A 45 million year record of Arctic sea temperatures and ice melt

And you must be a combination of ignorance and idiot, as well as a gullible Gorebot. Or maybe employed by a company looking to profit from the "global climate change" scam.

I'm invested in a pension(via prior union employment) and 401K's and if you had half a brain and a minimum grasp of economics you'd know that such are invested in energy and manufacturing stocks and bonds along with other investment market products. I'm only as "heavily invested" as the above are, and that indirectly.

As has been pointed out to you, you lack credibility on this subject when you aren't personally doing all you can to reduce you own "carbon footprint". But this is common to socialist/communist dupes like you, and 'Crick', whom expect others to do something that you won't do yourself.

I would guess that you believe the greatest threat to humanity is communism & socialism. Are you going everything you could to fight their spread? Have you enlisted with the Ukrainian army so that you can fight this evil directly? If not, why not?

Is there anything in your home that was made in China? Have you searched your home for such trash and burned it in your front yard? If not, why not?

How about COVID-19? Hoax, right? Have you intentionally attempted to infect your unvaccinated self with the "supposed" virus to demonstrate it's all a lie? If not, why not?
Well I'm sorry but scientific consensus among the scientific community says you're an idiot. And a political message board is exactly where liars spread their misinformation. If a real climate scientist were here they'd be able to tell you quickly why your information is wrong. If not, you should go work for NASA.

But you believe the scientists are lying because their jobs depend on it. Or because GREEN corporate lobbyists are paying them to lie. Never will you ever admit the Republicans are paid by the oil and coal lobbyists to lie.
This Republican has yet to see a check or any form of financial comp from any "oil and coal lobbyists". *

As for lying, paid for or not, you are the major source of such here.

For a start, only a small selection of scientific community provide that limited "scientific consensus" and the majority of them DO DEPEND upon presenting that sort of misinformation and distorted "science" to get their paychecks, remain employed.

If this scank teenager can be considered "a real climate scientist" then so can all the rest of us.

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What makes you think that? Our unending world peace? The lack of hunger? The absence of political oppression? The zero murder and violent crime rates? Pandemics? Lead in the water? Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus? Herschel Walker running for the Senate? Global warming? Elon Musk spending $44 billion to destroy Twitter in a month?
Everything works itself out the way it should. Just not necessarily the way you want it to.
And you must be a combination of ignorance and idiot, as well as a gullible Gorebot. Or maybe employed by a company looking to profit from the "global climate change" scam.

I'm invested in a pension(via prior union employment) and 401K's and if you had half a brain and a minimum grasp of economics you'd know that such are invested in energy and manufacturing stocks and bonds along with other investment market products. I'm only as "heavily invested" as the above are, and that indirectly.

As has been pointed out to you, you lack credibility on this subject when you aren't personally doing all you can to reduce you own "carbon footprint". But this is common to socialist/communist dupes like you, and 'Crick', whom expect others to do something that you won't do yourself.

1. I admit I'm not an expert on this subject.
2. You don't seem to realize you aren't either. And your politics are why you have the position you have.

You exposed yourself with that very poor argument attacking the messenger for not being green enough. I hate explaining this but here goes again for another stupid American. I can't fix this myself. What if I told you I lived like Gretta Thunberg? Would it change your position?

You guys did this to Gore. Because he is rich and has 5 houses and flies in jets, he can't be for going green. That's a very bad argument. You should stop making it.

The solution has to be mandated by the government. Not just our government either. China's, Africa's, etc. Wake up Trumpbot.
This Republican has yet to see a check or any form of financial comp from any "oil and coal lobbyists". *

As for lying, paid for or not, you are the major source of such here.

For a start, only a small selection of scientific community provide that limited "scientific consensus" and the majority of them DO DEPEND upon presenting that sort of misinformation and distorted "science" to get their paychecks, remain employed.

If this scank teenager can be considered "a real climate scientist" then so call all the rest of us.

I don't have time to figure out why you're a republican climate change denier. Are you religious? White? Love your guns? Believe too heavily in JESUS? Do you hate gays?

If you aren't rich, why are you a con?
So you should direct your efforts to China, right? More bang for the bucks

Only the bad actors are not going green.

  • China, with more than 10,065 million tons of CO2 released.
  • United States, with 5,416 million tons of CO2.
  • India, with 2,654 million tons of CO2.
  • Russia, with 1,711 million tons of CO2.
  • Japan, 1,162 million tons of CO2.
  • Germany, 759 million tons of CO2.
  • Iran, 720 million tons of CO2.
When we have a Republican government, we are a bad actor like China, Russia and Iran. The other countries have made commitments to go green and are already making steps towards it. America in 2030 might be mostly battery cars.

And yet here on USMB we still have Republicans denying man made global climate change is real and a problem.

Forget global warming. It's causing Cancer. This alone will save MONEY (Because that's all REpublicans care about). You can't tell Republicans it will make people live healthier and longer. They don't really care about human life once it pops out of the womb. You have to explain to them it will save on healthcare costs if we go green.
This Republican has yet to see a check or any form of financial comp from any "oil and coal lobbyists". *

As for lying, paid for or not, you are the major source of such here.

For a start, only a small selection of scientific community provide that limited "scientific consensus" and the majority of them DO DEPEND upon presenting that sort of misinformation and distorted "science" to get their paychecks, remain employed.

If this scank teenager can be considered "a real climate scientist" then so call all the rest of us.

Six years ago, my guest, David Wallace-Wells, wrote an article in New York magazine called "The Uninhabitable Earth." In it, he laid out some worst-case scenarios of what life on earth might be like if we continued the path we were on, releasing large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere. He described drought and famine, intolerable heat and collapsing economies. Some scientists took issue with his dire depictions of the future. He was called an alarmist. Some denounced his writings as climate porn.

Wallace-Wells went on to write a bestselling book called "The Uninhabitable Earth," and he continues to believe that we should be alarmed about the climate. But over the past several months, he's had dozens of conversations with climate scientists, economists, policymakers, activists, novelists and philosophers to assess where we are now. And he has some surprising new findings

The good news is that some of the scariest scenarios that I wrote about a few years ago and that not just some scientists, but, really, the entire global body of climate scientists were focused on five years ago, seven years ago, 10 years ago, warming of about 4 or 5 degrees Celsius of warming - so three or four times what we're dealing with today - those scenarios look a lot less likely.

Beginning a few hundred years ago in certain parts of the world, we started burning all this carbon, particularly with coal, putting it up in the atmosphere. And the result of that is that the planet is sort of encircled, like a blanket, with carbon. And while we think of carbon and carbon dioxide as being a kind of a gas that dissipates, it's actually - it's amazing how much we've actually put up there. In fact, the total is more than a trillion tons, which weighs more than absolutely everything that humans have ever built on this planet still standing on Earth today, which means we've done more to change the composition of the atmosphere and damage the climate's future up there than we've done in changing the landscape of the planet that we live on today. And the result of that is that we've gotten to this point, about 1.2 or 1.3 degrees of warming.

So most energy modelers expected that the global South would industrialize through coal. That's one part of the assumption.

The other part of the assumption was that because we had so much coal on planet Earth, because it was such an abundant resource, that even the rich countries in the world who had started to move away from coal, places like the U.S. and Europe, would eventually come back to it just because it was so cheap. And so many energy modelers projected a 21st century in which energy use was just dominated by coal, in which something like five times as much coal was being burned in the year 2100, in some cases even more, than was being burned in the year 2000. And that seemed somewhat plausible given the Chinese path for a period of time. But even China's, depending on how you want to look at it, turning away from coal now. And renewables are now cheaper than coal.

You guys can read or listen to the rest.

But notice China isn't using as much coal as when Gore predicted things would be worse? So because China is moving away from fossel fuels, things aren't as bad as they would have been.
I would guess that you believe the greatest threat to humanity is communism & socialism. Are you going everything you could to fight their spread? Have you enlisted with the Ukrainian army so that you can fight this evil directly? If not, why not?

Is there anything in your home that was made in China? Have you searched your home for such trash and burned it in your front yard? If not, why not?

How about COVID-19? Hoax, right? Have you intentionally attempted to infect your unvaccinated self with the "supposed" virus to demonstrate it's all a lie? If not, why not?
Since socialism is the usual stepping stone to communism and both seek to constraint individual expressions of life, liberty and prosperity, than yes, I do consider such to be one of the major threats to humanity. I'm active here within my own nation/community(USA) to do what I can to thwart the pernicious spread of this anti-human ideology and agenda.

We have items in our home from many sources and any trash I burn is done in the backyard where it can produce usable addition to our compost. We happen to engage in extensive gardening, growing our own food and supporting a large mass of flora to cover our "carbon footprint". Unlike urban dwelling hypocrites like yourself whom continue to produce carbon dioxide and do nothing to reduce your production of CO2 (You are still living and exhaling CO2).

COVID-19 was an over hyped disease and a device to manipulate for more socialism/communism control of the populace via mandates. It was no worse than other diseases, especially the Flu, which ironically seems to have diminished during the COVID panic, though both prevent same symptoms and results. BTW, I did get COVID, didn't try to get it, and did quarantine at home as I would should I get an contagious disease/infection.

Take a serious look in the mirror and ask why you yourself haven't done all you can to reduce your personal production of CO2/Carbon dioxide to zero.

BTW, 99+% of life on this planet, the Flora/plants require CO2 the way we humans need O2. The Flora have to struggle by on only 400 parts per million(ppm) while we humans get to have @210,000 ppm.

Why do you and the other "enviromental" nazis hate plants and life so much?
Since socialism is the usual stepping stone to communism and both seek to constraint individual expressions of life, liberty and prosperity, than yes, I do consider such to be one of the major threats to humanity. I'm active here within my own nation/community(USA) to do what I can to thwart the pernicious spread of this anti-human ideology and agenda.

We have items in our home from many sources and any trash I burn is done in the backyard where it can produce usable addition to our compost. We happen to engage in extensive gardening, growing our own food and supporting a large mass of flora to cover our "carbon footprint". Unlike urban dwelling hypocrites like yourself whom continue to produce carbon dioxide and do nothing to reduce your production of CO2 (You are still living and exhaling CO2).

COVID-19 was an over hyped disease and a device to manipulate for more socialism/communism control of the populace via mandates. It was no worse than other diseases, especially the Flu, which ironically seems to have diminished during the COVID panic, though both prevent same symptoms and results. BTW, I did get COVID, didn't try to get it, and did quarantine at home as I would should I get an contagious disease/infection.

Take a serious look in the mirror and ask why you yourself haven't done all you can to reduce your personal production of CO2/Carbon dioxide to zero.

BTW, 99+% of life on this planet, the Flora/plants require CO2 the way we humans need O2. The Flora have to struggle by on only 400 parts per million(ppm) while we humans get to have @210,000 ppm.

Why do you and the other "enviromental" nazis hate plants and life so much?
Here we go. Further exposing your political reasons why you go along with what Republicans tell you about global warming. Scared of socialism and communism. Got it.
Try an extinction level asteroid.
Or the USG…Something must be done about the rogue nation that funds apartheid, genocide, illegally occupies other countries, coups Gov'ts that don't obey them, use countries in proxy wars, starves nations with sanctions and bombs and invades sovereign countries.
Or the USG…Something must be done about the rogue nation that funds apartheid, genocide, illegally occupies other countries, coups Gov'ts that don't obey them, use countries in proxy wars, starves nations with sanctions and bombs and invades sovereign countries.
I’m pretty sure humanity will survive the USG. Not so for an extinction level event.
The guy who wrote the dooms day book on what was going to happen to us has announced that things aren't as bad as they predicted. Still bad though. Do you like getting cancer because of pollution? Or are you going to start denying that too?
I happen to have prostate cancer. Have had it for about eight years now. I keep it in check by taking CBD and CBG. I did not get it from "pollution". BTW, CO2 can't be "pollution" if 99+% of life on this planet would die without it.

Get a brain!
Or get better educated.
Since socialism is the usual stepping stone to communism and both seek to constraint individual expressions of life, liberty and prosperity, than yes, I do consider such to be one of the major threats to humanity. I'm active here within my own nation/community(USA) to do what I can to thwart the pernicious spread of this anti-human ideology and agenda.
Would that be a satisfactory answer from those who accept mainstream science's conclusions re global warming but might still drive a gasoline-powered automobile?
We have items in our home from many sources and any trash I burn is done in the backyard where it can produce usable addition to our compost. We happen to engage in extensive gardening, growing our own food and supporting a large mass of flora to cover our "carbon footprint". Unlike urban dwelling hypocrites like yourself whom continue to produce carbon dioxide and do nothing to reduce your production of CO2 (You are still living and exhaling CO2).
Yet you still put money into the hands of the Chinese Communist Party and, apparently, have not enlisted in the Ukriainian army. How do you expect anyone to care about your other opinions when your entire lifestyle is so blatantly hypocritical?
COVID-19 was an over hyped disease and a device to manipulate for more socialism/communism control of the populace via mandates. It was no worse than other diseases, especially the Flu, which ironically seems to have diminished during the COVID panic, though both prevent same symptoms and results. BTW, I did get COVID, didn't try to get it, and did quarantine at home as I would should I get an contagious disease/infection.
Over one million Americans have died of COVID-19. That does make it worse than other diseases. But I am really disappointed to hear that you participated in the hype and manipulation. When you realized you were sick, you should have traveled extensively and exposed yourself to as many other people as possible to let communists know you weren't going to be controlled by their insidious machinations.
Take a serious look in the mirror and ask why you yourself haven't done all you can to reduce your personal production of CO2/Carbon dioxide to zero.
Your statement makes a rather glaring logical error. It's not only possible but quite likely that all I can possibly do will not reduce my CO2 output to zero. It seems to be an error that is okay for you re communists and the Chinese and the COVID-10 hype, but is not okay for others. I'm sorry to say that makes you an ignorant asshole but I can't help but call a spade a spade.
BTW, 99+% of life on this planet, the Flora/plants require CO2 the way we humans need O2. The Flora have to struggle by on only 400 parts per million(ppm) while we humans get to have @210,000 ppm.
The flora on this planet made it for several hundred thousand years with CO2 never breaking 300 ppm.
Why do you and the other "enviromental" nazis hate plants and life so much?
Let's be honest. The question is why do you hate us and why do we hate you. I can't speak for you, but the cause of my hostility is because I see you to be a threat to the welfare of my children and theirs for many generations to come. How do you react when someone threatens your children?

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