A Second American Civil War Is Nothing To Look Forward To


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A Second American Civil War Is Nothing To Look Forward To

13 Oct 19 ~ By William Marbury
Similarly, today, it is surprising to hear with what composure, and how glibly, members of the public, and even politicians, talk of a second American civil war. Some conservatives assume that they, having more arms and more training and practice in using them, would quickly prevail over the soy-boy Left.
Proficiency with firearms will be no match for nuclear bombs, which Democrat Eric Swalwell has already suggested deploying domestically.
Suppose that foreign powers intervene. In the situation of the world today, a dominant world power such as the United States cannot have a purely civil war, confined to a struggle between domestic forces. What happens in Washington has so much effect on the wider world that the wider world will try to influence what happens in Washington. Foreign interference in our elections would become foreign intervention in any armed conflict in the United States. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea — in fact, nearly all of America's enemies would likely support the Left and the Democrats. A second American civil war might devolve into a conflict between American patriots and the entire rest of the world, perhaps excluding Israel. In a country like Britain, disputes over which side to support could lead to their own civil war. The best strategy to avoid the danger of a second American civil war is the thorough defeat of the Democratic Party at the ballot box. It must be such a resounding defeat as to permanently discredit and destroy the Democratic Party. (The two-party system would be preserved by the splitting of the Republican party into its two wings.) Else, the Democratic Party is likely to destroy the United States.

A civil war is the worst thing that can happen to this nation. There will be no winners and the patrimony of its forebears is squandered and destroyed in the process.
This is true, let's win peacefully next year by the re-election of Trump and hope a second civil war never happens in our great country. But as Trotsky once said, "you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you," which means that you don't have to choose your enemy because it's enough for him to choose you. That is, war may force itself on us as has often happened in history, and we must be prepared to confront our country's enemies if we must.
Having studied the American, Spanish and English and Russian civil wars, our revolution was closer to a civil war than our civil war. It will NOT be the case this time if it happens.
A shooting civil war must be avoided and should be the absolute last resort. The idea that one can even properly identify an UN-UNIFORMED enemy absent obvious actions is dangerously naïve. Who are you going to shoot? This will NOT be the Blue and the Gray of the first civil war, nor Klingons vs Humans! Every neighborhood in every city and town likely consists of people with varying political beliefs that cannot be discerned by their physical appearance, clothing (except for masked Antifa) or skin color. Exactly WHO is your enemy? How do you determine whether they are sufficiently leftist enough to be considered the enemy? Where do you draw the line? Do you wait for them to shoot at you first? Maybe you need to shoot everyone just to be safe? But seriously, every state in the Union is populated with human beings on the Right, Left and down the Middle, each to varying degrees. You can’t seriously draw battle lines based on the dominant political party of a given city or state. Even the bluest state (like California) contains many conservatives who are on your side. By the way, the Swalwells' of the world advocating nuking conservative gun owners should be straitjacketed and confined to mental institutions.
Wouldn't you assume that a blog that calls itself the American thinker would realize that there is zero possibility of the type of conflagration that tore the Country apart in 1860? There are a hundred reasons why a civil war can't happen including the fact that the states do not have the same power as they had back in the day. Other than the quirky agenda of California there is zero evidence of any state wanting to bear arms against the federal government. The situation the blog that ironically calls itself "the thinker" is of course garden variety anarchy
Though possible, this is not 1860. The control that the federal government has on security within the nation is nothing short of authoritarian. Any insurrection, save one where a major government apparatchik (Secretary of Defense...Chief of Staff etc.) or department attempts to seize power would be quelled almost immediately...with extreme force.
Even then, the disparate and complex nature of government would never permit the coalescence of peoples large enough to push forward successfully.
There will be low order infighting between certain political factions but certainly nothing on the level of the Civil War.
Though most revolutions constitute single percentages of a population in active conflict, there is not strife at the level necessary to push 3-6 million Americans to take up arms against their government...or each other.
This can always change but...highly unlikely.
Why is it that Trumpians talk of civil war? Is violence a tent pole issue for them? They have all those ridiculous guns. Are they itching to use them? Do they have some twisted Rambo complex? Do they hate their fellow Americans that much?

Has Trump cast some xh over them causing them to eschew a democratic republic in favor of an authoritarian state? How can a civil war be seen as a means of making America great again? And wh n was America great to curse them into hinting it is not great now?

What is this sick, venal compulsion to make war on Americans?

And where will the battle lines be drawn? I have a neighbor, who lives in the crappiest house on the block resplendent with confederate flags and Trump banners along with a 1998 Oldsmobile Cutlass on concrete blocks and a pit bull chained to the bumper. I am certainly not a supporter of the huckster buffoon in the Oval Office. And neither are my neighbors to my right and across the street. Are we to be targeted by the hillbilly rube Trumpian? Over politics? Just because he failed Civics classes and has no understanding of the constitution?

Silly, silly people those War mongering Trumpians!
Very few revolutions happen when the people are fed and have a roof over their heads. But they can be swayed by the power hungry. One way or the other. King George probably felt like a screw up during the American version in the 18th century. People feel at the beginning it is a glorious and right thing they do. But it does not stay that way as the realities hit home. Wars can be just as we look at history. But to continuously fight is insane. the middle east in parts is like that. We can live life to the fullest and not live and just exist here in America. But it is a thousand times better then what they do over there over and over and over. At some point it makes no sense. Here we have to be careful For we can grow opposing sides with many angles and sublets. Unfortunately we seem to be heading for something. Even if it is a dud the seeds are there for something worse then what we had as the authoritarian laws and surveillance take root.
A Second American Civil War Is Nothing To Look Forward To

13 Oct 19 ~ By William Marbury
Similarly, today, it is surprising to hear with what composure, and how glibly, members of the public, and even politicians, talk of a second American civil war. Some conservatives assume that they, having more arms and more training and practice in using them, would quickly prevail over the soy-boy Left.
Proficiency with firearms will be no match for nuclear bombs, which Democrat Eric Swalwell has already suggested deploying domestically.
Suppose that foreign powers intervene. In the situation of the world today, a dominant world power such as the United States cannot have a purely civil war, confined to a struggle between domestic forces. What happens in Washington has so much effect on the wider world that the wider world will try to influence what happens in Washington. Foreign interference in our elections would become foreign intervention in any armed conflict in the United States. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea — in fact, nearly all of America's enemies would likely support the Left and the Democrats. A second American civil war might devolve into a conflict between American patriots and the entire rest of the world, perhaps excluding Israel. In a country like Britain, disputes over which side to support could lead to their own civil war. The best strategy to avoid the danger of a second American civil war is the thorough defeat of the Democratic Party at the ballot box. It must be such a resounding defeat as to permanently discredit and destroy the Democratic Party. (The two-party system would be preserved by the splitting of the Republican party into its two wings.) Else, the Democratic Party is likely to destroy the United States.

A civil war is the worst thing that can happen to this nation. There will be no winners and the patrimony of its forebears is squandered and destroyed in the process.
This is true, let's win peacefully next year by the re-election of Trump and hope a second civil war never happens in our great country. But as Trotsky once said, "you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you," which means that you don't have to choose your enemy because it's enough for him to choose you. That is, war may force itself on us as has often happened in history, and we must be prepared to confront our country's enemies if we must.
Having studied the American, Spanish and English and Russian civil wars, our revolution was closer to a civil war than our civil war. It will NOT be the case this time if it happens.
A shooting civil war must be avoided and should be the absolute last resort. The idea that one can even properly identify an UN-UNIFORMED enemy absent obvious actions is dangerously naïve. Who are you going to shoot? This will NOT be the Blue and the Gray of the first civil war, nor Klingons vs Humans! Every neighborhood in every city and town likely consists of people with varying political beliefs that cannot be discerned by their physical appearance, clothing (except for masked Antifa) or skin color. Exactly WHO is your enemy? How do you determine whether they are sufficiently leftist enough to be considered the enemy? Where do you draw the line? Do you wait for them to shoot at you first? Maybe you need to shoot everyone just to be safe? But seriously, every state in the Union is populated with human beings on the Right, Left and down the Middle, each to varying degrees. You can’t seriously draw battle lines based on the dominant political party of a given city or state. Even the bluest state (like California) contains many conservatives who are on your side. By the way, the Swalwells' of the world advocating nuking conservative gun owners should be straitjacketed and confined to mental institutions.

Nukes .......the nukes will probably get locked down to calm the rest of the planet while we slaughter the sheep
With the media constantly agitating racial and tribal animosity it seems as if we're all sitting on a powder keg especially those of us who live in urban centers. All it takes is a spark, like another major power outage.
I like civil war 2.0 threads. It illustrates better than anything else what a sad frightened fantasy world the right inhabits. In their fantasies they are brave enough to actually peel themselves out of their recliners and go fight for their country against overwhelming odds for no clear personal benefit. It's definitely at odds with their real life habits of taking care of number one and cowering in the face of an uncertain future. If they had the courage to fight a civil war they would not be turning to con men like Trump to solve all their problems for them.
I like civil war 2.0 threads. It illustrates better than anything else what a sad frightened fantasy world the right inhabits. In their fantasies they are brave enough to actually peel themselves out of their recliners and go fight for their country against overwhelming odds for no clear personal benefit. It's definitely at odds with their real life habits of taking care of number one and cowering in the face of an uncertain future. If they had the courage to fight a civil war they would not be turning to con men like Trump to solve all their problems for them.
All of that, of course, amplified by talk radio and winger websites looking for listeners, clicks and more ad revenue. Daily. Hourly.
Exactly WHO is your enemy?

What the 'powers that be' tell you....

I like civil war 2.0 threads. It illustrates better than anything else what a sad frightened fantasy world the right inhabits.

the 101st USMB keyboard battalion trains hard ...


I like civil war 2.0 threads. It illustrates better than anything else what a sad frightened fantasy world the right inhabits. In their fantasies they are brave enough to actually peel themselves out of their recliners and go fight for their country against overwhelming odds for no clear personal benefit. It's definitely at odds with their real life habits of taking care of number one and cowering in the face of an uncertain future. If they had the courage to fight a civil war they would not be turning to con men like Trump to solve all their problems for them.

Dont call us when the trucks stop rolling and your walmart is outta Kellogg con agra veggie burgers

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