A Prez that suggests reason to vote is for Revenge..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
IS NOT the President of MY country!
Voting Is The Best Revenge' said Obama..

Sorry but that just doesn't sound like a Uniter but a divider!
Aw, what's wrong? Is republican fear and teabagger hate the only acceptable reasons to vote?
Aw, what's wrong? Is republican fear and teabagger hate the only acceptable reasons to vote?

We are not seeking reasons to vote against Obama. He has supplied us "normal" people with PLENTY of them.

Obama is the most divisive President since Abraham Lincoln (even though Lincoln's "divisiveness" was honorable), and we know what the results of the election of Abraham Lincoln's were.

If Obama wins on Tuesday, and the ONLY way he can win is through massive VOTER FRAUD, then this country will be plunged into a scenario of CIVIL UNREST and ultimately CIVIL WAR.
All Obama did was to tell the people to vote for the other guy. "Vote for revenge" is voting to get rid of the past four years, lol. I'm waiting for that last day, when everyone is watching and Obama busts out with, "Take back America!!!" and "We can't afford four more years" or "A vote for me and I'll fix the past four years".

What a jackass Obama is, lol.
Aw, what's wrong? Is republican fear and teabagger hate the only acceptable reasons to vote?

We are not seeking reasons to vote against Obama. He has supplied us "normal" people with PLENTY of them.

Obama is the most divisive President since Abraham Lincoln (even though Lincoln's "divisiveness" was honorable), and we know what the results of the election of Abraham Lincoln's were.

If Obama wins on Tuesday, and the ONLY way he can win is through massive VOTER FRAUD, then this country will be plunged into a scenario of CIVIL UNREST and ultimately CIVIL WAR.

Were you trying to tell me that republicans do not vote out of fear and hate? You failed.
Obama said that in response to people in the audience booing when he spoke of Mitt Romney's policies. He said if you want revenge (insted of booing), vote! Whole different meaning than what you republicans are saying about him. He did not just insert that sentence in his speech for the fun of it. He wouldn't have said it if the people hadn't booed Romney. Instead of booing, vote is the meaning.
Obama said that in response to people in the audience booing when he spoke of Mitt Romney's policies. He said if you want revenge (insted of booing), vote! Whole different meaning than what you republicans are saying about him. He did not just insert that sentence in his speech for the fun of it. He wouldn't have said it if the people hadn't booed Romney. Instead of booing, vote is the meaning.

Why was the word revenge even used there.
If Romney was the incumbent then it might have worked.

Why is it this President we're told is supposed to be so much smarter
then everyone around him can't be clear on what his meaning is.
His lackey's always have to splain it to people.

Anyone remember this little gem....

“If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen”
Aw, what's wrong? Is republican fear and teabagger hate the only acceptable reasons to vote?

HATE??? Where is the hate?
Seems I keep reading these headlines:
Bill Maher to Romney Supporters: 'Black People Know Who You Are and They Will Come After You'...
REPORT: Obama supporters step up riot threats...
REPORT: NAACP Takes Over Houston Polling Station, Advocates for O...

Key words.. riots, come after you...
NOT heard any such words from Romney supporters...

I mean you people are the ones that hate the military so much so you called our troops "terrorists", civilian killers, cold blooded killers,
Nazis... all words used by Democrat politicians about our military!
Obama said that in response to people in the audience booing when he spoke of Mitt Romney's policies. He said if you want revenge (insted of booing), vote! Whole different meaning than what you republicans are saying about him. He did not just insert that sentence in his speech for the fun of it. He wouldn't have said it if the people hadn't booed Romney. Instead of booing, vote is the meaning.

for the fun of it!

Right..So words DON'T have meaning to you?

When Obama Pledged Promised..
"Today I am pledging to cut the deficit we inherited [deficit 2008 $ 459 billion] in half by the end of my first term in office." [That would be $230 billion]
The Reality end of his term 2012: $1.1 TRILLION deficit!

Was he just having fun with us? HE PLEDGED to cut the deficit! Instead HE tripled it! 300% MORE! "Fun of it"?????
What a fool Obama is making of people !

"Well it was worse then we knew"... THEN don't make promises you can't keep!

Obama's OWN words!!! “If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

Read more: PARISI: Obama giving up on his one-term proposition - Washington Times PARISI: Obama giving up on his one-term proposition - Washington Times
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Romney is ending the campaign on a big note, optimisim, patriotism and hope for the future. obama has made an unfortunate statement that stops his campaign on a weak appeal for revenge.


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