Abortion results in ptsd, and is worse for those with a history of trauma.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Pro abortionists contend that abortion PREVENTS ptsd caused by the birth of horrible killer babies who apparently are the result of rape and must be killed for the sanity of the mother.

When I heard them spout that, I of course assumed the exact opposite must be true, so I looked it up.

Amazing what a little research will show you:

Posttraumatic stress reactions were found to be associated with abortion. Consistent with previous research, the data here suggest abortion can increase stress and decrease coping abilities, particularly
for those women who have a history of adverse childhood events and prior traumata."

Go figure.


There are some problems associated with this claim.

Number one is that somehow recently, ptsd is being found in ALL stress! Where ptsd was at one time a disorder associated with abnormal stress it is now associated with all stress no matter how slight the stressor. Of course abortion will increase stress. Just finding out that there is an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy is going to increase stress. No matter what the decision is made. It should be accepted as a matter of due course that women that have a history of trauma, already have reduced coping abilities are going to be stressed more than women without these disabilities.

I have known an awful lot of women that have had abortions, friends, family, just ordinary women. I have heard of women devastated by abortion. I have heard of women who grieve forever. I don't know any of these women. I've never met one. Out of all the women that I have known that have had abortions, the primary feeling is one of profound relief. Which is one of the reasons some women don't have a bit of a problem with multiple abortions.

I have known one woman who elected to have the baby of a rapist and keep it. To this day, and both mother and daughter are now long dead, but to this very day I don't know why she had the baby or why she kept it. I understand why no one removed the child, even though it should have been obvious that these two people were being utterly destroyed, but no one did.

Rather than an outright ban on abortions, they should be at least made to be less desirable.
I think that guilt would be the prime driver of the results from the study.
It can be a very powerful emotion.

I have not seen that, not once. I have heard of it, but out of the many women I have known and there probably is a couple hundred throughout my life I've never actually seen it. One of the worst problems with telling women that they will feel guilty, be emotionally destroyed, have ptsd, suffer profound grief, is that when they don't see this among the women they know, they tend to disregard every possible pro life argument. Abortion did not become such a large issue, with so many abortions, because women suffered adverse effects. It is almost impossible to tell a woman in her 20s how badly she will feel and how much stress she will suffer when she already knows ten women that have had abortions and are doing just fine.
I am sure that women that have had multiple abortions; which is basically legal murder, do not suffer from feelings of guild.

They are the same as serial killers that have no remorse for their victims and rarely suffer from guilt.
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I am sure that women that have had multiple abortions; which is basically legal murder, do not suffer from feelings of guild.

They are the same as serial killers that have no remorse for their victims and rarely suffer from guilt.

They don't consider it murder because they don't see a victim. I hate to get real about abortion. I personally have a strong tendency toward the pro life position. That might be one of the reasons why I find it vitally important not to lie but tell the truth about abortion. The more the pro life people avoid the true facts, the worse it becomes.

At the stage that most abortions take place, the fetus looks like a blood clot of a size that would fit in a teaspoon. I know that the pro life position is that it's tearing off arms and leg and little limbs are being forcepted out of the birth canal. Again, most abortions take place much too early to have little arms and legs. So no, women don't look at that spot of blood and see a victim so they don't have anything to feel guilty about.
Actually, what you are saying has no basis in fact.

We don't really know at what stage most abortions take place because there is no true oversight of the industry, and many states don't even have to report. When they DO report, they fudge the facts.

The FACT is that ptsd is often caused by abortion, and for those suffering from trauma (rape, incest, abuse) the degree is magnified.

Which flies flat in the face of the contention by the pro-abortion losers that abortion prevents PTSD that they claim is caused by birth. I don't find any studies that confirm giving birth after rape results in ptsd. But there are all sorts of studies for abortion/ptsd, and if you talk to women who were raped and got abortions, they will back up the stats with personal stories.

I have yet to see a story from a woman who is bemoaning the fact that she was forced to have a baby she didn't want, or traumatized by birth after rape.
Actually, what you are saying has no basis in fact.

We don't really know at what stage most abortions take place because there is no true oversight of the industry, and many states don't even have to report. When they DO report, they fudge the facts.

The FACT is that ptsd is often caused by abortion, and for those suffering from trauma (rape, incest, abuse) the degree is magnified.

Which flies flat in the face of the contention by the pro-abortion losers that abortion prevents PTSD that they claim is caused by birth. I don't find any studies that confirm giving birth after rape results in ptsd. But there are all sorts of studies for abortion/ptsd, and if you talk to women who were raped and got abortions, they will back up the stats with personal stories.

I have yet to see a story from a woman who is bemoaning the fact that she was forced to have a baby she didn't want, or traumatized by birth after rape.

That's because abortion is legal. No one is forced to have a baby they don't want.

Make abortion illegal, and then you'll see those stories.
Abortion has only been legal for a few decades.

And according to the babykillers, people force women to have babies they don't want when they prevent them from obtaining abortions. Are you saying not one woman has been prevented from obtaining an abortion since RvW?
Thank you for illustrating the aim of the left...to silence those they can't just kill outright.
Thank you for illustrating the aim of the left...to silence those they can't just kill outright.

I hate to break it to you, but people telling you to shut up isn't "silencing" you. It's other people exercising their right to free speech.

She's so obsessive about it. How many threads has she made today about abortion?

I'm pro choice and that means I feel she has every right to be pro life but she just continues to call pro choicers killers, etc..

I'd love it if the poor psycho would just calm down.
I could never do it. I would think about it for the rest of my life, about that little human being, what he or she might have grown up to become.
Maybe a great singer or musician
A great scientist
A great President
Or even maybe another great inventor of something.
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That depends on how far they are willing to go.


"According to a study published in the journal BMC Psychiatry, women who have experienced abortion have high levels of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which follow findings from earlier studies linking abortion and PTSD.

The study of 155 women in South Africa who had abortions looked at symptoms before abortion and at one month and three months after abortion. Almost one-fifth of the women had symptoms that met the criteria for PTSD, leading the authors to note that "high rates of PTSD characterize women who have undergone voluntary pregnancy termination." Further, at three months after the abortions, the number of women with PTSD had increased by 61 percent compared to before the abortion."

Actually, what you are saying has no basis in fact.

We don't really know at what stage most abortions take place because there is no true oversight of the industry, and many states don't even have to report. When they DO report, they fudge the facts.

The FACT is that ptsd is often caused by abortion, and for those suffering from trauma (rape, incest, abuse) the degree is magnified.

Which flies flat in the face of the contention by the pro-abortion losers that abortion prevents PTSD that they claim is caused by birth. I don't find any studies that confirm giving birth after rape results in ptsd. But there are all sorts of studies for abortion/ptsd, and if you talk to women who were raped and got abortions, they will back up the stats with personal stories.

I have yet to see a story from a woman who is bemoaning the fact that she was forced to have a baby she didn't want, or traumatized by birth after rape.

You are possibly one if not the most willfully ignorant woman posters on this message board.

Coming of age in the sixties(born in 49) when abortion was illegal I was witness to several girls that got pregnant by date rape and by accident. Birth control didn't work...etc...

I know girls whose lives were RUINED by having the baby..some gave the baby up for adotion...some got married to guys they would have never chosen if it were not the preasure of society to "do the right thing".

Seeing the crap you drool out here on the internet is an insult to the women AND MEN that suffered shattered lives before abortion was made legal.

You do not have a fucking clue what you are talking about. It is ignorance such as yours that adds to and even causes much of the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy.

Thanks for sharing NOTHING you stupid twat!

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