A Lot of Talk


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Lots of opinions, and even more emotions, over issues related to immigration, but how many of the biggest mouths here really know what they are talking about? Very few, I'd wager. It's sort of like the people here who rant and rave and spit and scream about Muslims but have never met one in their lives. People are entitled to their opinions in any case, but I have to wonder how many really understand the experience and circumstances of immigrants.

Before the logic-impaired start foaming at the mouth; I absolutely do not support, condone, or excuse illegal immigration. Just saved some of you some time there.
Lots of opinions, and even more emotions, over issues related to immigration, but how many of the biggest mouths here really know what they are talking about? Very few, I'd wager. It's sort of like the people here who rant and rave and spit and scream about Muslims but have never met one in their lives. People are entitled to their opinions in any case, but I have to wonder how many really understand the experience and circumstances of immigrants.

Before the logic-impaired start foaming at the mouth; I absolutely do not support, condone, or excuse illegal immigration. Just saved some of you some time there.

I will debate respectfully later. But here is the deal: I am against immigration because my father taught me to not be a wimp and to not create wimps. And as ignorant as it may sound, might not be verbose or eloquently stated - it is a philosophy that I hold true.

Immigration at its inception was a tool to SOLVE problems. It was designed to be used as an option for those politically persecuted to seek sovereignty in a better place. I think that tool is no longer effective because we are providing economic refugees a place. And there is a difference between economic refugees and political refugees, I will share later. Further there is a difference between choosing to migrate to a different location vs your countrys infrastructure is shot, so why not just flee to another country and strain theirs?

Our biggest welfare recipients are in other countries and those that we allow here without any care to the 340 million white men and women that are here and the minorities that are here. The welfare extends to even ICE prisons, we are paying for that.

Immigration is actually crippling the individuals home countries ie brain drain. It is not making Central America any better when we disrupt their labor force market by offering them a idyllic place here. That reality doesnt exist. The reality is that when they get here, they are going to get menial wages with a cost of living that is probably 30 times their salary.

I have more to add, but I will come back.

I thanked you because at least you have a bit of a brain to know that illegal immigration makes no sense.

Oh, and crime IS an issue. Got to post and move it along today.

Another thing culture has to be taken into consideration most middle eastern practicing muslims believe our life is haram. The only reason they come here is because they dont want to be treated like crap in their own countries..a lot of irony but true.
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illegal or legal immigration , its pretty much the same thing in my view Unkatore . I think it was Rubio / ruuubio and mccaine , j. bush , gwb , Christy and ALL have said that they would INCREASE legal immigration as a way to REDUCE illegal immigration . So , its all the same thing as far as I'm concerned and the last thing I care about is the life and experiences of people trying to move / immigrate to my country , the USA . By the way , I know Muslims , Mexicans , Russians , Armenians , Iranians / Persians , Jews , Israelis , Somalis , Ethiopians English , Welsh , Aussies yada yada yada . ------- Yep , so hows it goin Unkatore ??
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I think that tool is no longer effective because we are providing economic refugees a place. And there is a difference between economic refugees and political refugees, I will share later. Further there is a difference between choosing to migrate to a different location vs your countrys infrastructure is shot, so why not just flee to another country and strain theirs?...

So, every immigrant is a refugee? Huh?????????????
Our biggest welfare recipients are in other countries and those that we allow here without any care to the 340 million white men and women that are here and the minorities that are here. ...

And there's the expected 'race' angle. :rolleyes:
People are entitled to their opinions in any case, but I have to wonder how many really understand the experience and circumstances of immigrants.

I don't fucking care about their experiences. Immigration, legal immigration, is supposed to exist to benefit the nation, not the immigrant. When legal immigration no longer benefits the nation, then it's as useful as maintaining manned lighthouses in a world of automated lighthouses.
think that yer full of it Unkatore , as said , who cares about immigrants experiences . Immigration is supposed to be of benefits to America and Americans . RIK makes good points , you just want to SPIN the topic , as you always do !!
I think that tool is no longer effective because we are providing economic refugees a place. And there is a difference between economic refugees and political refugees, I will share later. Further there is a difference between choosing to migrate to a different location vs your countrys infrastructure is shot, so why not just flee to another country and strain theirs?...

So, every immigrant is a refugee? Huh?????????????

Lets not get too cute my friend. You and I both know that I distinguished the difference between those who migrated from countries with strong infrastructures vs those who who are economic refugees.

Those migrants that you are in support of are the very ones that will be stuck in working poverty when they come here.
People are entitled to their opinions in any case, but I have to wonder how many really understand the experience and circumstances of immigrants.

I don't fucking care about their experiences. Immigration, legal immigration, is supposed to exist to benefit the nation, not the immigrant. When legal immigration no longer benefits the nation, then it's as useful as maintaining manned lighthouses in a world of automated lighthouses.

You are so right!

He wants America to be one big lighthouse.
illegal or legal immigration , its pretty much the same thing in my view Unkatore . I think it was Rubio / ruuubio and mccaine , j. bush , gwb , Christy and ALL have said that they would INCREASE legal immigration as a way to REDUCE illegal immigration . So , its all the same thing as far as I'm concerned and the last thing I care about is the life and experiences of people trying to move / immigrate to my country , the USA . By the way , I know Muslims , Mexicans , Russians , Armenians , Iranians / Persians , Jews , Israelis , Somalis , Ethiopians English , Welsh , Aussies yada yada yada . ------- Yep , so hows it goin Unkatore ??

With our economy not doing well and millions of Americans out of work how can these politicians even think of increasing legal immigration at this time? It won't reduce illegal immigration anyway because those who would not meet our criteria of being a benefit to our nation rather than a burden would still keep coming here illegally. They are the poor, unskilled and uneducated. Why would we want more of those kind of "immigrants"? In short, there are more potential immigrants that want to come here than we can accommodate in jobs and resources while also keeping population growth in mind.
Criteria , WHO's criteria is it anyway and what is the entry criteria to the USA ?? For the dems the criteria is that the new immigrants vote DEM . For the repubs / rinos , ' bush's ' its that the new immigrants won't feel hated and will someday vote for HORHAY bush , rubio and ilk . For the 'chamber of commerce' the criteria is that the new immigrants work cheap . All these criteria are ANTI American and hurts the American person that now lives legally in the USA !!
illegal or legal immigration , its pretty much the same thing in my view Unkatore . I think it was Rubio / ruuubio and mccaine , j. bush , gwb , Christy and ALL have said that they would INCREASE legal immigration as a way to REDUCE illegal immigration . So , its all the same thing as far as I'm concerned and the last thing I care about is the life and experiences of people trying to move / immigrate to my country , the USA . By the way , I know Muslims , Mexicans , Russians , Armenians , Iranians / Persians , Jews , Israelis , Somalis , Ethiopians English , Welsh , Aussies yada yada yada . ------- Yep , so hows it goin Unkatore ??

With our economy not doing well and millions of Americans out of work how can these politicians even think of increasing legal immigration at this time? It won't reduce illegal immigration anyway because those who would not meet our criteria of being a benefit to our nation rather than a burden would still keep coming here illegally. They are the poor, unskilled and uneducated. Why would we want more of those kind of "immigrants"? In short, there are more potential immigrants that want to come here than we can accommodate in jobs and resources while also keeping population growth in mind.
If I was a mortal enemy of the US and sought to do long-term harm to the US, that's the exact policy I'd try to get my useful idiot American compatriots to implement. Take the losers who couldn't make a go of it in their native lands where they understood the language and culture and institutions and ship them to America. Create permanent cultural and racial division in America, create a permanent drain on the treasury and create a permanent need to erode freedoms in order to make this abortion of a policy function in one manner or another. Then I'd get my propaganda department to cook up a new slogan, like "Diversity is our strength" and I'd get the useful idiots in America to start chanting that.

Let that stew for a half a century to a century, and sit back and watch as American gets stuck in the mud and starts destroying itself.

Importing a dependent class is a freaking fantastic way to weaken a society, especially when the dependent class adds to the racial disharmony where wealth is forcibly extracted from whites and redistributed to different racial groups. Yeehaa! Here comes the destruction.
OFF TOPIC maybe but to add to your list , ----------- let the immigrant dreamers join the USA military and use that enlistment as the key to citizenship for the enlistee and their imported and extended families . [Off topic , maybe ] but I sure hate the idea of allowing ' foreign ' immigrant people become soldiers / enlistees / MERCENARIES in large numbers in the USA military . They will work for the king , prez , lords , ladies , congress , senate that runs the government and won't have anything in common with the American people .

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