99% of blacks rejected half black Kamala in favor of an old white racist male....but she will save the ticket.

this proves Biden hates blacks...Kamala is less popular than the corona among blacks

Trump psyched out Biden by saying she would be a "fine choice"
WTF are you talking about, old man? Biden is leading by double digits.
You really do seem to have an inability to avoid static analysis.

Explain how that works, Dimwingers.
Ya, but WHY did they flock to Biden? That reason may now increase support.
Usually VP's are picked to get some sliver of an advantage in some swing state, like a former governor or senator.

California is already a shoe in for Biden and I dont think Carmel Harris has any real pull in the CA party machine, not a vote getter either.

Demographically she is not very popular among blacks as she aggressively prosecuted people on pot charges even while being a secret toker herself, so toss hypocrisy on the pile of garbage as well.

Bottoms would have been a better pick and might have had some impact on Georgia voters as mayor of Atlanta.

Carmel Harris does not bring a state, a constituency, a demographic or any other kind of advantage I can think of, and has insulted Biden to his face on several occasions as an ally to racists and a sexual predator.

WTF Joe?
5th post
Explain how that works, Dimwingers.

View attachment 373935

From he list his handlers created to choose from, they must believe shes the best of the lot. Harris has tons of baggage from whats shes said thats on tape...Im thinking people forgot some of the things she would do as president.
Actually what she said is not as bad as what she actually did to black Americans as California AG.
10th post

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