A Year Of Pain! Investors Struggle In A New Era Of Higher Rates And Goin’ Green, Worst Combined Stock And Bond Returns Since 1871


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
As Joe Biden brags it was a historical year.

And tens of millions of Americans believe Biden.

We really are a dying Republic as the 2022 elections, outside of Republicans narrowly winning the House proved. Seriously, they re-elected Pritzker and Whitmer.

2022 is one of the record books and not in a Tiger Woods way. Call it a year of pain.
First, the US enacted policies that drove up energy prices (goin’ green) that reverberated through the entire economy in the form of higher prices. Second, The Federal Reserve, in attempt to combat runaway inflation, started removing the excessive monetary stimulus that had been around since Fed Chair Bernanke initiated QE, the seemingly unlimited purchase of Treasury and Agency MBS securities. Janet Yellen continued the massive asset purchases and zero interest rate policies or ZIRP. Now that inflation has struck the American middle class hard, we are seeing Fed Chair Powell doing what Bernanke and Yellen wouldn’t do — remove the monetary punchbowl.
Using Robert Shiller’s on line data, US stocks and bonds have had an awful year, the worst combined year since 1871.
US equity returns have been demolished under the NEW dual mandate (goin’ green = rising prices = Fed tightening).
Let’s see how two of the most famous investment gurus did in 2022, Warren Buffet and Cathie Wood. Buffet’s Bershire Hathaway Class A equity was UP 4% in 2022, while Cathie Wood’s ARK Innovation ETF collapsed by -67% in 2022.

Gamblers always lose more than they win; most aren't 'investors' they're just suckers begging to be fleeced. Wall Street is run by carnies.
chart last date is 12/22


yes they fell but its not the end of the world. 2008 was the worst year drop in modern times.

There was COVID issues, the invasion of Ukraine that created issues but in the end it what is the FED going to do.

The DOW and S$P were up and thank god for energy


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