A pile of trash.............which is which???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Don't know the difference but one pile is in the middle of the street as was another pile,
Michael Brown the below idiot robber shown with his cigars and roughing up the store owner .
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BEFORE he trapised down the middle of the street and then DEFYING the police man telling him to stop walking in the middle of the street.
Where upon Brown identified via police radio as possible store robber (see above picture) resisted arrest by
attacking the cop as Brown's blood in the car attested.
So then these idiots putting this trash in the middle of the street go on and state they'd rather be
stopped by ISIS then Ferguson police.
No wonder the vast vast MAJORITY of blacks are embarrassed by these few idiots that are getting coverage by an equally idiot MSM....

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In the previous threads on this, links were posted that showed the cop lied when he was caught, admitted he lied and is now on suspension.

Its not trash. It should not have been put in the street but it is not trash.

The Ferguson police force is racist and corrupt. That is also fact.

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