A Media Prose


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Modern media requires a serious negotiation of culture and ethics, which is why tabloids receive so much criticism from scholars.

Esteemed movie-actors such as Terence Stamp (Superman II) and super-popular movie-actors such as Tom Cruise (The Color of Money) represent a social focus on links between celebrity and fashion.

We celebrate media faces and even elect celebrity-presidents (Donald Trump, Ronald Reagan), so couture/aesthetics fashion-clothing/gear companies such as Gap Kids and Fabletics reveal a new age investment in couture-based philosophy; this is a serious departure from the competition-neutral days of Karl Marx!

We can therefore evaluate modern age pedagoguery in terms of capitalism jargon, which perhaps illuminates the social appeal of aesthetics-paranoia films such as Christine and Dead Presidents.


STAMP: I'm so impressed by the aesthetics and style of Gap Kids!
CRUISE: It's a celebrated kids' clothing store in the USA...
STAMP: Are you up-to-date with fashion and couture in America?
CRUISE: I try to keep abreast of all couture developments; I just made the film Edge of Tomorrow.
STAMP: Yes, I made a Soderbergh film; that film-maker is abreast of modernism aesthetics for sure!
CRUISE: Definitely, he's been recognized for symbolic films such as Traffic and Contagion.
STAMP: Do you think the Middle East is threatened by America's brand of 'capitalism-based couture'?
CRUISE: I do believe that America's opponents are not outspoken advocates of Starbucks/Facebook.
STAMP: Perhaps the capitalism-focused Trump Administration should consider OPEC governance...
CRUISE: Commerce was the foundation of the Gulf War, as many scholars have suggested!
STAMP: You must be happy with your politics-themed film Lions for Lambs!
CRUISE: Yes, and you must be proud of your pedestrianism-flowery film Superman II!
STAMP: I am. I'm excited about your new film American Made.
CRUISE: It's in the vein of films such as Spy Game, Clear and Present Danger, and Quantum of Solace.
STAMP: You fan find Irish foods and ales in pubs and markets across America these days...
CRUISE: You also find kosher (Jewish) and halal (Muslim) meat stores.
STAMP: Indeed. Commerce is creating culture-exchange, and Planet Hollywood culture reigns...
CRUISE: Yes, which is why I remain optimistic about our consumerism-focused 'TrumpUSA.'
STAMP: If the Christian Bible is correct and the AntiChrist appears at the End of Days, he might be a celebrity!
CRUISE: Media is truly powerful, which is why we actors of the new age are interested in culture/couture...
STAMP: Maybe Oprah Winfrey will be the next American President.
CRUISE: Anything is possible; thanks for this engaging 'chat'!




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