A Study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV

I don't own one 'designer' label piece of clothing, unless you count Levis designer!

I wear yoga pants or jeans mostly.

Today was my Colts shirt and Jeans.

The Zulu women like to be comfortable.


I will be YOUR Yoko Ono Ave-Joe! :eusa_angel:


Life truly is a musical. Best evidence I know for God.

Ain't life grand? :cool:
And A human being with human emotions and does not exsist for your pleasure.

When men are together and see a pretty woman they act like fucking assholes.

What you guys dont realize is we know WTF you are doing.

I once had a guy friend who saw me on the street walking to class, he then thought it would be funny to cat call me. To his complete surprize I acted as if I heard nothing and kept on walking as if there was only silence. What he found out that day is women PRETEND not to hear this shit even when we can tell full well whats going on.

When you oggle a girl and talk to your friends you really think we are oblivious.

We are not because men present a huge personal danger to women and we are far more aware of what is going on arround us then it appears.

You are not getting away with it you are being ignored and observed.

Its what we have to do to protect ourselves from the assholes who would harm us if they got the chance.

I got it!! You're one of those angry cock teasers.
You're one these bitches that gets looked at , you fly off the handle and get in the looker's face. You act all tough like you want to throw knuckles with any guy that dares look in your direction. You spend your days looking for things to bother yourself with.
Let me tell you something, no one would bother objectifying you because you probably THINK you are more attractive than you actually are and once people get to know you, they realize you are a rotten apple on the inside.

Condolences. You've just had a close encounter of the TM kind.

She's a particularly vile piece of internet filth.

You are incorrect that she is an angry cock teaser. She's an angry Wannabe cock teaser.

She has probably not received much attention in real life, hence her vulgar hysteria here in order to overcompensate.

:dunno: Yeah...... she can be a ****. But she's my sister. I still love her. Always will.
Yeap and here we go with some stupid fuck wanting to try and insult me because as a strip club regular he thinks the only value a woman has is to make his tiny dick hard.

Whats your point?

She's suffered and been damaged. :-(

Actually, while her posting style is distasteful, and her point is almost always remarkably garbled, her tone cannot be ignored, nor can we assume it is a singular note.

Even if there are a minority of women with Truthmatters POV, we might do well to remember they do exist.
I never mentioned jail did I.

What I did say is I dont like this type of attention.

The con women on here said I should like it and engauge the offenders.

It is my right not to enjoy it dont you think?

Yes strippers are women but they are women who have put themselves in a place to make money from this typeof attention.

They consented huh?

A woman walking down the street ( including 14 year old girls) have not consented to be screamed at with sexual slurs, they are just trying to enjoy their own freedoms.

EZ is a "con woman"?

I'm a "con woman"?

and you wonder why you don't get taken seriously and get called 'truthdoesntmatter'?

I dont know EZ and you have hated me since the momment I expressed disagreed with the current government of Isreals actions.

You have called me all manner of names for not praying at the alter Of the Isreali government.

I dont like to have shit screamed at me while I am in public.

I know that is a really horrilbe sentiment on here for some crazy assed reason.

Imagine that , A woman that doesnt like to be heckled while she goes about her business.

Imagine how crazy you people would look to your own parents right now.
I never mentioned jail did I.

What I did say is I dont like this type of attention.

The con women on here said I should like it and engauge the offenders.

It is my right not to enjoy it dont you think?

Yes strippers are women but they are women who have put themselves in a place to make money from this typeof attention.

They consented huh?

A woman walking down the street ( including 14 year old girls) have not consented to be screamed at with sexual slurs, they are just trying to enjoy their own freedoms.

EZ is a "con woman"?

I'm a "con woman"?

and you wonder why you don't get taken seriously and get called 'truthdoesntmatter'?

I dont know EZ and you have hated me since the momment I expressed disagreed with the current government of Isreals actions.

You have called me all manner of names for not praying at the alter Of the Isreali government.

I dont like to have shit screamed at me while I am in public.

I know that is a really horrilbe sentiment on here for some crazy assed reason.

Imagine that , A woman that doesnt like to be heckled while she goes about her business.

Imagine how crazy you people would look to your own parents right now.

Maybe you should move to Saudi Arabia that way if someone "screams" at you in public you can call the morality and virtue Police, and you can go everywhere in public only accompanied by a male relative.
And A human being with human emotions and does not exsist for your pleasure.

When men are together and see a pretty woman they act like fucking assholes.

What you guys dont realize is we know WTF you are doing.

I once had a guy friend who saw me on the street walking to class, he then thought it would be funny to cat call me. To his complete surprize I acted as if I heard nothing and kept on walking as if there was only silence. What he found out that day is women PRETEND not to hear this shit even when we can tell full well whats going on.

When you oggle a girl and talk to your friends you really think we are oblivious.

We are not because men present a huge personal danger to women and we are far more aware of what is going on arround us then it appears.

You are not getting away with it you are being ignored and observed.

Its what we have to do to protect ourselves from the assholes who would harm us if they got the chance.

I got it!! You're one of those angry cock teasers.
You're one these bitches that gets looked at , you fly off the handle and get in the looker's face. You act all tough like you want to throw knuckles with any guy that dares look in your direction. You spend your days looking for things to bother yourself with.
Let me tell you something, no one would bother objectifying you because you probably THINK you are more attractive than you actually are and once people get to know you, they realize you are a rotten apple on the inside.

Now realize I took shit for saying I didnt like it and would ignore it and go about my business.

I Have been told its my fault, I should like it, I should play along.

I dont like it and will never like it.

I do nothing to get this attention, I am a Tom Boy type and always have been.

No makeup, shirts and jeans.

What the people here have done is try to tell me I am not allowed to dislike this.

They have actually fought with me about what I should like.

Now go ask your mother and grandmother if they would like to be treated like that.

When they tell you NO will you call them all the things the people on here have called me?
The con women on here said I should like it and engauge the offenders.

I never got offended when cat called, I always just laughed and winked backed. TM, you take things way too seriously; lighten up and get over yourself.

I think you forgot what you said earlier ZB

I said that you take things too seriously and that you should lighten up. How the fuck do you get 'The con women on here said I should like it and engauge the offenders' from THAT? Oh, my bad. I forgot who I was dealing with. You lie, spew shit, twist words, put words in other's mouth .. . . that's how you 'get it'.

I never said you should engage them, you fucking moronic twit . . . I said that I did that. "I never got offended when cat called, I always just laughed and winked backed." <--- See????????? Go back and read my fucking posts. I was telling you what worked for me, trying to get you to see that there is more than one way to skin a cat. My God you are dense.

I noticed how you ignored this post of mine. Notice the winking guy? Do you GET it? Normal people present their POV as 'hey, know what works for me? I just ignore them', presenting their POV as an alternative. I was telling you what worked for me in a light-hearted way, hence the winking guy! But YOU?? You spew nastiness, shit all over everyone, twist words and lie, and refuse to even listen or consider another pov.

We live in a world of rape you fool.

Cat calls are not designed to make you feel pretty, they are designed to make the caller feel manly.

You do realize women are raped every day right?

I was never raped from cat callers . . .. were you?

If you just play the game a bit they do stop. It's no fun for them when the females join in, they love it when you ignore them. Makes them try even harder. ;)

BTW, why do you continue to ignore this? What makes you right and me wrong? Why can't you just admit that there is more than one way to handle this?

You won't, you can't. You're a jackass and a proven liar.
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She chooses to take it as a compliment from someone who's beneath her.

You choose to be a victim.

She chooses to coopperate with assholes and I choose not to.

Listen to your stupid self telling me I should LIKE being screamed at in public about my girl parts.

Its like telling a rape victim to just lie back and enjoy the fucking.

Good grief you are one vulgar woman. How do you even think of this trash you post? :puke3:

Here is what you re missing.

Yes I am a trash talking chick on the internets.

I never talk like that in public while doing business.

I know where it is appropriate.

I was hoping some of the males here would do the same.

On this site people talk trash all day long NO?

I am not the only one.

With my personal friends we talk like that for fucking fun.

Do you understand the differance between business and casual interaction?
Er.. TM, no one is missing the fact that you clearly have an emotional issue with this. You have some type of derangement which causes you great anger and irrationality. You have a victim mentality about it that either tells me you have been victimized (and if you were, I'm sorry about that) or just have a deep-seated anger and hatred of men.

I don't think anyone misses that at all.

Now, we aren't talking about someone breaking the law and pawing an unwilling woman... we're talking about catcalls. You want to know what normal women do when a guy whistles or catcalls?

you smile and you keep walking or you ignore them ... you don't lose your freaking ever-loving mind.... because just cause some guy is classless, doesn't mean you should throw yourself into a tizzy...

that's what lunatics do... react irrationally to stimuli.
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Men who molest women with cat calls, woman who are doing nothing but walking down the street, I mean, ought to be horsewhipped or otherwise publically humiliated..

Men who don't understand the difference between making advances that are appropriate to the situation and those that are an insult make life harder for every man, and every woman, too.
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Jillian, I dont smile I ignore it entirely.

You are now pretending the women on here did not tell me I should ENJOY it and play along.
Er.. TM, no one is missing the fact that you clearly have an emotional issue with this. You have some type of derangement which causes you great anger and irrationality. You have a victim mentality about it that either tells me you have been victimized (and if you were, I'm sorry about that) or just have a deep-seated anger and hatred of men.

I don't think anyone misses that at all.

Now, we aren't talking about someone breaking the law and pawing an unwilling woman... we're talking about catcalls. You want to know what normal women do when a guy whistles or catcalls?

you smile and you keep walking or you ignore them ... you don't lose your freaking ever-loving mind.... because just cause some guy is classless, doesn't mean you should throw yourself into a tizzy...

that's what lunatics do... react irrationally to stimuli.

I beg to most respectfully differ on this point.

The occasional "tizzy" is healthy, IMHO: You get to blow off steam, and you keep the people around you on their toes. We need to be reminded occasionally to tread carefully through our culture of hidden emotional landmines.
Er.. TM, no one is missing the fact that you clearly have an emotional issue with this. You have some type of derangement which causes you great anger and irrationality. You have a victim mentality about it that either tells me you have been victimized (and if you were, I'm sorry about that) or just have a deep-seated anger and hatred of men.

I don't think anyone misses that at all.

Now, we aren't talking about someone breaking the law and pawing an unwilling woman... we're talking about catcalls. You want to know what normal women do when a guy whistles or catcalls?

you smile and you keep walking or you ignore them ... you don't lose your freaking ever-loving mind.... because just cause some guy is classless, doesn't mean you should throw yourself into a tizzy...

that's what lunatics do... react irrationally to stimuli.

I beg to most respectfully differ on this point.

The occasional "tizzy" is healthy, IMHO: You get to blow off steam, and you keep the people around you on their toes. We need to be reminded occasionally to tread carefully through our culture of hidden emotional landmines.

i suppose there's always a need for drama queens.

but i'd kind of like to see them rooted in some basic agreed-upon reality.

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