A perfect example of both a good cop and a bad cop in one video,,

progressive hunter

Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2018
lately I have been called a cop hater because I want to hold cops accountable when they violate our rights.

so as an example to those people that accuse me of being a cop hater, here is an example of both a good cop and a bad cop,,
I support the good and condemn the bad,,

Wait until you become a Police state like Canada where covert police entrap, commit crimes, destroy lives at a young age, encourage people to commit suicide and control/drive the economy into the dirt (not to mention protecting the worst abusers). The men in uniform, especially those transparent via video recording; are NOT the problem...just learn from us, we are East Germany you are the West...
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Typical. Cops not even believing what they can see with their own eyes.
At lesst you have transparency, this is HUGE. I've spoken to police and agencies around the world, Canada, lead. by those in Ontario/Toronto are WAY behind the rest of the West...it's not a laughing matter as Augustine seems to think.
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