167,000 Illegal Aliens/Convicted Criminals/Still Here!


Cast Iron Member
Feb 16, 2014
State of Disgust!
There are currently 883,000 thousand illegal aliens who've received their "marching orders" but have yet to leave USA soil. Of that 883,000 ... 167,000 are convicted criminals (about 18% ... and they're the ones that got caught). All 883,000 are being fed and housed on a daily basis at taxpayer expense. This, during a time when America is deeper in debt than she has ever been in the history of the USA. YoMama promised "hope and change" but we're losing hope amidst all the change. Goodbye American dream ... hello third world.

Nearly 900,000 illegal aliens who have received a final order of removal are still in the United States - and about 167,000 of these are convicted criminals who were released by ICE and are currently at large, a new analysis of government data by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) shows.

According to the CIS's review,of a leaked Dept. of Homeland Security (DHS) document, 883,000 total illegal aliens are legally required to leave the U.S, but are still here:
"As of the end of the 2014 fiscal year, there were approximately 167,000 convicted criminal aliens at large in the United States (released by ICE) who have been ordered removed and exhausted all appeals. In addition, there were approximately 716,000 deportable non-criminal aliens at large who have been ordered removed and exhausted all appeals."

Nearly 900 000 Illegals with Removal Orders Still in U.S.--167 000 Are Convicted Criminals CNS News
Release them to the general population, give them an ACA policy, food stamps, and housing vouchers. Problem solved. :thup:

This is Obama Nation. Love it or leave it.
The immigration department have totally failed to stop illegals coming to the US, and the border is just too big to stop illegals coming. So short of making Mexico a state there is nothing that can really be done. Might as well give illegals residency status, just so we can keep track of them, and get them contributing to society.
It isn't just the illegals. We have a MAJOR problem of people coming here on legal visas and then just not leaving when their visa expires. We need to start throwing their asses out.
Release them to the general population, give them an ACA policy, food stamps, and housing vouchers. Problem solved. :thup:

This is Obama Nation. Love it or leave it.
The immigration department have totally failed to stop illegals coming to the US, and the border is just too big to stop illegals coming. So short of making Mexico a state there is nothing that can really be done. Might as well give illegals residency status, just so we can keep track of them, and get them contributing to society.
Why the fuck not? :dunno:

Obama... the "why the fuck not" President.

Fuck that mother scratcher.
Release them to the general population, give them an ACA policy, food stamps, and housing vouchers. Problem solved. :thup:

This is Obama Nation. Love it or leave it.

In a strange way, I happen to agree. Let's totally let the nation implode upon itself then start with a clean slate. Keep the Constitution but add to it one last Amendment. Marxists will be shot on site.
Release them to the general population, give them an ACA policy, food stamps, and housing vouchers. Problem solved. :thup:

This is Obama Nation. Love it or leave it.
The immigration department have totally failed to stop illegals coming to the US, and the border is just too big to stop illegals coming. So short of making Mexico a state there is nothing that can really be done. Might as well give illegals residency status, just so we can keep track of them, and get them contributing to society.

The vast majority of illegals have no desire to "contribute to society." Their aim is to take what they can from society. Their second goal is to reclaim the land that they believe is theirs.
It isn't just the illegals. We have a MAJOR problem of people coming here on legal visas and then just not leaving when their visa expires. We need to start throwing their asses out.

Not only that but slow down giving Visas in the first place. Only folks who know fluent English, have plenty of cash, and have some talent that can contribute to America's strength would be allowed in. All others need not apply.
It isn't just the illegals. We have a MAJOR problem of people coming here on legal visas and then just not leaving when their visa expires. We need to start throwing their asses out.

Not only that but slow down giving Visas in the first place. Only folks who know fluent English, have plenty of cash, and have some talent that can contribute to America's strength would be allowed in. All others need not apply.
And no Muslims, PERIOD.


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