A Speech my Cousin will read in Highschool Tomorrow about Guns

I hope you tell your cousin to make a retraction.

I'll tell him to make an EDITION, in order to clarify, the speech he read didn't state "armed civilian killed the mass murderder" it simply said taken out.

a what?

I will have him tell the story in its entirety, based on the testimony of the civilian himself:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dsV6TCwd0o]Oregon Mall Shooting Stopped By Licensed Gun Carrier - YouTube[/ame]
I'll tell him to make an EDITION, in order to clarify, the speech he read didn't state "armed civilian killed the mass murderder" it simply said taken out.

a what?

I will have him tell the story in its entirety, based on the testimony of the civilian himself:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dsV6TCwd0o]Oregon Mall Shooting Stopped By Licensed Gun Carrier - YouTube[/ame]

Oh, that's what EDITION means.
Your cousin is not very bright and did a piss-poor job on research.

Probably use some NRA/Turner Diaries conspiracy theory books.

You should warn him before it's too late and he shoots off his mouth and looks like an idiot.
Oh, that's what EDITION means.

The dictionary says the following:

Edition - A version of an earlier publication having substantial changes or additions.

I'll have him submit an edition in order to clarify what happened, is that a problem? Although I seriously doubt the teacher will care since their weekly current event project is over (past Friday), and the teacher didn't challenge the assertion to being with.


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Your cousin is not very bright and did a piss-poor job on research.

Probably use some NRA/Turner Diaries conspiracy theory books.

You should warn him before it's too late and he shoots off his mouth and looks like an idiot.

That didn't seem to work for you.
Oh, that's what EDITION means.

The dictionary says the following:

Edition - A version of an earlier publication having substantial changes or additions.

I'll have him submit an edition in order to clarify what happened, is that a problem? Although I seriously doubt the teacher will care since their weekly current event project is over (past Friday), and the teacher didn't challenge the assertion to being with.

I thought you said this was a speech?
Now you're saying it was a publication?

Get your story straight man.
I'll have him submit an edition in order to clarify what happened, is that a problem? Although I seriously doubt the teacher will care since their weekly current event project is over (past Friday), and the teacher didn't challenge the assertion to being with.

I thought you said this was a speech?
Now you're saying it was a publication?

Get your story straight man.[/QUOTE]

It was a speech, and teacher did make him submit the speech as written afterwards. So I'll have him submit an edition. No retraction is needed, since it is consistent with what actually happened.

Did you watch the video Mr. Hydra?
I'll have him submit an edition in order to clarify what happened, is that a problem? Although I seriously doubt the teacher will care since their weekly current event project is over (past Friday), and the teacher didn't challenge the assertion to being with.

I thought you said this was a speech?
Now you're saying it was a publication?

Get your story straight man.

It was a speech, and teacher did make him submit the speech as written afterwards. So I'll have him submit an edition. No retraction is needed, since it is consistent with what actually happened.

Did you watch the video Mr. Hydra?[/QUOTE]

Speak English please.
I'll have him submit an edition in order to clarify what happened, is that a problem? Although I seriously doubt the teacher will care since their weekly current event project is over (past Friday), and the teacher didn't challenge the assertion to being with.

I thought you said this was a speech?
Now you're saying it was a publication?

Get your story straight man.

It was a speech, and teacher did make him submit the speech as written afterwards. So I'll have him submit an edition. No retraction is needed, since it is consistent with what actually happened.

Did you watch the video Mr. Hydra?

Speak English please.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, unfortunately I don't speak militia
I have both the 9mm and 45 from Hi-Point. Close to 2k rounds through the 9mm and about 500 through the 45 with no jams in either one.

The only draw back to either is that they are bulky and unless you are a bigger person, it may be difficult to carry one concealed, especially the 45.

I have no problem carrying the 9mm concealed.

I would attribute the few jams I did have to ammunition issues, cheap Russian ammo, rather than to the weapon. My sister, on my recommendation, bought the 9mm, she wanted one of her own and was limited to what she had to spend. When we picked it up we took it to my house and fired it, jammed numerous times right from the start. Figured it was a magazine issue. Went back to dealer they gave us new magazine, few hundred rounds later, not a problem to be found.

So was she shooting at bad guys or just likes to squeeze off a few hundred rounds for fun? :cuckoo:

For fun? No dumbass, it's called training. I hope the number of total dumbasses on this board is not indicitive of the population as a whole.
Keep in mind, that in order to to bar mentally ill people from buying a gun, there must be a NATIONAL REGISTRY of mentally ill people. Such a registry could be used to force mentally ill people to be sterilized. Later it could be used to force mentally ill people to be "euthanized." Also, since the government can decide who is mentally ill, and who is not, without evidence, it is most likely they would use this against anyone who could or has resisted them.

Slippery slope fallacy.
The slippery slope arguement is one of the most common arguments from gun control opponents.
"Gun control will lead to a ban on the sale of all guns and that will lead to a government confiscation of all guns." The facts certainly do not bear out this slippery slope argument. As gun controls have increase over the last 50 years the number of guns in the US have increased dramatically.
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This is another misinterpretation. Under the Nazi Regime, gun laws for most Germans were LOOSENED. The Weimar Government attempted to control the fueding political factions by disarming them. When the Nazis got into power, it made it easier for your average German to get a gun.

The key phrase is "MOST GERMANS"

Anyone who was UNDESIRABLE that they planned to GENOCIDE was completely DISARMED. The very fact that you endorse the Nazi Gun Control policies makes you irrelevant for the rest of your life on these forums.

Somehow, I suspect I'll be here a lot longer than you will, little boy.

But the absurd notion is that the Jews were ever anything but an underclass in Europe is laughable.

The fact is, most German Jews got the hell out of town before the war started. Most of the countries that the Holocaust happened in were countries Germany Conquered. Private Gun Ownership became besides the point when facing Panzers and Stukas.

Also, that shit about urban population concentrations:


Murder rate takes the proportion of murders to POPULATION. Chicago has one of the the worst RATES.


Well, no, we really don't. Now, 2012 was a bad year... but.. statistically, only.

United States cities by crime rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So that is what Joe was saying? Really? Link his words where he says that.

Important part in Bold.

This is another misinterpretation. Under the Nazi Regime, gun laws for most Germans were LOOSENED. The Weimar Government attempted to control the fueding political factions by disarming them. When the Nazis got into power, it made it easier for your average German to get a gun.

Apparently then, he thinks the Nazis were good people to only arm people they liked and disarm those who they didn't (or keep them disarmed). It was a clever and subtle endorsement of the Nazi regime. Not surprising though, since that is the goal of both the Democratic and Republican Leadership, Corporate-Fascist Domination. I seriously wonder how long it will be before the Repugs start endorsing gun control themselves, I'll give them 2-4 years.

Where did I say that. Frankly, my grandfather left Germany to get away from the Nazis and the craziness.

But don't pretend that the Nazis were "gun grabbers" when they weren't.

Put it into context.

WWI, the Imperial Army disintegrated, and most of the German soldiers went home with their guns.

1920's- Germany became rife with political violence, as the largely ineffectual Weimar Government attemtped to control guns with limited success...

1930's, the Nazis take power, but since a large part of their modus opperendi was armed thugs backing up the party, they were totally cool with most Germans having guns. Most of the Weimar laws were thrown out.

The guy who brought Gun Control To Germany? General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Funny, when your accused of calling 2500+ World World II vets "drunken thugs" for restoring their ability to vote in Athens Tennessee, you come out and say you are/were part of the military.

Now you've been accused of silently endorsing Nazi Gun Control policy, and you come out and claim you are Jewish. Also, it takes you several posts to even make these claims, you'd think you claim them on the first post of your response.
Funny, when your accused of calling 2500+ World World II vets "drunken thugs" for restoring their ability to vote in Athens Tennessee, you come out and say you are/were part of the military.

Now you've been accused of silently endorsing Nazi Gun Control policy, and you come out and claim you are Jewish. Also, it takes you several posts to even make these claims, you'd think you claim them on the first post of your response.

Never said I was Jewish. I said my family left Germany in the 1930's. Again, your problem is that you don't put a lot of connections together or you make fallacious ones. You do realize a lot of Germans went to America in the 1920's and 30's, right? Because correcting your ignorance is starting to turn into a full time job.

The problem is you are trying to paint Germany as a "gun grabbing" state when in fact the Nazi state encouraged private gun ownership amongst Germans. It's one of a dozen historical fallacies you committed, like the Japanese Americans could have put up an armed resistance against people who were just looking for an excuse the murder the shit out of them.

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