9 House Dems want Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill passed BEFORE they will vote for $3.5 trillion Budget


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Nine centrist Democrats in the House vowed in a letter released early Friday that they would not vote for Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget until President Joe Biden signs the bipartisan infrastructure package into law.

The letter, dated Thursday and addressed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, threatens the Democrats’ strategy to take up both the infrastructure bill and the rest of the budget simultaneously. Progressives already conditioned support for the infrastructure package on the House’s passing the budget, and Pelosi pledged not to hold a vote on the infrastructure bill until the Senate passes the budget in an attempt to hold her own caucus together.

“The country is clamoring for infrastructure investment and commonsense, bipartisan solutions,” the nine House Democrats say in their letter to Pelosi. “This legislation does both, and will help us compete with China and others in the global economy.”

[Democrats hold a slim majority in the House, with 220 seats to Republicans’ 212 plus three vacancies the House]

The infrastructure bill puts approximately $1.2 trillion toward improving America’s roads, bridges, ports, drinking water pipes, and broadband internet access. The Senate passed the infrastructure bill Tuesday with 69 senators voting in favor, including 19 Republicans.

Well now, it seems the moderate democrats have some balls after all, and the progressives will be pissed. Not mention Pelosi, who must've opened her yap a bit prematurely, without checking with the moderates in her party. So, will those moderates cave, or will the House pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill in spite of what Pelosi said? This is about the time that primary opponents will hit the trail bitching about the incumbents, and those moderates from red or purple districts have to know their jobs are in jeopardy. And Pelosi knows that too, so it'll be interesting to see how all this plays out.
Nine centrist Democrats in the House vowed in a letter released early Friday that they would not vote for Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget until President Joe Biden signs the bipartisan infrastructure package into law.

The letter, dated Thursday and addressed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, threatens the Democrats’ strategy to take up both the infrastructure bill and the rest of the budget simultaneously. Progressives already conditioned support for the infrastructure package on the House’s passing the budget, and Pelosi pledged not to hold a vote on the infrastructure bill until the Senate passes the budget in an attempt to hold her own caucus together.

“The country is clamoring for infrastructure investment and commonsense, bipartisan solutions,” the nine House Democrats say in their letter to Pelosi. “This legislation does both, and will help us compete with China and others in the global economy.”

[Democrats hold a slim majority in the House, with 220 seats to Republicans’ 212 plus three vacancies the House]

The infrastructure bill puts approximately $1.2 trillion toward improving America’s roads, bridges, ports, drinking water pipes, and broadband internet access. The Senate passed the infrastructure bill Tuesday with 69 senators voting in favor, including 19 Republicans.

Well now, it seems the moderate democrats have some balls after all, and the progressives will be pissed. Not mention Pelosi, who must've opened her yap a bit prematurely, without checking with the moderates in her party. So, will those moderates cave, or will the House pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill in spite of what Pelosi said? This is about the time that primary opponents will hit the trail bitching about the incumbents, and those moderates from red or purple districts have to know their jobs are in jeopardy. And Pelosi knows that too, so it'll be interesting to see how all this plays out.
Yeah, but moderate democrats in red and purple states are in serious trouble of getting primaried out of office or voted out in the general election by a repub. And I think there's an excellent chance that the House will flip to Red next year and Pelosi will be out of a job as the Speaker. Rumor is, she will retire if that happens.
It will be funny if they can't get the infrastructure bill passed after getting it through the Senate.
Nine centrist Democrats in the House vowed in a letter released early Friday that they would not vote for Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget until President Joe Biden signs the bipartisan infrastructure package into law.

The letter, dated Thursday and addressed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, threatens the Democrats’ strategy to take up both the infrastructure bill and the rest of the budget simultaneously. Progressives already conditioned support for the infrastructure package on the House’s passing the budget, and Pelosi pledged not to hold a vote on the infrastructure bill until the Senate passes the budget in an attempt to hold her own caucus together.

“The country is clamoring for infrastructure investment and commonsense, bipartisan solutions,” the nine House Democrats say in their letter to Pelosi. “This legislation does both, and will help us compete with China and others in the global economy.”

[Democrats hold a slim majority in the House, with 220 seats to Republicans’ 212 plus three vacancies the House]

The infrastructure bill puts approximately $1.2 trillion toward improving America’s roads, bridges, ports, drinking water pipes, and broadband internet access. The Senate passed the infrastructure bill Tuesday with 69 senators voting in favor, including 19 Republicans.

Well now, it seems the moderate democrats have some balls after all, and the progressives will be pissed. Not mention Pelosi, who must've opened her yap a bit prematurely, without checking with the moderates in her party. So, will those moderates cave, or will the House pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill in spite of what Pelosi said? This is about the time that primary opponents will hit the trail bitching about the incumbents, and those moderates from red or purple districts have to know their jobs are in jeopardy. And Pelosi knows that too, so it'll be interesting to see how all this plays out.
Good for them. It is the right thing to do. I don't think they are going to back down and I don't think the progressives will back down either. In other words, this bill ain't even going to go to the president and the other one will be history. Two big zeros for Biden. It's totally amazing that the left would rather get zero and make Biden look bad, rather than getting 1.2T
That's like a thief saying "unless you let me rob you now, I won't rob you for even more later."
Until Ronald Reagan. We always used to invest in infrastructure. Thanks for the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share. You are a perfect chump.
Until Ronald Reagan. We always used to invest in infrastructure. Thanks for the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share. You are a perfect chump.
ABsolutely meaningless. We still put tens of billions in the highway trust fund every year. The whole "infrastructure" meme is just a scam for Dims to go one a spending spree.
Yes yes All the respected journalists around the world and court rooms are wrong, only the scumbag pundits on Fox News and internet crazies know the truth... Poor America.
The are "respected" only by brain damaged douchebags like you.
Yes yes All the respected journalists around the world and court rooms are wrong, only the scumbag pundits on Fox News and internet crazies know the truth... Poor America.
LIAR. Unless you put up a few examples proving your assertion you are a partisan liar.
FXN is 100x more accurate than MSDNC or any of the dem's propaganda outlets.
LIAR. Unless you put up a few examples proving your assertion you are a partisan liar.
FXN is 100x more accurate than MSDNC or any of the dem's propaganda outlets.
Try The BBC France 24 and DW the German service. You think the Democrats control the rest of the world lol? GOP is the only party in the world that denies global warming vaccine effectiveness election security you name it all your crap. Murdoch is an international pariah who is not allowed to have major outlets except here with Fox noise. A disgrace. The GOP, the party of a total giveaway to the rich and b******* propaganda. For the rubes....
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LIAR. Unless you put up a few examples proving your assertion you are a partisan liar.
FXN is 100x more accurate than MSDNC or any of the dem's propaganda outlets.
So you know about the 62 Trump lawsuits about the elections that were thrown out as ridiculous? That every Republican attorney general said it was a totally fair election? Your news is not news at all. Total garbage hateful and ridiculous. You have one TV station out of hundreds in the world and 4 Murdock newspapers. That's it in the real world. The New York Post and the Wall Street journal are total crap now.
Try The BBC France 24 and DW the German service. You think the Democrats control the rest of the world lol? GOP is the only party in the world that denies global warming vaccine effectiveness election security you name it all your crap. Murdoch is an international pariah who is not allowed to have major outlets except here with Fox noise. A disgrace. The GOP, the party of a total giveaway to the rich and b******* propaganda. For the rubes....
Yeah, okay, you forgot to include AlJazerra as a fact based news source. No thanks.
1. The GOP doesn't deny the vaccine effectiveness. We helped develop them with Operation Warp Speed.
2. We don't deny global warming. The fact is that the US is only 15% of the problem. China and India are the real problem. So we're not in favor of ruining our economy for no real effect.
3. Election security is a real issue. France doesn't allow mail-in ballots. Neither does many EU countries. We're getting away from voting machines in favor of paper ballots that can be verified.
4. Why is Murdoch a pariah? FXN has more viewers because the other "news" sources are obviously "fake news" outlets. Your views are that of a leftist, so enjoy your opinions, 2022 and 2024 should get the US back on the right track.
So you know about the 62 Trump lawsuits about the elections that were thrown out as ridiculous? That every Republican attorney general said it was a totally fair election? Your news is not news at all. Total garbage hateful and ridiculous. You have one TV station out of hundreds in the world and 4 Murdock newspapers. That's it in the real world. The New York Post and the Wall Street journal are total crap now.
1. States run elections. Trump's problem is Trump's personality. He could have won easily if he acted more presidential. His 1st debate showed how rude and bullying his management style is. That turned off many women voters. Trump's lawsuits are irrelevant, he lost.
2. There is a Harvard study that scientifically proved that the US media was 93% biased against Trump. With FXN being the most "Fair & Balanced".

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