Abortion results in ptsd, and is worse for those with a history of trauma.

Time for meds, Huggster.

"The man and woman walked into the Planned Parenthood clinic in Perth Amboy sounding like the operators of a child sex ring looking for help with their business.
They told the manager they would bring in girls as young as 14 for tests, birth control and abortion referrals and wanted to know what kind of questions to expect from clinic employees.
The manager was helpful. She coached them to lie about the age of the girls’ sex partners. “If they are a minor, we are obligated if we hear certain information, to kind of report (it),” the manager said. “So as long as they just lie and say, ‘Oh, he’s 15, 16,’ ’’ no one should question them.
But the man and woman were actually members of Live Action, a California-based anti-abortion group that targeted Planned Parenthood clinics in five states and Washington, D.C., last month."
coerced abortion - Big Journalism
"Lila Rose, 20-year-old UCLA student and Live Action president, went undercover at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Birmingham and told a counselor that she was 14-years-old, pregnant by her 31-year-old "boyfriend," and needed a secret abortion so her parents would not find out about her sexual relationship with the older man.

After telling the counselor that her "boyfriend" is 31, Rose asks, "Is it a problem about my boyfriend?" The counselor, identified as "Tanisha" in the video, responds, "As long as you consented to having sex with him, there's nothing we can truly do about that." "
Undercover Student Video Shows Planned Parenthood in Alabama Bending the Rules of Mandatory Reporting for Sexual Abuse
Time for meds, Huggster.

"The man and woman walked into the Planned Parenthood clinic in Perth Amboy sounding like the operators of a child sex ring looking for help with their business.
They told the manager they would bring in girls as young as 14 for tests, birth control and abortion referrals and wanted to know what kind of questions to expect from clinic employees.
The manager was helpful. She coached them to lie about the age of the girls’ sex partners. “If they are a minor, we are obligated if we hear certain information, to kind of report (it),” the manager said. “So as long as they just lie and say, ‘Oh, he’s 15, 16,’ ’’ no one should question them.
But the man and woman were actually members of Live Action, a California-based anti-abortion group that targeted Planned Parenthood clinics in five states and Washington, D.C., last month."
coerced abortion - Big Journalism

"Time for meds?" Fuck you ****. You are not cute enough nor clever enough to joke with me. Nothing about you is interesting enough to play your stupid games so just stick to rebuttles of my points or fuck off.

Tricking people then bragging about it is not evidense. Your example is better suited for the Jerry Springer show where "evidense" is subject to audience reaction.
If you made any sense whatever I would love to discuss whatever it is you're ranting about with you. Sadly, you don't.

Another example of abortion preventing trauma and increasing health of women:

"To summarize, on March 29, 1997, a young, pregnant woman we’ll call Jane Roe II entered the Aware Woman Center for Choice in Florida for an abortion. She was undressed and put on the operating table. Soon after the procedure began, she felt a pain pierce her vitals. Racked by “extreme, excessive pain in her abdomen,” she begged the abortionist to stop.
The abortionist, Dr. William P. Egherman, stopped, but only to order his assistants to pin her to the table and then he continued, stopping again only when he realized that he had pulled part of Jane’s intestines out of her vagina. "

Forced Abortions in America: Case Before Supreme Court | Population Research Institute

Did this woman choose to be pinned down and be disemboweled?

Viva la choice.
A fellow pro-abortionist (and I am amazed at how many of those who are advocates for abortion end up in prison for forcibly aborting people they don't like):

"Kenney-Gillson was sentenced to two consecutive fifteen-year terms of imprisonment for knowingly causing serious injury to Naomi Baum (her estranged husband's girlfriend) and Baum's unborn child by hitting Baum and injecting ethylene glycol and cocaine into her body."

And another abortionist who is doing time:

"The evidence at appellant's trial established, inter alia, that he performed a second-trimester abortion on an unmarried minor by an injection of saline solution at his unlicensed clinic; that the minor understood appellant to agree to her plan to deliver the fetus in a motel and did not recall being advised to go to a hospital when labor began, although such advice was included in an instruction sheet provided her by appellant; and that the minor, alone in a motel, aborted her fetus 48 hours after the saline injection. "
"P.M. was a 17-year old high-school student when she went to appellant's clinic on November 8, 1979. She was unmarried, and told appellant that she was approximately 22 weeks pregnant. She requested an abortion but did not want her parents to know. Examination by appellant confirmed that P.M. was five months pregnant, well into the second trimester. "

Chris SIMOPOULOS, Appellant, v. VIRGINIA. | Supreme Court | LII / Legal Information Institute
It's Friday Night and the drunks have begun the weekend binge it appears.
If you made any sense whatever I would love to discuss whatever it is you're ranting about with you. Sadly, you don't.

Another example of abortion preventing trauma and increasing health of women:

"To summarize, on March 29, 1997, a young, pregnant woman we’ll call Jane Roe II entered the Aware Woman Center for Choice in Florida for an abortion. She was undressed and put on the operating table. Soon after the procedure began, she felt a pain pierce her vitals. Racked by “extreme, excessive pain in her abdomen,” she begged the abortionist to stop.
The abortionist, Dr. William P. Egherman, stopped, but only to order his assistants to pin her to the table and then he continued, stopping again only when he realized that he had pulled part of Jane’s intestines out of her vagina. "

Forced Abortions in America: Case Before Supreme Court | Population Research Institute

Did this woman choose to be pinned down and be disemboweled?

Viva la choice.

I make perfect sense. You are too willfully ignorant to digest it.

EVERY operation where a human body is invaded has risks. The first thing any medical provider gets you to sign is CONSENT! Surgeons leave rubber gloves inside patients bodies. The anetheisiologist can screw up the gas and leave a patient in a coma. A lot of things can go sideways during ANY invasive proceedure. Dredging up every off the wall malpractice suit that occured in the last thirty years will not make your case.
Actually, what you are saying has no basis in fact.

We don't really know at what stage most abortions take place because there is no true oversight of the industry, and many states don't even have to report. When they DO report, they fudge the facts.

The FACT is that ptsd is often caused by abortion, and for those suffering from trauma (rape, incest, abuse) the degree is magnified.

Which flies flat in the face of the contention by the pro-abortion losers that abortion prevents PTSD that they claim is caused by birth. I don't find any studies that confirm giving birth after rape results in ptsd. But there are all sorts of studies for abortion/ptsd, and if you talk to women who were raped and got abortions, they will back up the stats with personal stories.

I have yet to see a story from a woman who is bemoaning the fact that she was forced to have a baby she didn't want, or traumatized by birth after rape.

You are possibly one if not the most willfully ignorant woman posters on this message board.

Coming of age in the sixties(born in 49) when abortion was illegal I was witness to several girls that got pregnant by date rape and by accident. Birth control didn't work...etc...

I know girls whose lives were RUINED by having the baby..some gave the baby up for adotion...some got married to guys they would have never chosen if it were not the preasure of society to "do the right thing".

Seeing the crap you drool out here on the internet is an insult to the women AND MEN that suffered shattered lives before abortion was made legal.

You do not have a fucking clue what you are talking about. It is ignorance such as yours that adds to and even causes much of the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy.

Thanks for sharing NOTHING you stupid twat!

And why exactly did these girls suffer so much? How old were they? Most girls (and guys) old enough to know what sex is, are also old enough to know better than to take the chance.

I don't really feel sorry for them. When you make a mistake, you pay for it. Because you don't want to have a child, you made the choice to screw around, you take responsibility.

When it comes to rape, it's not the babies fault it happened no more than it is the girls fault. But i still don't believe getting an abortion is what has to be done. There are many people out there willing to adopt.

Abortion is killing a living human being.
I could never do it. I would think about it for the rest of my life, about that little human being, what he or she might have grown up to become.
Maybe a great singer or musician
A great scientist
A great President
Or even maybe another great inventor of something.

Nor could I. But I'm not prepared to condemn those who do not think the way I do.
I could never do it. I would think about it for the rest of my life, about that little human being, what he or she might have grown up to become.
Maybe a great singer or musician
A great scientist
A great President
Or even maybe another great inventor of something.

Could also be:

Jeffrey Dahmer
Adolf Hitler
Charles Manson
Bernie Madoff
Actually, what you are saying has no basis in fact.

We don't really know at what stage most abortions take place because there is no true oversight of the industry, and many states don't even have to report. When they DO report, they fudge the facts.

The FACT is that ptsd is often caused by abortion, and for those suffering from trauma (rape, incest, abuse) the degree is magnified.

Which flies flat in the face of the contention by the pro-abortion losers that abortion prevents PTSD that they claim is caused by birth. I don't find any studies that confirm giving birth after rape results in ptsd. But there are all sorts of studies for abortion/ptsd, and if you talk to women who were raped and got abortions, they will back up the stats with personal stories.

I have yet to see a story from a woman who is bemoaning the fact that she was forced to have a baby she didn't want, or traumatized by birth after rape.

You are possibly one if not the most willfully ignorant woman posters on this message board.

Coming of age in the sixties(born in 49) when abortion was illegal I was witness to several girls that got pregnant by date rape and by accident. Birth control didn't work...etc...

I know girls whose lives were RUINED by having the baby..some gave the baby up for adotion...some got married to guys they would have never chosen if it were not the preasure of society to "do the right thing".

Seeing the crap you drool out here on the internet is an insult to the women AND MEN that suffered shattered lives before abortion was made legal.

You do not have a fucking clue what you are talking about. It is ignorance such as yours that adds to and even causes much of the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy.

Thanks for sharing NOTHING you stupid twat!

And why exactly did these girls suffer so much? How old were they? Most girls (and guys) old enough to know what sex is, are also old enough to know better than to take the chance.

I don't really feel sorry for them. When you make a mistake, you pay for it. Because you don't want to have a child, you made the choice to screw around, you take responsibility.

When it comes to rape, it's not the babies fault it happened no more than it is the girls fault. But i still don't believe getting an abortion is what has to be done. There are many people out there willing to adopt.

Abortion is killing a living human being.

Bully for you. If you get raped have the kid. If someone else gets raped I hope they don't bother to get your council.

Young people make mistakes. You not caring is not assistance. What they need is good advice on ALL of the consequences and options in sorting out what they can do to make the best choices for thier situation. The young don't have a perspective that includes a realistic view of how thier decisions affect thier future. Keeping the baby is one option..getting married is one option...putting the child up for adotion is another option. Getting an abortion as early as possible is one more option. I would recommend that the girrl and boy get council from a young mother that kept the baby... more advice from young married couples that did so to give the baby a name and family...and also advice from a young girl that had an abotion.
Actually, what you are saying has no basis in fact.

We don't really know at what stage most abortions take place because there is no true oversight of the industry, and many states don't even have to report. When they DO report, they fudge the facts.

The FACT is that ptsd is often caused by abortion, and for those suffering from trauma (rape, incest, abuse) the degree is magnified.

Which flies flat in the face of the contention by the pro-abortion losers that abortion prevents PTSD that they claim is caused by birth. I don't find any studies that confirm giving birth after rape results in ptsd. But there are all sorts of studies for abortion/ptsd, and if you talk to women who were raped and got abortions, they will back up the stats with personal stories.

I have yet to see a story from a woman who is bemoaning the fact that she was forced to have a baby she didn't want, or traumatized by birth after rape.

You are possibly one if not the most <insulting reference omitted> woman posters on this message board.

Coming of age in the sixties(born in 49) when abortion was illegal I was witness to several girls that got pregnant by date rape and by accident. Birth control didn't work...etc...

I know girls whose lives were RUINED by having the baby..some gave the baby up for (sic)adotion...some got married to guys they would have never chosen if it were not the (sic)preasure of society to "do the right thing".

Seeing the <Freudian stage 1 reference omitted> you <childish physiological response omitted> out here on the internet is an insult to the women AND MEN that suffered shattered lives before abortion was made legal.

You do not have a <Freudian stage 2 reference omitted> clue what you are talking about. It is <calumnious reference omitted> such as yours that adds to and even causes much of the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy.

Thanks for sharing NOTHING you <disparaging attack omitted> <reference to female genitalia omitted>!
Are you sure about all that, Mr. Huggy?

A lot of people worldwide feel exactly about abortion as koshergrl does, and the practice is verboten in 54 countries in the world in varying degrees from censure to capital punishment.
Actually, what you are saying has no basis in fact.

We don't really know at what stage most abortions take place because there is no true oversight of the industry, and many states don't even have to report. When they DO report, they fudge the facts.

The FACT is that ptsd is often caused by abortion, and for those suffering from trauma (rape, incest, abuse) the degree is magnified.

Which flies flat in the face of the contention by the pro-abortion losers that abortion prevents PTSD that they claim is caused by birth. I don't find any studies that confirm giving birth after rape results in ptsd. But there are all sorts of studies for abortion/ptsd, and if you talk to women who were raped and got abortions, they will back up the stats with personal stories.

I have yet to see a story from a woman who is bemoaning the fact that she was forced to have a baby she didn't want, or traumatized by birth after rape.

You are possibly one if not the most <insulting reference omitted> woman posters on this message board.

Coming of age in the sixties(born in 49) when abortion was illegal I was witness to several girls that got pregnant by date rape and by accident. Birth control didn't work...etc...

I know girls whose lives were RUINED by having the baby..some gave the baby up for (sic)adotion...some got married to guys they would have never chosen if it were not the (sic)preasure of society to "do the right thing".

Seeing the <Freudian stage 1 reference omitted> you <childish physiological response omitted> out here on the internet is an insult to the women AND MEN that suffered shattered lives before abortion was made legal.

You do not have a <Freudian stage 2 reference omitted> clue what you are talking about. It is <calumnious reference omitted> such as yours that adds to and even causes much of the trauma of an unplanned pregnancy.

Thanks for sharing NOTHING you <disparaging attack omitted> <reference to female genitalia omitted>!
Are you sure about all that, Mr. Huggy?

A lot of people worldwide feel exactly about abortion as koshergrl does, and the practice is verboten in 54 countries in the world in varying degrees from censure to capital punishment.

Yes...very sure.

America is the shining beacon of liberty for the world not the darkness.
Pro abortionists contend that abortion PREVENTS ptsd caused by the birth of horrible killer babies who apparently are the result of rape and must be killed for the sanity of the mother.

When I heard them spout that, I of course assumed the exact opposite must be true, so I looked it up.

Amazing what a little research will show you:

Posttraumatic stress reactions were found to be associated with abortion. Consistent with previous research, the data here suggest abortion can increase stress and decrease coping abilities, particularly
for those women who have a history of adverse childhood events and prior traumata."

Go figure.


Why did you cut off your quote above just before this line?

"Study limitations preclude drawing definitive conclusions"

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