Army of Dream-Wages


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
We turn on the TV and notice American movie super-star Tom Cruise talk about his Church of Scientology in the press.

We remember colorful films such as Big Trouble in Little China and The Revenant and we think of entertaining actors such as Kurt Russell and Tom Hardy and how they capture our imagination about bravado, courage, and humor.

So how do we know these flashing images of storytelling and media-culture are not just images (but perhaps also recorded memories of human psychology)?

These 'ministers of media' (i.e., actors) are something like a New Age Army (reminiscent of the Valkyrie force of WWII or the South American rugby team plane-stranded in the Andes and resorting to cannibalism for survival!).

In other words, the new landscape is governed by the mind, not by the muscle...

So the appropriate question is, "Would a hypothetical 'imaginarium army' negotiate about the anthropological/intellectual value of arts wage discussions?"

This is the compass that the Trump Administration should use.

What do you think?


Nicole Kidman Diary Entry January 2010:

"I was thinking about the great films we've made in the history of cinema, and great established and rising actors such as Tom Cruise (my ex-husband), Kurt Russell, James Franco, and Tom Hardy (among others), and I start to believe they're like an 'army of angels' telling humanity about its dreams through the medium of film.

I'm happy therefore I made a film about Australia, and I think of countless idealistic modern-day Internet-bloggers (like one I found on World Discussion Forum named Ajay Satan --- a Yale graduate and self-proclaimed 'free-speech crusader') who might appreciate all these films and the interested actors (e.g., Tom Cruise) who appear in the films to serve as 'culture storytellers.'

Maybe an anthropologist of the future will look back on these films and the panoply of actors presented in them or the countless Internet blogs by idealistic young men like Ajay Satan and how they encouraged ideas about unfiltered pro-democracy dialogue on the handy-dandy Internet and think to themselves about how movies and computers literally changed the way we think about vigilance and intelligence.

I'm sure America will soon elect a celebrity as a President, the first one since Ronald Reagan, only this one will not generate a disintegrating consumer-system such as Reaganomics but perhaps something more representative of creature-comforts and pedestrian hunger. Could new age anti-Western terrorism therefore be caused by 'etiquette fears'? These are my worries, as I think of my recent film about Australia..."


The Celebrity Robot

When Woody Allen released his fame-sarcasm film Celebrity, people took notice of a modern 'pedestrianism-focused' culture, a culture of supermarket tabloids, Internet hackers, and politics-profiteers.

Imagine therefore that Americans become hypnotized by the movie-star Tom Cruise who has made very culturally-symbolic films such as Born on the 4th of July, Minority Report, and Edge of Tomorrow.

Would Cruise become like a modernism 'dollhouse super-robot'?

Such considerations reveal the new age social appeal of relevant films such as America's Sweethearts.

Has America become like England (i.e., Princess Diana tabloid paparazzi hysteria)?

There must be a link between British economics and American capitalism...



When Cruise read Kidman's diary entry, he realized he was a 'titan' of street-gossip. He wondered how he would use such 'power,' so he started promoting his Church of Scientology in the press. Soon, people took notice of how celebrities are able to use the media pulpit to promote pluralism values in American society. President Trump invited Cruise to a White House dinner about Scientology and religious pluralism in a democratic society. The dinner went very well, but at the conclusion, Cruise remarked to Trump, "Given that you were once a casino-owner, couldn't you imagine that our purely 'media-centric society' could regard me as some kind of 'capitalism-zombie'?" Trump wondered if Americans' love of movies and TV really had created 'celebrity robots.'



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