A Cool Looking Map


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
If you are a Republican.

It is a precinct level map of the USA in the 2008, 2012, and then 2016 superimposed on each other.


2008 has the most blue, and 2016 the least blue.
If you are a Republican.

It is a precinct level map of the USA in the 2008, 2012, and then 2016 superimposed on each other.


2008 has the most blue, and 2016 the least blue.

Once again frothing at the mouth at the concept of "square mileage". Yes Virginia, when a county in Buttefuck Montana that is the size of Uranus and has 47 voters in it and and 11 of 'em vote for Rump, nine of 'em vote for Clinton, seven vote for McMullen and 20 of 'em said fuck it, why bother to vote at all, you get a Great Red Spot that looks like the size of Uranus. Which is nice and all if you actually think that acres vote rather than people. And perhaps when acres get the franchise that will be interesting.

If you were to look at how actual people vote however, here's your cool map.

If you are a Republican.

It is a precinct level map of the USA in the 2008, 2012, and then 2016 superimposed on each other.


2008 has the most blue, and 2016 the least blue.

Once again frothing at the mouth at the concept of "square mileage". Yes Virginia, when a county in Buttefuck Montana that is the size of Uranus and has 47 voters in it and and 11 of 'em vote for Rump, nine of 'em vote for Clinton, seven vote for McMullen and 20 of 'em said fuck it, why bother to vote at all, you get a Great Red Spot that looks like the size of Uranus. Which is nice and all if you actually think that acres vote rather than people. And perhaps when acres get the franchise that will be interesting.

If you were to look at how actual people vote however, here's your cool map.

That ain't no map, Pogo! It's a roadkill fish.

Wanna see the real people's choice?

Wait for it....
in ascending order:
  • 731,709 voted for Evan McMullen;
  • 1,457,222 voted for Jill Stein;
  • 4,489,233 voted for Gary Johnson;
  • 62,985,106 voted for Donald Rump;
  • 65,853,625 voted for Hillary Clinton;
  • 92,671,979 saw no choice or point in voting and didn't bother voting at all.
Now that's a landslide.
If you are a Republican.

It is a precinct level map of the USA in the 2008, 2012, and then 2016 superimposed on each other.


2008 has the most blue, and 2016 the least blue.

Once again frothing at the mouth at the concept of "square mileage". Yes Virginia, when a county in Buttefuck Montana that is the size of Uranus and has 47 voters in it and and 11 of 'em vote for Rump, nine of 'em vote for Clinton, seven vote for McMullen and 20 of 'em said fuck it, why bother to vote at all, you get a Great Red Spot that looks like the size of Uranus. Which is nice and all if you actually think that acres vote rather than people. And perhaps when acres get the franchise that will be interesting.

If you were to look at how actual people vote however, here's your cool map.

That ain't no map, Pogo! It's a roadkill fish.


Kinda looks like a cuttlefish donut?
Only a fool would run against Trump in 2020...
All republican politicians are Mad but Trump is the Maddest......(although he reached normality for a few days by Bombing ASSAD,Good on him) but he really is Mad and so are those Americans who voted for the Foul Mouth Flip Flop President.....just saying Hoss.............O how you must be missing that Pussy Hillary, now she was a goer........still having the illicit Dreams friend.....steve
If you are a Republican.

It is a precinct level map of the USA in the 2008, 2012, and then 2016 superimposed on each other.


2008 has the most blue, and 2016 the least blue.

Once again frothing at the mouth at the concept of "square mileage". Yes Virginia, when a county in Buttefuck Montana that is the size of Uranus and has 47 voters in it and and 11 of 'em vote for Rump, nine of 'em vote for Clinton, seven vote for McMullen and 20 of 'em said fuck it, why bother to vote at all, you get a Great Red Spot that looks like the size of Uranus. Which is nice and all if you actually think that acres vote rather than people. And perhaps when acres get the franchise that will be interesting.

If you were to look at how actual people vote however, here's your cool map.

With our excellent voting system,here in Paradise Clinton would have won easily....but then you are going backwards year by year these days......with your continued GROWING Debt you are becoming a drain to the rest of the world these days....LIFT YOUR GAME,OR GET OUT OF IT
LOOK! Pogo is still bitterly clinging to that PV. He must think a few million wetbacks gathered in one state should determine the outcome of an American election. LOL
If you are a Republican.

It is a precinct level map of the USA in the 2008, 2012, and then 2016 superimposed on each other.


2008 has the most blue, and 2016 the least blue.

Once again frothing at the mouth at the concept of "square mileage". Yes Virginia, when a county in Buttefuck Montana that is the size of Uranus and has 47 voters in it and and 11 of 'em vote for Rump, nine of 'em vote for Clinton, seven vote for McMullen and 20 of 'em said fuck it, why bother to vote at all, you get a Great Red Spot that looks like the size of Uranus. Which is nice and all if you actually think that acres vote rather than people. And perhaps when acres get the franchise that will be interesting.

If you were to look at how actual people vote however, here's your cool map.

The founders considered prorating vote worth against property ownership.
If you are a Republican.

It is a precinct level map of the USA in the 2008, 2012, and then 2016 superimposed on each other.


2008 has the most blue, and 2016 the least blue.

Once again frothing at the mouth at the concept of "square mileage". Yes Virginia, when a county in Buttefuck Montana that is the size of Uranus and has 47 voters in it and and 11 of 'em vote for Rump, nine of 'em vote for Clinton, seven vote for McMullen and 20 of 'em said fuck it, why bother to vote at all, you get a Great Red Spot that looks like the size of Uranus. Which is nice and all if you actually think that acres vote rather than people. And perhaps when acres get the franchise that will be interesting.

If you were to look at how actual people vote however, here's your cool map.

The founders considered prorating vote worth against property ownership.
Isnt it funny how libtards can only make their points by DISTORTING THINGS LIKE MAPS?
If you are a Republican.

It is a precinct level map of the USA in the 2008, 2012, and then 2016 superimposed on each other.


After a couple of months the entirely map can became blue.
Or ....empty and devastated, with ice,nuclear winter, radioactivity and ruined cities
If you are a Republican.

It is a precinct level map of the USA in the 2008, 2012, and then 2016 superimposed on each other.


2008 has the most blue, and 2016 the least blue.

Once again frothing at the mouth at the concept of "square mileage". Yes Virginia, when a county in Buttefuck Montana that is the size of Uranus and has 47 voters in it and and 11 of 'em vote for Rump, nine of 'em vote for Clinton, seven vote for McMullen and 20 of 'em said fuck it, why bother to vote at all, you get a Great Red Spot that looks like the size of Uranus. Which is nice and all if you actually think that acres vote rather than people. And perhaps when acres get the franchise that will be interesting.

If you were to look at how actual people vote however, here's your cool map.

The founders considered prorating vote worth against property ownership.
Isnt it funny how libtards can only make their points by DISTORTING THINGS LIKE MAPS?
They are lost when facts and logic are applied.
Only a fool would run against Trump in 2020...
All republican politicians are Mad but Trump is the Maddest......(although he reached normality for a few days by Bombing ASSAD,Good on him) but he really is Mad and so are those Americans who voted for the Foul Mouth Flip Flop President.....just saying Hoss.............O how you must be missing that Pussy Hillary, now she was a goer........still having the illicit Dreams friend.....steve

Hillary would have us ass-deep in ww3 by now. Looks like Trump is being pushed that way and giving ground as well.

Seriously, bombing Syrian Air Force over an "out of country" rebel's "eyewitness testimony" wtf?
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Hillary would have us ass-deep in ww3 by now. Looks like Trump is being pushed that way and giving ground as well.
Seriously, bombing Syrian Air Force over a rebel's "eyewitness testimony" wtf?
It was more than that, as the Syrian air force used drones to confirm their damage with the Sarin gas and then did a follow up to the same site with a second strike, apparently to cover up the damage.

Aside from all that Assad has a long history of this sort of use of WMDs as did his Baathist buddy Hussein in Iraq. There is no reasonable doubt that Assad is responsible for this, and the Trump teams strike was surgical, impressive in its minimization of collateral damage and casualties, showed for the world that he is no ones puppet and has the backbone to use American power to defend American interests.

We cannot allow national governments to throw chemical weapons all over the place. Eventually it could come back to haunt the entire planet.
Hillary would have us ass-deep in ww3 by now. Looks like Trump is being pushed that way and giving ground as well.
Seriously, bombing Syrian Air Force over a rebel's "eyewitness testimony" wtf?
It was more than that, as the Syrian air force used drones to confirm their damage with the Sarin gas and then did a follow up to the same site with a second strike, apparently to cover up the damage.

Aside from all that Assad has a long history of this sort of use of WMDs as did his Baathist buddy Hussein in Iraq. There is no reasonable doubt that Assad is responsible for this, and the Trump teams strike was surgical, impressive in its minimization of collateral damage and casualties, showed for the world that he is no ones puppet and has the backbone to use American power to defend American interests.

We cannot allow national governments to throw chemical weapons all over the place. Eventually it could come back to haunt the entire planet.

You have a link to that? That would make me feel better. AFAIK The "used chemical weapons on own people" thing precludes a "regime change" on the part of deep state and the results are always fail and bad. See: "ISIS"
You have a link to that? That would make me feel better. AFAIK The "used chemical weapons on own people" thing precludes a "regime change" on the part of deep state and the results are always fail and bad. See: "ISIS"
I dont normally fetch on command, lol, but you are a solid poster so I'll see what I can google till my editing privs expire.

Edit: Found this.

US Looks at Russia’s Role in Syria’s Nerve-Gas Attack

Pentagon officials refused to offer any direct evidence Friday linking Russia to the April 4 gas attack on town of Khan Sheikhoun, which was hit by bombs containing a chemical consistent with sarin, an extremely potent and deadly nerve-gas agent. However, they noted that a Russia military aviation unit is based at the same airfield, and that Russian forces in Syria are known to have “chemical expertise.”

U.S. military officials said Friday they had watched a small drone flying over a hospital in Khan Sheikoun that was both a target of the chemical attack and also provided treatment for gas victims.

“About five hours later, the UAV [drone] returned, and the hospital was stuck by additional munitions,” one official said.​
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A couple of dissenting opinions on the matter that gave me pause for some time.

Is Assad to blame for the chemical weapons attack in Syria? | Middle East | DW.COM | 06.04.2017

Evidence Calls Western Narrative About Syrian Chemical Attack Into Question | Zero Hedge

Given that the rebels also have Sarin gas stock piled around Syria, I thought that it was plausible that it could have been a case of the Syrians hitting such a depot and causing the dispersal. But I believe Sarin is so dangerous it is stored as a binary agent that has to be mixed just before it is deployed, so that should not have been so bad if it was a collateral hit.

Also the rebels, just like ISIS and everyone else, puts military resources near or under hospitals in order to use the collateral damage as propaganda if hit. So conventional munitions could have been legit, but not Sarin gas.

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