chosen if it were not the (sic)preasure of society to "do the right thing".

Seeing the <Freudian stage 1 reference omitted> you <childish physiological response omitted> out here on the internet is an insult to the women AND MEN that suffered shattered lives before abortion was made legal.

You do not have a <Freudian stage 2 reference omitted> clue what you are talking about. It is <calumnious reference omitted> such as yours that adds to and even causes much of the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy.

Thanks for sharing NOTHING you <disparaging attack omitted> <reference to female genitalia omitted>!
Are you sure about all that, Mr. Huggy?

A lot of people worldwide feel exactly about abortion as koshergrl does, and the practice is verboten in 54 countries in the world in varying degrees from censure to capital punishment.

Most of the countries where abortion is illegal are still living in the dark ages. In the civilized world it is, thankfully, a minority who echo the bigoted views of KG.
Thank you for illustrating the aim of the left...to silence those they can't just kill outright.

That's quite funny coming from someone who thinks like you. Pro-lifers are only too willing to kill and maim in support of their own views. What a fucking hypocrite you are!
Truth and justice. The American way. Reality. Life brings hard choices and hard lessons. America does not STAND for abortion. It allows it because a woman has a right to what happens to her body. No one believes abortion is a good thing. No one is allowed to make that decision for a woman citizen but her.

A woman has a right to make decisions about her body. Not about anyone else's, even if it happens to be housed in hers.

Her desires do not trump basic human rights.

Squatting is against the law. If you don't own the property you don't get to live there if the owner wants you out.

Logical fallacy.

Unless you're trying to make the point that women are property?
You are possibly one if not the most <insulting reference omitted> woman posters on this message board.

Coming of age in the sixties(born in 49) when abortion was illegal I was witness to several girls that got pregnant by date rape and by accident. Birth control didn't work...etc...

I know girls whose lives were RUINED by having the baby..some gave the baby up for (sic)adotion...some got married to guys they would have never chosen if it were not the (sic)preasure of society to "do the right thing".

Seeing the <Freudian stage 1 reference omitted> you <childish physiological response omitted> out here on the internet is an insult to the women AND MEN that suffered shattered lives before abortion was made legal.

You do not have a <Freudian stage 2 reference omitted> clue what you are talking about. It is <calumnious reference omitted> such as yours that adds to and even causes much of the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy.

Thanks for sharing NOTHING you <disparaging attack omitted> <reference to female genitalia omitted>!
Are you sure about all that, Mr. Huggy?

A lot of people worldwide feel exactly about abortion as koshergrl does, and the practice is verboten in 54 countries in the world in varying degrees from censure to capital punishment.

Most of the countries where abortion is illegal are still living in the dark ages. In the civilized world it is, thankfully, a minority who echo the bigoted views of KG.

Logical fallacy..AGAIN.

You're on a roll.
Pro abortionists contend that abortion PREVENTS ptsd caused by the birth of horrible killer babies who apparently are the result of rape and must be killed for the sanity of the mother.

When I heard them spout that, I of course assumed the exact opposite must be true, so I looked it up.

Amazing what a little research will show you:

Posttraumatic stress reactions were found to be associated with abortion. Consistent with previous research, the data here suggest abortion can increase stress and decrease coping abilities, particularly

for those women who have a history of adverse childhood events and prior traumata."

Go figure.


I noticed you downsized the type for the words "post traumatic stress reactions". Notice what that isn't-it doesn't say PTSD, because according to the current diagnostic criteria (as specified in DSM-IV) those "reactions" are NOT PTSD (a subject I'm certain you know nothing about, you vapid twit!). I get just a bit tired of people trivializing PTSD (the real kind)and/or trying to promote a more elastic definition of it, especially in the name of promoting an unrelated political/religious agenda. Many rape victims DO in fact suffer from PTSD, the kind that DOES meet the established diagnostic criteria; to legally FORCE such a victim to carry to term a pregnancy resulting from the act that caused her PTSD in the first place is both ignorant and inhumane, but YOUR brand of "Christian compassion" puts no value on that, and all the value on what is nothing more than a blob of tissue. As a combat vet who has PTSD, and also knows that civilians exposed to really traumatic events can get it too, your shameless manipulation and trivialization of the subject (not to mention your intellectual dishonesty) makes me want to puke!

I really think you WOULD wish PTSD (much less some phony version of it) on a woman just for having an abortion; you are that callous, that intolerant, that bigoted, and yes, that damn mean. Anything for your holy cause. Well, I would not wish it on anyone, even YOU, much less an innocent victim of rape. You really are beneath contempt!

Sheesh you're a moron.

Also...logical fallacy. Obviously you guys have completely given up actually speaking to the point.
Truth and justice. The American way. Reality. Life brings hard choices and hard lessons. America does not STAND for abortion. It allows it because a woman has a right to what happens to her body. No one believes abortion is a good thing. No one is allowed to make that decision for a woman citizen but her.

A woman has a right to make decisions about her body. Not about anyone else's, even if it happens to be housed in hers.

Her desires do not trump basic human rights.

you are a fucking retard

At this point, I think it's fairly obvious the pro-abortionists have given up any pretense of actually debating.
Pro abortionists contend that abortion PREVENTS ptsd caused by the birth of horrible killer babies who apparently are the result of rape and must be killed for the sanity of the mother.

When I heard them spout that, I of course assumed the exact opposite must be true, so I looked it up.

Amazing what a little research will show you:

Posttraumatic stress reactions were found to be associated with abortion. Consistent with previous research, the data here suggest abortion can increase stress and decrease coping abilities, particularly
for those women who have a history of adverse childhood events and prior traumata."

Go figure.


I noticed you downsized the type for the words "post traumatic stress reactions". Notice what that isn't-it doesn't say PTSD, because according to the current diagnostic criteria (as specified in DSM-IV) those "reactions" are NOT PTSD (a subject I'm certain you know nothing about, you vapid twit!). I get just a bit tired of people trivializing PTSD (the real kind)and/or trying to promote a more elastic definition of it, especially in the name of promoting an unrelated political/religious agenda. Many rape victims DO in fact suffer from PTSD, the kind that DOES meet the established diagnostic criteria; to legally FORCE such a victim to carry to term a pregnancy resulting from the act that caused her PTSD in the first place is both ignorant and inhumane, but YOUR brand of "Christian compassion" puts no value on that, and all the value on what is nothing more than a blob of tissue. As a combat vet who has PTSD, and also knows that civilians exposed to really traumatic events can get it too, your shameless manipulation and trivialization of the subject (not to mention your intellectual dishonesty) makes me want to puke!

I really think you WOULD wish PTSD (much less some phony version of it) on a woman just for having an abortion; you are that callous, that intolerant, that bigoted, and yes, that damn mean. Anything for your holy cause. Well, I would not wish it on anyone, even YOU, much less an innocent victim of rape. You really are beneath contempt!
Thank you for this extremely sensible post.
Naw, there's nothing sensible about it. It's just more prevarication by people who support killing babies and are constantly trying to find way to re-define basic terms to hide it.

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